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I Feel Sorry For President Trump

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Via Paul Craig Roberts…

Yes, I know.  I am lining up on the wrong side.  You are supposed to hate him. The presstitutes hate Trump.  So does the Democratic Party, part of the Republican Party, the military/security complex, the entirety of the liberal/progressive/left, the universities, feminists, and Washington’s vassal states.  No one likes him but the “racist, white supremacist Trump deplorables.”

Nevertheless, I feel sorry for him.  I started feeling sorry for him when he announced he would run for President of the United States.  You see, I had inside information. I had held a presidential appointment from a President of the United States.  I ended up fighting battles for him against entrenched interests who opposed his policies to end stagflation and the cold war.  I helped to win the battles for him, as his accolades to me testify, but my success ended any career for me in government.  

I knew that, unlike Reagan who had prepared his run over the years and had a movement behind him, Trump had not.  Moreover, also unlike Reagan, Trump had no idea of what he was walking into and no idea of who to appoint to important offices who might be inclined to help him.  Generally speaking, the value of a presidential appointment, such as the one I had, lies NOT in helping the president, but in helping the ruling private establishment.  Any Assistant Secretary can be very helpful to private interests and end up a multi-millionaire.  Indeed, most of them do.

But I put the country’s interest ahead of mine and helped Reagan to cure stagflation and to end the cold war. Curing stagflation was perceived as a threat by the economics profession which had no cure and didn’t want to be shown up by dissident supply-side economists, and much of Wall Street misunderstood what the media called “Reaganomics” as more inflationary deficit spending that threatened their stock and bond portfolios.  Ending the Cold War threatened the budget of the military/security complex, a dangerous undertaking. 

A decade or two ago a person I had known when I was in Washington, who was a professor in Massachusetts, telephoned me.  He said he had just returned from Washington where he had had lunch with some of my former colleagues.  He had asked them about me, and according to his report, they said:  “Poor Craig.  If he had not turned critic , he would be worth tens of millions of dollars like us.”  My former acquaintance said that he stood up and said that he didn’t realize that he was having lunch with a bunch of whores and left.

Obviously, my aquaintance did not intend to return to a Washington career.

What does this have to do with Trump?  Trump’s life was going well. He is a billionaire married to the most beautiful woman in the world.  The last thing he needed was the problems of the United States.  To change the locked in, interest group controlled course of America requires a superhero. This is definitely not a job for an unprepared man in his 70s.  The truckloads of mud dumped on him by porn stars and prostitutes are unlikely to have strengthened his relationship with his wife.

As I predicted would be the case, Trump had no idea who to appoint to help him.  Consequently, he appointed everyone opposed to his renewal of American jobs and peaceful relationships with Russia, China, Iran, and the Middle East.  So nothing has changed.  Why in the world a successful person covets an office where failure is the norm is beyond me.

Trump’s first, and perhaps only, term has been consumed in the Russiagate orchestration.  John Brennan, the CIA director, and James Comey, the FBI director, along with President Obama, the Obama Justice (sic) Department, the presstitute American media, and the Hillary Democratic National Committee concocted an absurd investigation of the elected President of the United States as a Russian agent, a tool of Vladimir Putin’s plan to rule America.

How anyone could believe such a preposterous story is incredible.  But Democrats and the presstitutes claimed it was true.  But Mueller was unable to establish it.  After his failure, Mueller’s testimony before Congress was immensely embarrassing to him, the Democrats, and the whore American media.

Trump, with the deck cleared, hoped to hold accountable those who tried to overthrow him in a coup. Comey was investigated.  He was found indictable on a number of offenses. The Department of Justice (sic)  Inspector General’s report concluded: 

“The IG report confirms Mr. Comey improperly kept FBI files on President Trump at his home and that he illicitly leaked these FBI files to the New York Times in order to advance his personal agenda of getting a Special Counsel appointed to target the president. Comey also misled both the FBI and Congress about his handling of these documents. On top of all of that, in violation of law, he kept and disclosed classified information.”

Here is Howie Carr’s summary: Let me summarize the 80-plus pages for you by pulling out some quotes: “Violated Department and FBI policies. … Comey Improperly Disclosed … Comey’s Improper Disclosures… Comey’s characterization finds no support in the law and is wholly incompatible with the plain language of the statutes, regulations and policies defining federal records, and the terms of Comey’s FBI Employment Agreement. … Comey violated … this assertion is without legal basis. … Unauthorized disclosure … Former Director Comey failed to live up to this responsibility … a dangerous example …..” And so on. 

 The IG report generously forgot that Comey went before the FISA Court with a fraudulent request, which is a felony.

Comey’s offenses exceed those of Mike Milken, Leona Helmsley, and Martha Stewart, all of whom were put in prison on false charges in order to raise the name recognization of ambitious publicity-seeking prosecutors, one of whom was Comey himself.  Comey framed Martha Stewart.

Rudy Giuliani framed Milken in order to become New York City Mayor.  Helmsley was framed on the basis of a false statement by an accountant solicited by the Justice (sic) Department in exchange for dropping prosecution of the accountant for his own misdeeds.

Mueller presided over the FBI’s 9/11 investigation and deepsixed all the real evidence in order to protect the false official story.

