
A YouTube, That Keeps Being Blocked, About Who Controls U.S. & UK

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Eric Zuesse (blogs at

It was done in 2017, and is about how in extreme-capitalist or “fascist” countries such as UK and U.S., where the megacorporations that sell only to governments — corporations  such as BAE and Lockheed Martin — bribe their way to enormous growth, ONLY the very wealthiest, who control those corporations and thus their governments, benefit. Everyone else suffers. It is the most important historical documentary that has been done in decades — if not ever.

Here is that 2017 youtube today:

It has had so few viewers so that now there are only 39 viewer-comments to it.

And here is one of the merely 12 (as-of now) archived copies of it at the standard Web-archive, the Wayback Machine:

which blocks viewing it, by promptly displaying a message:

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That message gives you a number of options in order to view the documentary, but none of the options will stop the block unless you wait for an extraordinarily long time — if ever. If you wait long enough, you might be able to view an archived version — a version that’s supposed to last (not being subject to cancellation). This enables YouTube quietly to cancel the documentary — remove it entirely — if it starts to be viewed by too many people

So: the only way to view the film is at YouTube itself, where it has been successfully squelched so that this documentary, which was issued in 2017 by PBS (the supposedly “Public Broadcasting System”) in the U.S., but still isn’t available yet to see free-of-charge there, has only 12 copies of it (those blocked copies of it) at the Wayback Machine.

Here is one of those 12 archived copies that I was finally able to get through to, to view the documentary:

It’s one of only 2 real copies of it (copies that work) at the Wayback Machine.

What it shows is the nuts-and-bolts operations behind the system that was first envisioned in 1877 by Cecil Rhodes, and that the naive U.S. President Harry S. Truman (under the influence of the Rhodesist Winston Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower) instituted, starting on 25 July 1945, as is documented and explained in my 2022 book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL. We live in the resulting world. And that documentary shows how it works, from the inside. Though the documentary is partisan against the Republican Party, the Democratic Party is just as bad — and basically identical — on this. Both of them represent ONLY the billionaires, who donate more than half of all of the money that is spent in political campaigns in the U.S. And the same is true in the UK, and in the other fascist countries. The documentary is so honest that it exposes also the fraudulence of liberal political leaders such as Tony Blair and Barack Obama. It never compromises honesty. It is 100% true. And one thing that it documents clearly is that for the ultimate perpetrators — the profiteers from all of this — there is never any accountability — none whatsoever.

The documentary’s producer is “Beyond the Media Matrix” whose self-explanation is that this is their response to “The Global Oligarchy.” (The documentary is far better than their explanation of what motivated it. 100% accurate history is far more persuasive than anyone’s opinions about that history.)

NOTE: The “Prince Bandar” who was a principal in the Al Yamamah deal that’s discussed in this documentary, is the same person whom the FBI documented in 2001 had hired at least two of the 9/11 perpetrators to do 9/11, and he was then promptly spirited out of America when the 9/11 attacks had been done. One of the other profiteers from the Al Yamamah deal was the Dutch Prince Bernhard, who had co-founded (with David Rockefeller) the annual closed-to-the-public Bilderberg Conferences, the secret club of NATO financial backers/beneficiaries. If this is not government that must be overthrown, what is? But, ultimately, this government serves the extremely richest, the billionaires themselves; they collectively control it. And how can they — the actual rulers — be overthrown, and what is to be done with them? It would be a revolution, but one that is very different from any which has gone before it. If it is not done, then there is no realistic hope, at all — there will then be only the fewer and fewer evermore extremely lucky, versus the ever-expanding and increasingly unlucky public. This is what has been happening ever since at least 1980; and either it will be stopped now, or else it will continue to get even worse than it already is. This documentary presents the case for it to be done now. This is not a documentary against the Republican Party; it is a documentary against American’s post-WW-II (and especially post-2000) U.S. Deep State, America’s billionaires, the people who control the U.S. Government. It should be seen by everybody — especially by everyone who votes. Because, right now, the billionaires are in power. Only they and their agents are the beneficiaries. It is not a partisan matter but only the billionaires and their agents versus the public. The documentary shows this.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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July 7, 2023

It’s scary how even the “forever Internet,” the allegedly reliable point of reference, can be squelched. Also, while this archived copy you gave does in fact start and play, it still doesn’t display the comments 20 minutes into watching it.

Last edited 9 months ago by steve
Reply to  steve
July 9, 2023

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Last edited 9 months ago by Alica
Reply to  Alica
July 10, 2023

blogspot is a grubby SCAM

don’t waste your time following link

July 8, 2023

People who live their life in Fantasy Land are extremely disturbed by the Facts and the Truth. No surprise they attempt to suppress it.

guil cafe
guil cafe
July 8, 2023

I just viewed that video “Inside the Weapons Industry”, no way comment directly or indirectly on it, but I will say, very much correct it was, is.

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