
Cancel Culture can lead to mushroom clouds. Know this. [Video]

The West’s refusal to even discuss matters with Russia is exceedingly dangerous, yet this behavior persists.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

This may amount to a summary of the obvious, but I have not seen it discussed anywhere else, so it is time to discuss it here.

The most successful form of oppression seen in world history is being brought to bear against Russia. It is the finely-honed technique of “cancel culture” as we call it in the United States, the ability to force an opponent against the wall, or even worse, to force him or her into a corner, by making accusations and refusing to accept or even hear any sort of response.

Case in point: On Sunday, Russian Defense Ministry Sergey Shoigu made four phone calls to the defense ministries of the United Kingdom, Turkiye, France and the United States. In each call he outlined the same problem: substantive evidence pointing at a plan to detonate a “dirty bomb” – a radiological nightmare – somewhere in the battlefield areas in either the new Russian territories or the Ukrainian side of the lines.

(For the West, all this is still actually considered “Ukraine” but that is just another aspect of cancel culture in and of itself.)

A radiological bomb is a conventional warhead but in the same sense that some bombs use ball-bearings for production of shrapnel and a way to make the destructive radius much larger, a radiological bomb makes use of radioactive material ranging from spent fission material, potentially available plutonium (which is the most deadly substance known to man presently, next to perhaps Joe Biden), or other radioactive waste products. The purpose of such a bomb is to contaminate an area for a long time and to terrify the you-know-what out of people in the area of the bomb blast, for they have to deal with cancer risks or any number of other things.

In short, it is like creating a mini-Chernobyl on-demand.

The further utility of this is to create political scandal, pinning it on President Vladimir Putin and his government, and creating a casus belli that would virtually mandate a NATO response that would bring NATO forces into direct contact with Russians, and… that’s the ballgame.

General Shoigu made these phone calls in what appears to be honest good faith. But the response he got from the US was basically “screw you, General Shoigu, as far as we are concerned, you are the one planning to do this!

But it is even worse. The stated official position of the United States is such that there is absolutely no way that the Russian warning will be heard.

It does not matter that the issue is that such a device is a terrible escalation.

It does not matter that the guy who could easily bring about the melting of the crust of the entire planet is saying “hey folks, it is not us, and we want you to know about this so we can back off away from Armageddon.”

It does not matter that when the device is set off, something which I consider a higher and higher probablility every day precisely because of how insular the US response is, that many people will die immediately and a large physical area will become contaminated. Radiological bombs have never been used in combat before. The only examples we have of such incidents are Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukishima in 2011. Chernobyl is still not a safe place to live, 36 years later.

It does not matter because the US and the collective West have got their “cancel culture” strategy honed very, very well. No matter what Russia says, it will lose in the consequent response of being canceled and blamed for whatever the country’s officials have to say.

Anyone who has ever cornered a small animal, (a very cruel thing to do!) knows what happens. The animal is terrified, and it knows it has no options. When it feels all is lost, it springs with all the deadly force it can muster, and even a little squirrel can do a lot of damage to a larger animal in such a state.

Russia is not a small animal.

The deadly force it can muster would be enough to end all of us.

What is amazing (and probably is the only factor that offers us any hope) is that the world’s political elite in the West are all onboard with this plan. It appears that this is precisely what they want to have happen.

While this statement would have been utterly outlandish to write even ten months ago, it is no longer some impossible conspiracy tinfoil hattery. There are many factors that point precisely at nothing else:

  1. COVID-19 didn’t kill enough people, and the vaccine program did not take the world by popular storm. Therefore people are still alive in vast numbers, including still a solid half of the world’s population (if not more) that has NOT taken any COVID vaccine. Fewer than 1/1000th of the world’s population has been removed by the disease thus far. We are waiting to see what happens as the two-to-three year period since the start of the vax drive brings. My bet is land is going to be far cheaper in 2025 than it is now, unless none of us are left because of the “get the nukes flying any way possible” plan currently in progress…
  2. Therefore, since COVID didn’t do the job and a lot of folks got wise to the vax mandates, the elites have decided to do the Great Reset and force everyone to “go green”, and, by the way, the US sees Germany as a problem so Nord Stream got taken out to make sure Germany is neutralized in its ascent to political and economic dominance in Europe.
  3. The elites are successfully depopulating Ukraine – no one liked those people anyway in Europe, or NATO. Remember what happened when Mr. Zelensky very dramatically signed a piece of paper asking for “fast track entry into NATO“? He got panned by Stoltenberg, Biden, et all. “We support Ukraine but we are not party to this war.” In other words “Mr. Zelensky, please shut the hell up and keep fighting the Russians to your last citizen. We don’t want your people; we don’t want to help your people in any real way, we want to get rid of all of you, but you do us a favor by killing those pesky Russians as you do it, so you just go ahead and keep doing that. Okay?”
  4. And now, this dirty bomb thing.