So, what did the Justice (sic) Department IG suggest for Comey?  The Justice  Department refused to prosecute.  Justice is far less important to the department than protecting its own.  The Justice  Department is itself engaging in misconduct by refusing to prosecute a person that the Justice  Department knows beyond all doubt committed crimes.  Did the Justice  Department decide that Comey’s crimes can be forgiven because they were committed for good cause—getting rid of President Trump?

Former US Attorneys and Assistant US Attorneys are on record predicting that there would be indictments of those who orchestrated Russiagate in a conspiracy of sedition to overthrow the elected President of the United States.   I would have liked to have believed it, but I never did.  The United States does not have a Justice system. In the place of justice the US has a weapon in the hands of the state.  It is not a weapon that the state often uses against its own functionaries.

Don’t forget.  The Justice  Department and FBI covered up for Hillary. She had broken laws governing official State Department email and used a private server to hide her wheeling and dealing.  Judicial Watch is attempting to open up the coverup. A federal court has given Judicial Watch  power to depose Hillary Clinton and Cheryl Mills and to interrogate others.  I suspect the judge will be overturned by a politically chosen Appeals Court, and that will be the end of the matter.

I am unable to recall examples of the US government or its officials being held accountable and do not remember a single incident other than President Reagan’s prosecution of the Iran-Contra neoconservatives, who were pardoned by President George H.W. Bush .  

Now that Comey has been protected, we have to expect that his co-conspirators in the plot to overthrow the President of the United States will also be protected from prosecution.  It will be interesting to count all the crimes that will not be punished and add up all the prison years that won’t be served. When you think about the large percentage of innocent people in prison and on death row and about the mothers of young children who are imprisoned for drug possession, it makes you sick that Comey who tried to overthrow the elected President of the United States is permitted to walk.

All future presidents will have learned from Trump’s fate that their real job is to foment enough American enemies to keep the military/security complex’s budget expanding.  The United States will continue on its course toward war with its homemade adversaries.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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September 5, 2019

It really is this bad. Bad guys win most of the time.

Biff Einstein
Biff Einstein
September 5, 2019

Once you accept the fact that we live in a giant criminal empire, everything makes sense. As Tyrion Lannister said, “If you’re looking for justice, you’ve come to the wrong place.” We have an illusion of democracy that is perpetuated by the mass media, which is controlled by deep state players (mainly current and former CIA/Mossad). They wield the real power by controlling politicians and others in positions of power via blackmail, bribery and intimidation. This is who Epstein worked for and why he was snuffed out. These creeps are fascist, psychopathic mass murderers and monumental thieves. To them, the… Read more »

Reply to  Biff Einstein
September 6, 2019

Fantastic comment BE!

Bente Petersen
Bente Petersen
September 5, 2019

Craig is a very courageous man….

September 5, 2019

“Curing stagflation was perceived as a threat by the economics profession which had no cure and didn’t want to be shown up by dissident supply-side economists, and much of Wall Street misunderstood what the media called “Reaganomics” as more inflationary deficit spending that threatened their stock and bond portfolios.” What a bunch of BS! You helped Reagan to blow up the fiscal deficit via tax cuts for corporations, the vast majority of the benefit going to big corps, tax cuts which didn’t produce jobs. Because if consumer demand remains the same and you cut taxes on companies, companies aren’t going… Read more »

Alino Bagle
Alino Bagle
September 6, 2019

Roberts claims Trump wanted cordial relationship with Iran. That’s fake information. Trump adopted a very hawkish stance toward Iran well before he came into office. The JCPOA was one of the rare good things of the Obama administration. Trump was NEVER going to go along the one belt project with Russia, India, and China. The LaRouche guys writing articles in defense of Trump, hoping Trump will see reason on this issue, are deluding themselves to the Nth degree.

September 6, 2019

I had hope in the Barr, Durham, Horowitz trio until I listened to Whitney Webb over at CN. I took the belief based on Alex and Alex view Barr was a decent high moral guy. Whitney brought into focus Barrs involvement in the Clintons Mena Arkansas drug, child slavery, money laundering ring. Nothings going to change and Barr is going to drag his feet until after the next rigged (100,000 percent the fix is in now) election. At which point he’ll gladly be fired while looking like a hero who ran out of time. We’ve all been suckered on the… Read more »

Balbir Pun
Balbir Pun
September 6, 2019

When are we going ascribe the correct name to TPTB in all this global mayhem? It is not the Globalists; it is the Bolsheviks! After the 1917 Revolution in a simple, uncomplicated Russian society, the Bolsheviks set their eyes on the West. They faced a complicated, established society that was not susceptible to their political blitzkrieg tactics. Since their capture of the USA’s financial system in 1933 they have been corrupting the society stealthily from within. From gradual to complete control of the entertainment and media industries; the education, the politics, the intelligence and security services. The final stage is… Read more »

Robert Szallavary Sullivan
Robert Szallavary Sullivan
September 7, 2019

I wouldn’t waste urine extinguishing trump if he was burning. There is nothing honorable about the individual.

Reply to  Robert Szallavary Sullivan
September 7, 2019

Well I will give it up to him for coming out brilliant roses after the entire western world contrived in every way possible to dig up something, anything on President Trump for more than 3 years. I wouldn’t have bet he’d make it 6 months with ought being taken down when this all started back in 2015 and before. So maybe we don’t know him like we have been lead to believe?

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