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Epstein Arrest: Peak Swamp?

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Authored by Tom Luongo:

“Bernie Birnbaum is a horse of a different color, ethics-wise that is….
… as in he ain’t got none!”

— Johnny Caspar, “Miller’s Crossing”

Serial pederast Jeffrey Epstein is going to be arrested again.

The big questions are why?  And why now?

I never doubted Donald Trump’s sincerity in wanting Hillary in jail.  But the reality is that Trump was not in any position to do so.  Until a few months ago.

When Attorney General William Barr ended the Mueller investigation back in February that was a turning point.  I talked about it back then in a piece called “The Old Political Order is Just Old.”

Mueller, his staff of hatchetmen, the Obama administration and the rest of the corrupt old-guard in D.C. fully expected to be allowed free rein to convict Trump politically of Obstruction of Justice based on an interpretation of Federal Statutes that could only be justified in the world of Philip K. Dick’s Minority Report.

When that didn’t happen, they are now looking at potential blowback from a vain and vindictive man occupying the supposedly most powerful office in the world.

But is that really the case anymore? It seems John Bolton has been more president than Trump recently.

I was cautiously optimistic that Trump would turn the corner on his presidency now that Mueller, impeachment and the rest of it would lift from his shoulders.  His foreign policy maneuvers didn’t fill me with much, if any, confirmation of this hope.

But domestically signs were there that he had stabilized the battlefield.

Epstein’s arrest tells me he’s now out for blood.

Because this goes directly to the heart of the matter.  Trump left the Clintons’ social circle in disgust and I’m convinced he ran to stop her corrupt sell out of the U.S.

Never forget that, while corruption is rampant in D.C., it is not all-pervasive.  It’s not a black and white thing.

William Barr may not be a Boy Scout or anything but even he, like Trump, has a disgust circuit.  And that circuit has a threshold.

The level of corruption of the Departments of Justice, State, Treasury and the intelligence agencies needed to coordinate the RussiaGate hoax all to serve as Hillary’s revenge porn was too much for enough people.

And there are still plenty of people in all of those departments willing to step up now that the board state has changed.

Remember back when Trump said we should just leave Hillary be, she’s been through enough?  That wasn’t him capitulating to the Deep State, that was him offering her a way out.  He knew then what was going on but thought he was powerless to stop it, politically.

To go after her you go after the person who is her Achilles’ heel, Epstein through his association with Bill.  Because what if this isn’t just about Bill’s antics?

But this is more than just Hillary and Bill.

This is likely far deeper a rabbit hole than anyone in D.C. wants to admit.   Don’t think for a second that Epstein hasn’t been blackmailing very prominent people for years.

Because he has. And they are all now scared to death.

And Robert Mueller is up to his neck in this.  Because it was Mueller who helped Epstein mostly get off the hook the last time and had the court documents sealed.

Now that Mike Cernovich worked to get those documents unsealed, we have an arrest warrant a week later by a Justice Department led by someone, at this point, loyal to Trump.

Even if Barr and Trump have a marriage of convenience here, it doesn’t matter.

What matters is that Epstein will no longer be able to hide behind Clinton bag men and will this time have to cut a real deal to stay out of gen pop.

This process will be slow and painful, but it will grind to the kind of conclusion that will only benefit Trump’s re-election bid.  It will be an epic drip feed of leaks, innuendos, implications, indictments and the rest.

Because there comes a point where the Alinsky method of accusing your enemy of the thing you do backfires when it’s raping 14-year-old girls.

Once this thing gets a head of steam, once the #MeToo crowd gets a hold of this, there won’t be anyone left standing.  I always said Hillary would indict herself.  Her insane lust for power and revenge against her obstacles led us here.

And it will lead her to the kind of shame and disgrace that befits her avarice.

When Nancy Pelosi’s daughter is out there signaling for her mother on this immediately, you know this is bad.

Pelosi doesn’t roll over for nothing folks. Think what you want about her but she’s a pitbull. And she rolled over on border wall funding last week.

