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When Is It Okay To Trash Women?

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Misogyny means the hatred of women (by men), contempt for them, looking down on them. It doesn’t mean not having sex with them or being homosexual; some misogynists – and they do exist – have no problem having sexual relations with women. Heck, some even marry them. There is a more elastic definition of misogyny though, that is disagreeing with a feminist about anything at all, and as feminism is a fraudulent victim narrative, most feminists are wrong most of the time.

Curiously though, over the past few years, many, perhaps most media feminists have been ignoring or even endorsing the trashing of certain women, including by men, and this has reached a disgusting level. 

J.K. Rowling is not only a well-known author but the person who has done more to promote child literacy than anyone since Caxton invented the printing press. Although wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice, she had a hard life until she found fame along with fortune. She has never forgotten the hard times and has donated liberally to a large number of causes including cancer charities and humanitarian relief. She also values her privacy, which begs the question why would anyone dislike or even pathologically hate a low key super-rich woman who has never done anything but good?

The answer is Miss Rowling is a TERF. If you are not familiar with that acronym it stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Miss Rowling is no radical feminist and Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (of whom more shortly) is no feminist at all, but in practice a TERF is any woman – indeed any man – who believes in the reality of biological sex. Yes, you heard that right. Twenty years ago, ten years ago, very likely five years ago, the mere suggestion that sex doesn’t exist would have been laughed at, no rational person would take the suggestion seriously. Now though, politicians and even one very senior judge are unable to define the word woman – adult human female for those readers for whom English is their second language. 

Here is a dude who would have you believe sex doesn’t exist, and he would like to see people who claim it does face prosecution. Here is a female who also claims sex doesn’t exist.

The hate campaign against JK Rowling has resulted in her being doxxed, receiving death threats, and being boycotted by some of the people who grew fat off her literary endeavours.

At least she has only suffered death threats, Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull came close to being trampled to death in Zealand by a crowd that had been whipped up into a frenzy by lies and hysteria. Fortunately, the red stuff on her face in this iconic photograph isn’t blood but tomato sauce or tomato something.

Other women have been attacked for promoting the same views, and most recently trans “rights” activist Sarah Jane Baker told an enthusiastic crowd to punch a TERF in the face. This direct incitement was too much even for Pink News which distanced itself from the quote.  Mr Baker is a dude in  a dress who spent over twenty years in prison for attempted murder and other crimes.

The latest high profile female victim of this trans madness is champion swimmer Riley Gaines who was held prisoner by an angry mob of deranged students of both sexes at San Francisco State University, but it isn’t only women who actively oppose this trans madness who have been the subject of such vitriol. Lunden Roberts, the mother of the grandchild Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge, has been trashed by Democrat partisans, and Casey DeSantis, the wife of the Florida Governor was recently branded America’s Karen for campaigning on behalf of her husband. Why anyone should think Karen is a derogatory name remains to be seen but that is the way things are at the moment.

With the possible exception of Lunden Roberts, all the women named above have one thing in common, they oppose the liberal madness currently sweeping the Anglosphere; Kellie and JK Rowling in particular are independent-minded women who are not afraid to speak out against a mad social policy, one that if enacted would be disastrous not only for women but for sexually confused youngsters of both sexes. Indeed, thousands of young lives have already been ruined by this insanity. Women who think for themselves are dangerous to the liberal establishment, which is why they must be stopped, or if they can’t be stopped then must at least be ridiculed, intimidated, and isolated lest they awaken the slumbering giant.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Eric Zuesse
July 13, 2023

You are using the word “sex” as meaning the same as “gender,” and to make your point, you link to other people who employ that terminological usage. But the two words refer to different things. Sex is the activity between two individuals. Gender is the role that an individual prefers to play in that activity. A trans individual is a person who has chosen to become medically changed so as to perform a different role in that two-person activity. The persons you link to whom you describe as saying they “believe sex doesn’t exist” are also misusing the word “sex”… Read more »

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
July 13, 2023

It’s just one of the many “divide and conquer” strategies that our so called leaders deploy on their own people… They laugh at the circus and violence they create. while their fortunes grow.

I do think it is sad that the “smart” people are waiting for collapse to save them….

A massive global revolution is the only answer to all the oppression and madness that is thrust upon us.

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
July 13, 2023

Gender is a linguistic term, sex is a biological term.

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
July 13, 2023

No, sex is a biological category, to distinguish between male and female of the species. So you are using words that you do not understand. Gender originally indicated a grammatical category as in masculine, feminine and neutral words. Someone somewhere started to call activity of sexual intercourse as sex for short. When this usage became common it was considered indelicate by our puritanical society to refer to male or female as a sex. This where gender was pulled in from grammar to replace the common word sex.

john plum
john plum
Reply to  Pagan
July 13, 2023

Also a a category of the spirit-soul; the mortal body is like a silk cloth, that reveals your face and figure.

john plum
john plum
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
July 13, 2023

Observe, people reject the poisnous plant by taste. You may dress up all you like and swap roles, but feigning enjoyment is bad taste – and a lie. Like feigning an orgasm. Feigning is a lie to anyone in the public. Would you go to a resaraunt and expect to eat Pot Noodles? People would reject Pot-noodles if they grew on trees, and prefer apples. Now people in losing their taste, having lost their small-holdings and farms, and their daily flow in a clamour to ‘make money and, make more money and escape’ obey the adverts to pay in slavery… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by john plum
July 13, 2023

Notice those people fighting those pointless gender wars are all upper class parasites who never worked.

Michael Woodbridge
Michael Woodbridge
July 13, 2023

I often wonder whether it is necessary to take all such hysterical hyperbole about perverted sex seriously. Of course it makes good ‘copy’, but wouldn’t it be better to flush it down the toilet where it belongs?

July 13, 2023
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Watch the movie”The Sound of Freedom”, the true story of Tim Ballard fighting child and human trafficking. Believe the LGBQT freaks when they tell you they are coming for your children.

Anna Zimmerman
Anna Zimmerman
July 15, 2023

J K Rowling may have encouraged children to read, but she has also made witchcraft seem cuddly, which in these godless times should be deplored.

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