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The Omicron Fake-out | Kunstler

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

By James Howard Kunstler

My guess is that Americans, by and large, cherish Christmas more than they fear the latest Covid-19 government-sponsored terror campaign, and that the globalist tyrants — or whatever you want to call them — behind “Joe Biden” have now gone a mind-fuck too far. Omicron is all they have left, and it’s not much to work with. Spreads easily, mild presentation, immunizes naturally. What’s not to like about this variant of SARS-CoV-2? Kind of looks like an off-ramp from the Covid-19 mass formation psychosis nightmare.

Of course, the last thing the authorities want is an end to the pandemic panic. The Emergency Self-Authorized President Anthony Fauci was all over cable news Sunday night with dire warnings about a winter-of-death! “We have a tough few months ahead,” he warned. “Get boosted!” A CNN blonde told the nation: “The case for boosters has never been stronger.”

Is that so? Omicron supposedly started in South Africa some weeks ago and Covid deaths there are at an 18-month low. The existing “vaccines” appear to be completely ineffective against omicron, so how is more of that stuff going to help? And then why all the hysteria about vaxxing up the vaxx-resistant? Insofar as the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines present not insignificant risks of harmful-to-fatal side effects, plus being ineffective, what is the prudent bet there? Speaking of which, will the public even be able to discern whether the alleged winter death surge is a result of Covid or of adverse reactions to the vaxxes? My money would be on adverse vaxx events.

Why is there absolutely no talk — except in the state of Florida, run by Governor Ron DeSantis — about comprehensive early treatment of Covid? Why is the CDC not setting up early treatment centers around the USA, where people with symptoms can receive monoclonal antibody infusions and kits of well-known, cheap, safe and effective oral medicines that can be used easily at home to defeat the virus? (Those medicines have been surreptitiously outlawed by our own CDC, you know.) Is it outlandish to suppose that the official “Joe Biden” government objective is to allow as many people to die as possible in order to keep the public terrorized? Meanwhile, they’ve provoked the public to line up for Covid tests using a PCR system so discredited for Covid detection that months ago the CDC scheduled it to go offline on December 31st, (And, uh, why the long time-lag between the decision and the action? Answer: it allows the CDC to falsely jack up case numbers until the year’s bitter end.)

With the apparent defeat of the Build Back Better boondoggle, following a long list of other failures, the “Joe Biden” regime’s main chance for retaining any power is to keep the Covid panic going long enough to re-run the mail-in voting scams of 2020 in the 2022 congressional elections. It’s a weak play, though, since the opposition is fully onto it. And if the Democratic Party loses as many seats in Congress and the Senate as it deserves to lose, not a single piece of their toxic legislation will see daylight until the mastodons come home in the next ice age. Also consider that Democratic Party operatives by the limousine-load will be hauled in to testify before opposition-controlled committees and many of these will be subject to criminal referrals.

Anyway, that election is a long ways away while events are moving fast and furiously. Chiefly, the regime’s favorite narratives are falling apart along with its poll numbers and the collapsing economy. “Joe Biden” is programmed to make a pitch for Christmas lockdowns on Tuesday night. I’m sure that’ll go over well (not), on top of the renewed threat of vaxx mandates that will get millions of working people worried and pissed-off about losing their livelihoods — as they go about their frantic last-minute Christmas shopping while making plans for family gatherings that may be cancelled (including airline tickets). Let’s go, Brandon!

One useful idea floating around the Internet lately is for a nationwide general strike to take place on January Fourth, the first back-to-work day after the holiday. It’s simple: don’t show up for work and don’t spend a nickel. The message will be clear: Just stop it! Stop the coercion, stop the lying, stop the shenanigans, and stop the mind-fuckery. If that event comes off, a lot of people will be free for the day — maybe a few days — to take to the streets and demonstrate their principled opposition to illegitimate political leadership. ”Joe Biden” and company will jump up and down, calling it another “insurrection.” Guess what: nobody will believe them.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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gord mac millan
gord mac millan
December 24, 2021
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Finally some common sense…Let’s go Brandon!!!

Reply to  gord mac millan
December 24, 2021

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Last edited 2 years ago by Richard
Olivia Kroth
December 25, 2021
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CORONA VIRUS ORG AUSTRIA INFORMS: 178 professional athletes died shortly after the Covid “vaccination” – 317 professional athletes had cardiac arrest or other serious side effects after the gene injection. More than half died. An unusually large number of professional athletes fell ill or died this year. There is a temporal connection to the vaccination, because the athletes fell ill or died shortly after the injection. In our last article on this topic in November 2021, 108 professional athletes and coaches had died, now there are 178, as Real Science reports. While it is possible that this can also happen… Read more »

Olivia Kroth
December 25, 2021
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Shocking: WHO Director Says ‘Some Countries Are Using Boosters To Kill Children’ –

DEC 23, 2021 08:54 AM EST

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus sparked controversy this week after a December 20 press briefing in which he was heard and recorded saying that “some countries are using boosters to kill children.”

Olivia Kroth
December 25, 2021
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New study from Denmark shows: Vaccination increases the risk of infection with the Omicron variant The first data from South Africa already showed that the Omicron variant spreads very quickly, especially among vaccinated people. The vaccines, and especially those with mRNA technology from Pfizer and Moderna, can only produce a defense against a tiny part of the virus. This creates evolutionary pressure on the mutation of viruses, which evade precisely this defense and thus render it ineffective. . In a new study, researchers from the Danish Infectious Disease Preparedness Group at the Statens Serum Institute show original research results. The… Read more »

Olivia Kroth
December 26, 2021
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Die Presse (Austria):

New popular initiative against compulsory vaccination –

A new popular initiative against compulsory vaccination is coming.

The upcoming compulsory vaccination has a new initiative against it.

The proponents of the new popular initiative demand that the “no” of the population must be respected in their “vote”.

More than 20,000 support signatures are said to have already arrived. The initiative started on December 20th.

Olivia Kroth
December 26, 2021

DEUTSCHE WELLE REPORTS: A wave of protests against forced vaccination went off across the regions of Russia. The rallies were held in Kamchatka, Yekaterinburg and Kazan. At a popular gathering in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), people came out with placards “against the plans of the globalists.” Their posters were crossed out with images of a mask, a syringe and the words “WHO” and “5G”. Protesters in Chelyabinsk on November 7, together with residents of Magnitogorsk, recorded an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin and FSB head Alexander Bortnikov.  “There is massive discrimination and segregation of the Russian people, basic constitutional rights… Read more »

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