This Epstein arrest is a testament to what happens when the pendulum swings too far in one direction.  Where despicable people get away with the most heinous acts simply because they are connected in a web of corruption and venality.

Maybe this is the moment of Peak Swamp?  Maybe it’s the moment where we can see things begin, ever so slightly to improve.

Is it too little, too late?  Likely.  But something had to be done to keep our faith in our political and social institutions intact.  Because otherwise that way leads to only chaos and collapse.

Join my Patreon because you also weep for humanity at where these people have led us.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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July 9, 2019

not sure about whether this is a trump choice. There’s a lot of evidence that this is another attack from the deep state: from who has been handed control of the case, to the particular prosocutors office who are bringing indictments. All of them are heavily anti-Trump. Moreover the puppet MSM are pitching this as a problem for Trump. All in all I’d be wary about this, very wary.

Reply to  buddha9
July 9, 2019

I’d say more a nuclear enema with the deepstate trying to spread far and hide so they can regroup knowing that festering where they are will mean the death of the deepstate at large. Besides it’s been an old tactic of the deep state to sow chaos even amongst it’s own to draw attention away from others and to cast of it’s old skin.

Reply to  buddha9
July 11, 2019

I thought that at first too, but in a grand scheme AG Barr can oversee SDNY which, in my opinion they will hang themselves, just like Mueller, Comey, McCabe and others. It’s a great way to clear out the corruption of the Southern district of New York imo.

The Lolitchka Express
The Lolitchka Express
July 9, 2019

MSNBC will soon reveal that the whole thing was coordinated from the Kremlin, all the underage girls were named Natasha and Clinton was just on a patriotic mission to recruit them as double agents.

PS: Don’t be surprised if my parody becomes MSNBC’s reality.

The DNC's Existential Angst
The DNC's Existential Angst
Reply to  The Lolitchka Express
July 9, 2019

MSNBC and its cohorts are experiencing bipolar meltdown. Salivating at finding Trump in deep doodoo on Fantasy Island but hard put on how to whitewash Clinton, who’s now admitted to 4 trips with Epstein personally but failing to mention the other 24 trips with Epstein’s underage pimps.

Why Loretta Lynch was spotted on the tarmac in Teterboro on several occasions though has yet to be answered.

The Legal Beagle
The Legal Beagle
Reply to  The DNC's Existential Angst
July 9, 2019

Wasn’t she also one of Clinton’s trusted pimps?

Marc L
Marc L
Reply to  The Lolitchka Express
July 10, 2019

I think you’re absolutely right. It’s impossible to over-estimate the degree of stupidity and sick corruption this culture is capable of.

July 9, 2019

Let the games begin but get ready for much lying on the part of many . I would like to think that the swamp is going to be slightly shallower but I will not hold my breath . I hope something positive comes out of this very negative issue , as in long jail terms etc. but just in case I will be ready for a let down.

Reply to  Guy
July 10, 2019

I’d hold my breath. Sh*t stinks in there 😉 🙂

John Nolan
John Nolan
Reply to  Guy
July 10, 2019

America, Amazia has finally hit the wall. The dishonesty, immorality, perversity, insanity of her political leaders, religious popery, hierarchical corporate dictatorships is now being revealed to any willing to listen. America is recognized as the most violent nation, the mother of wars, on our falling apart world. A nation who is fixated on being the satanic ruler of this planet! America rejected truth, sought allegiance with the devil and it is he who now dictates her politics, her insatiable lust for power, worship, control. People, please don’t expect Amazia to change! She is addicted to power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely,… Read more »

Richard Anderson
Richard Anderson
July 10, 2019

It defies credibility to suggest that a ‘honey pot’ operation of this magnitude was a private, non state project. A British Royal was present on ‘Orgy’ island and this would strongly suggest British intelligence has records of …at least…who else was in attendance there. A former US President made numerous trips to the island as well as many prominent people whose identities must be revealed. Surely the CIA and Mossad are aware of this visitor list. All must be revealed because anyone who participated there has compromised their loyalty and trustworthiness.

US Power is Waning

Swamp scrubs all Democrat ties to Epstein (Video)