Now, there are further added factors. The United States’ Congressional Midterms are in a couple weeks, and while there are some candidates and standing congressmen and women who realize that there is a big problem with sending money and weapons to Ukraine, and that this is simply US hegemony preservation, flat out warmongering and utter insanity to do this, a lot of the incoming crowd may not be of this mind enough to make a difference. Kevin McCarthy, the hopeful political shill for Speaker of the House should the Republicans actually win it (something I doubt will happen), said that the funding for Ukraine will “slow down” if the GOP wins.

What a non-commital and shady statement. He could drop the outlay money by five cents and say that he accomplished the goal of “slowing down the pace of monetary aid” to that country. This promise is meaningless, and his use of rhetoric suggests that he is just today’s “career politician” and that the house under GOP leadership may try to impeach Biden (something I also strongly doubt), but nothing different will happen. In fact, it may even accelerate the headlong rush to national “suicide by Russia.”

In any argument or disagreement, the refusal of one party to listen to the other party will only blow up the disagreement. It will not resolve it, even if the other side gives in. In personal relationships as well as political relationships, often the side snubbed has had to take the snub and figure out a way to deal with it in the short run, hoping to readdress the issue later when they are in a better position.

This is doubtlessly the tack that Russia has taken with the US since 1991, and more especially since 2014, but of course, tremendous evidence shows that this has been the case almost since 1991 when the Soviet Union fell.

President Putin has been in power most of this time, and as a statesman, he has always been gracious, slow to anger, and relentlessly positive to any overture at all from the West to make relations better. I personally have written so many pieces on this all anyone need do for verification is go through the archives of pieces here on The Duran that I have gotten published. I have long stood for Russian / American cooperation and alliance, since my own personal perspective as an American living in Russia for over seven years now shows that we are far more alike than different, and that we work extremely well together. This has always been true. The present dark relations may have stemmed from Communism, but they were not always so. Russia indirectly supported the American revolution back in 1776. The two countries shared brotherly relations and exchange of culture and science through the 19th century.

But now, the push is on by the most disgusting kinds of people who have been allowed to find their way into positions of great power in the West. They seem to believe that the world is theirs to control, and the last Western nation to stand in their way is the Russian Federation, which is bucking the Plan and choosing instead to cherish its traditions (both good and bad), it’s views about life (both good and bad) and to say, simply “this is our land, and you can say anything you like about it, and about us, but this is our home and we ain’t changing it for you.”

Humility wins any argument, if both sides can practice it. When one side refuses so completely as the West has, the argument must blow up. A cornered animal cannot walk away. Russia is trying to do so, and has met with great success in its transition to a “Civilization state”, allying with China and India more and more closely in efforts to create what it calls a “multipolar world order”. I would suggest that “multipolar” is a nice dream, and it may be partially achieved, but what we will see in the short run is what we are seeing now: A Chinese-Russian-Indian power triad, one far more powerful militarily than the West, but less powerful economically. Still, Russia can choose to simply dismiss the insane behavior of the Western elites, but they cannot ignore the West’s attempts to corner it.

That is why Minister Shoigu made these calls about the dirty bomb. It was the necessary thing to do to keep the parties involved from setting it off.

In a sane exchange, the parties behind the bomb plan would realize “hey, we are snagged; we better back off of this plan.”

But we are not in sane exchanges any more with the West. In fact, Minister Shoigu’s calls will be used to move up the plan if anything, and Russian intelligence is going to have to work very hard to catch the people involved and stop the plan… which will consequently never be reported in Western media.

The nihilism of the Western leaders is central to understanding this suicide attempt the elites are making – only it is not THEIR suicide, but more like their depopulation attempt 2.0 or 3.0, with the plan being the removal of the real pests in the world.

Namely, us. You and me.

I have said it before and I must say it again. The governments of the United States and Europe are utterly compromised. We can expect only damage to come from them. The United States has a history of independent people, folks who understood that the only good thing to do with a politician is to put him somewhere he cannot do any harm, and where he or she will leave the people alone. Many of us no longer think this way – we think the government exists “to take care of us.”

Well, they are. They are definitely about the work of taking care of us, and judging from the way they are poking an increasingly cornered Bear, they seem to want the Bear to take us all out.

Who will stop this? We will, God helping us, or else no one will.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
October 26, 2022

“A Chinese-Russian-Indian power triad, one far more powerful militarily than the West…”

Indubitably true.

“…but less powerful economically”.

Not necessarily. In real terms, the Chinese economy alone overmatches that of the USA; and India’s is not be scoffed at either. Add their many allies and sympathizers…

The only way the USA remains supreme is in the financial system it has created, which is carefully designed to prevent any others having power or even influence. But the Asians are creating their own, better, fairer, more open financial system.

Reply to  Tom Welsh
October 26, 2022


October 26, 2022

America is imploding and that is what it deserves after all the countries it has destroyed and the millions of people it has murdered. America needs to suffer to get some humility back. I disagree that the current folk in the US and Russia have much in common. What planet are you on dude? This is just nostalgia speaking.

Reply to  Joe
October 26, 2022

RE: I disagree that the current folk in the US and Russia have much in common.

Two eyes, two ears, one nose, two arms, two legs . . . . I could go on and on. 🙂

October 26, 2022
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October 26, 2022


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