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Time To Defund The Extreme Left

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

The debanking of Nigel Farage in the UK is a warning people everywhere appear to be heeding, even if the usual suspects have been trying to rationalise it. It is clear that the extreme left and their wealthy backers were behind it, as they are behind most of the subversive activity on both sides of the Atlantic from promoting massive illegal immigration to pushing sexual perversion in schools, but there are two things that happened recently from which we can learn. One is the boycott of Bud Light beer, the other is the outcome of a peculiar court case in the UK.

The boycott is the result of the holding company employing a demented, politically correct female named Alissa Heinerscheid to promote the beer, as if any beer needs much in the way of promoting. Heinerscheid brought in Dylan Mulvaney, a so-called transsexual who is really a wimpy young dude in a dress who is clearly having fun guying women and laughing all the way to the bank. Alas, Bud Light hasn’t seen much of the bank lately because it literally cannot give the beer away, and its stock price has crashed.

People will take only so much of this woke garbage, and Bud Light’s new marketing image is clearly a step too far. The most remarkable thing about this consumer boycott is that it is entirely organic. True, some celebrities have called on people not to buy it, but there has been no organised campaign, no threats against the company, either overt or surreptitious. 

In the UK, a strange legal case was decided recently. An organisation calling itself the LGB Alliance sought to register as a charity. The L stands for lesbian; the G for homosexual; and the B for bisexual. The LGB Alliance was founded in 2019; at that time, there was something called LGBT – the letters have since expanded and appear to keep expanding. The T stands for transsexual. The split came about not because the Ls, Gs and Bs object strenuously to the surgical mutilation of the young but because they felt such pressure groups were being overshadowed by the trans lobby.

The LGB Alliance application for charitable status was, unbelievably, opposed not by religious or far right groups but by a trans lobby group that mounted a legal challenge, which was ultimately unsuccessful. Here is the judgment.

The group concerned is Mermaids, which according to its website homepage has been “Helping gender-diverse kids, young people and their families since 1995”.  

There is no such thing as a gender-diverse kid. Leaving aside the tiny number of individuals born with genetic aberrations of a sexual nature (intersex) there are only boys and girls. Some of these boys and many more of these girls are, become, or are coached to become, sexually confused by activist teachers or perverts. This is well documented. Instead of helping them come to terms with reality, Mermaids and similar organisations encourage the “transition of the young”, that means giving them drugs that are detrimental to their well-being and ultimately in many cases surgical mutilation.

It is incredible that such organisations should be allowed to exist, and even more incredible that they should be permitted to incorporate as charities. So, this is where the defunding should begin,  no organisation that promotes the surgical mutilation of the young should receive a cent of tax-free charitable donations, nor a cent of public money, either from national government or local government. Now let us extend this to other leftist causes.

In the United States there are many organisations that were set up ostensibly to promote social tolerance. Two of the biggest are the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Both are charities, and neither should be. The ADL has a long history of smearing conservatives, anti-Zionists, and anyone opposed to American foreign policy that does not put Israel first. The list of people it has smeared as anti-Semites is embarrassing, the most high profile being Roger Waters and Donald Trump. Yes, Donald Trump!

The ADL also has a long history of spying on especially left wing groups. This came to light in 1993 when Tom Gerard and Roy Bullock were caught bang to rights by the FBI, which in those days still had some semblance of credibility as a police force. Even though the ADL escaped serious consequences, the game was up. That didn’t and hasn’t stopped it smearing anyone who exposes or opposes it as an anti-Semite or conspiracy theorist. Its latest targets include Moms For Liberty and people who oppose “LGBTQ+ education”. 

The nature of this education (read indoctrination) has been comprehensively exposed by Chaya Raichik, the young woman behind Libs Of TikTok. Although she comes from a family of Orthodox Jews, this hasn’t stopped her being smeared by both the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center. The latter produces a so-called hate map, which targets conservative and especially white Americans who oppose unfettered immigration. 

This is not to say black Americans are not also smeared; both the ADL and the SPLC have Candace Owens and Louis Farrakhan on their lists; Owens because she is a conservative, Farrakhan because he is a black separatist who has never been afraid to speak out against American foreign policy, especially in the Middle East.

