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Who really runs Western governments and do elections even matter? Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

I hear again and again about elections in the US and about Biden being afraid he will lose elections and who is president and would it really matter. Biden is just a puppet whose only interest is money, does anyone really think he cares about being president for second term? If the Deep State will come to Biden and tell him: listen do this we know it will mean you will lose the next elections but we will pay you or your son let’s say 200 million dollars (it’s just an example amount) you think he will not do it? The Deep State controls both parties. They don’t really give care whether Democrats or Republicans win and it is the same way in the UK. The Deep State in the UK  does don’t care if the Conservative Party or Labour Party wins because they control both parties.


Threats are people who are anti-imperialists like Jeremy Corbyn and fools like Donald Trump and that’s why both of them were being destroyed by the establishment. Jeremy Corbyn was a good person, a true anti-imperialist who wanted to do good in the world. He had principles and because of that he could not be controlled that’s why he had to be destroyed. On the other hand Donald Trump was not socialist or anti-imperialist. He didn’t want to do good in the world, bug he presented a threat because he was stupid and didn’t understand things that matter because of his arrogance and hubris he is uncontrollable so he had to be destroyed too.


The story of Jeremy Corbyn was presented in the main video attached to this post. While explanations about Trump is given in a video I posted before:

True story of Trump “akin to a toddler with a hammer going through the living room hitting stuff” this is how the real world looks like.


The issues with Trump are also mentioned a little in an other video I posted:

This guy is saying the same thing as Youtuber “Eyes Wide Open ” so it’s a story of the real world, a world I have lived in since I was 16 years old and a world about which almost no one knows about


Here Jimmy Dore explains why Trump is an issue.



“That was a big boo-boo that Trump made when he revealed that there was a deep state that actually controlled things and that’s when they tried to make him seem like he was crazy for saying that. But Chuck Schumer actually revealed the truth about that statement when he told Rachel Maddow on National Television that Trump is being very dumb to mess with the intelligence agencies and she said: why? and he said: because they have six ways to Sunday to get back at you. That’s the leader of the democratic party telling a news person on national television that the President should watch his p’s and q’s around the CIA and the FBI that they’re the ones who actually do run things and that he better not tell people that they actually run things because telling that will make them fuck with him and boy they did they did Russia gate for four straight years.”


This point was also confirm by Scott Ritter in this interview

The next wave of the counteroffensive w/Scott Ritter (Live)


“…inspectors negotiators everything and the state department in honor of all the work that we did sent a very senior Arms Control official there who gave a speech and then answered questions. A question was posed to this person: Biden ran on this sole purpose doctrine becoming it, he’s the commander-in-chief the most powerful man in the world, why didn’t this become the policy, was he lying? And what this person said is: No, the president tried but the inner-agency wasn’t ready for it. Now that’s curious because when I went to the election booth to vote in the election I didn’t vote for Joe Biden to be upfront but I didn’t see the inner-agency on the ballot last time I checked it’s never been on the ballot. Yet I’m now being told that the inner-agency trumps the desire of the president of the United States whom a majority of Americans apparently voted for. It means that America is not a democracy, it’s something else that is running America and it’s very very problematic. This is a reality that the Russians have to deal with. That you can’t talk about dealing with Administrations you have to talk about dealing with an American establishment that is corrupt to the core because it’s not held accountable to the American people.”


So if that’s the reality why do you think elections really matter? Why would a Deep State care? Does anyone really think Biden has any principles? He is just a puppet caring about money. If the Deep State tells him to do something that will cause him to lose an election but pays him or his son and secure their future he will do it.


The sssues are with people like Jeremy Corbyn who cannot be controlled and will not obey Deep State instructions because of his principles and his conviction to do good in the world. Trump was also an issue but not because he was good or had principles but because of his stupidity, hubris and ignorance. He didn’t understand how the world works because of stupidity and ignorance while his hubris caused him to think he knew better and stopped him from listening to the Deep State so he also had to go. Unlike Jeremy Corbyn who was anti-imperialist and wanted to dismantle the evil Western empire and stop colonialism, Trump didn’t wanted to destroy the Western evil empire but he didn’t understood how it works and because of his hubris thought he knows better and while he was unconsciously destroying this evil empire he thought he is helping that evil empire so he also had to go.


So that talk about elections in the US and what will Biden and the Democrats do if they lose, what if war ends just before the elections, all that talk is by the Deep State which owns both parties and it doesn’t care who wins. Like Matt Kennard in the main video added to this post



“…is built on this idea that we have an adversarial political system, that Labor and Tories hate each other and believe different things and fight it out. When in fact that’s not true that’s pantomime it’s Kabuki theater for the plebs, it is two factions of the same establishment party who represent the same interests putting on a pantomime for people at large to give them the illusion of choice. When in fact whoever they vote for is going to do the same thing and support the same interests.”


So by talking about Western elections for example in the US or UK you are just acting like  plebs participating in a pantomime, a Kabuki theater and you show you don’t really understand how the real world works. Wake up people stop acting and thinking like plebs, like proles wake up to how the world really works.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”
― Propaganda, Edward Bernays

“If the good life of the future consists in so conditioning individuals through the control of their environment, and through the control of the rewards they receive, that they will be inexorably productive, well-behaved, happy or whatever, then I want none of it. To me this is a pseudo-form of the good life which includes everything save that which makes it good.”
―Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person

“Freedom is not free, you need to pay attention.”
―Grzegorz Ochman


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Magic Man in the Sky
Magic Man in the Sky
June 19, 2023

Psssst. It’s the Jews. The Globalists. The NWO. Call them whatever you like.

Reply to  Magic Man in the Sky
June 20, 2023

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Last edited 11 months ago by Alica
June 19, 2023

The elections are a charade intended to make people feel like they have some say in their choice of leaders. Do you want Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum to front for your real Overlords.

Occasionally, someone crashes the party, like John Kennedy. Then they have to deal with them so they can return to the “Democracy Game”.

June 20, 2023

You know the phrase “The working class are their own worst enemy”, well it’s true.

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