Here as in the US, there is hardly any so-called anti-racist group that does not support violence or intimidation of anyone opposed to unrestricted immigration. Some go a lot further. The grooming gangs in England were ignored for years until they could be ignored no longer. Eventually it was revealed that underage girls, many of them vulnerable, had been raped and sexually abused on an industrial scale. Around fourteen hundred girls were reported to have been abused in Rotherham alone. The cover up included council officials and even fairly senior police officers. Here is the official report on Rotherham. 

There have now been many prosecutions of these gangs, which were made up almost entirely of men of Pakistani origin. The extreme left has ignored these findings, then explained them away, then claimed anyone referring to these documented facts is…racist. How could they be anything but? The inertia of the authorities including the police led to others stepping into the vacuum, one of whom was Tommy Robinson, who made a film about this grooming called The Rape Of Britain which was screened in Telford. The result was HE was condemned by the Director of End Violence Against Women as the exploiter, not the predators themselves, while so-called anti-racist groups protested AGAINST him. 

These organisations have a long track record not of simply protesting against Robinson and people like him but of initiating violence and intimidation against them including threatening potential host venues for their meetings. In recent years, this sort of intimidation and violence has spilled over into attacking women who oppose the insane trans movement. 

No organisation that promotes violence on the streets of Britain or anywhere should be permitted to do so with impunity. Likewise, any organisation or individual who finances them for such purposes should be penalised, including with loss of charitable status where they have it.  This is something that should have been done decades ago; the best place to start Stateside would be the scam known as Black Lives Matter. Their funds should be seized and distributed to those people they have exploited, including the citizens of Ferguson, Missouri.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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July 16, 2023

“It is clear that the extreme left and their wealthy backers were behind it, as they are behind most of the subversive activity on both sides of the Atlantic from promoting massive illegal immigration to pushing sexual perversion in schools,…”———The “extreme left” is a advantageous euphemism to use for ‘The You Know Who’s’, otherwise, you might also find yourself ‘Debanked’ for the crime of pattern recognition. 

As for the boycott of Bud Light beer, only a fool would drink their AIDS ridden faggot beer, after they teamed up with a mentally ill pervert called Dylan Mulvaney!

Last edited 9 months ago by Crass
Paige Joske
Paige Joske
Reply to  Crass
July 16, 2023

Stay-at-home mom Kelly Richards from New York after quitting her full-time (dti-04) job managed to earn an average of between $6,000 and $8,000 a month freelancing at home…

Here’s how she did it……………

Last edited 9 months ago by Alica
July 16, 2023

 “…no organisation that promotes the surgical mutilation of the young should receive a cent of tax-free charitable donations, nor a cent of public money, either from national government or local government.”

I would also include Male Circumcision and Female genital mutilation in “the surgical mutilation of the young”. 

Last edited 9 months ago by Crass
July 16, 2023
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This is the best article that has appeared on The Duran, in all of 2023, TheDarkMan. 

July 16, 2023

The ADL now trains (indoctrinates) FBI agents to be politically reliable.

Michael Woodbridge
Michael Woodbridge
July 16, 2023

Delighted to see that ‘The Dark Man’, who I’ve met on occasion in London, has found such a vibrant niche on what must be about my favourite website and source of information..

July 16, 2023

what you a writing about, as usual, has little if anything to do with ‘the left’ let alone ‘the extreme left’ .. these are cultural wars issues that serve only to distract voters in sham democracies from real issues of the left like: desperate inequality and declining living standards, wars, ongoing imperialism/colonialism and increasing authoritarianism

stephen braithwaite
stephen braithwaite
September 3, 2023

extreme left and their wealthy backers”
The “extreme left” does not have wealthy backers. You must be referring to “neoliberals”, such as is found in the USA Democrats or the UK Labor party, where the “left” (Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn, George Galloway) has been surgically removed.

The Bellamy Salute in the U.S. Before December 1942

Brace Yourself as Everything Is About To Change in the Economy!