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Tell-all election post in TIME uses words like “shadow”, “conspiracy” & “fortified”

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Tell-all election post in TIME uses words like “shadow”, “conspiracy” & “fortified”

Tell-all election post in TIME uses words like “shadow”, “conspiracy” & “fortified” ****News Topic 278***** There WAS a color revolution in the US after all – and its architects now BOAST of how they

The TIME magazine article, essentially admitting and bragging about the “fortification” of the US election is a massive story. You can find a link to that article in the description box down below.

For this video I want to highlight an article on RT, from Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian-American journalist, who does great work, his article has the title, “There WAS a color revolution in the US after all – and its architects now BOAST of how they ‘fortified’ the 2020 election”.

I will place a link to that article down below. In the post Malic places various reactions to the Time magazine article, written by Molly Ball – a biographer of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which states, and I quote directly from the article, “There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes” a “vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election – an extraordinary shadow effort.”

Think of those words, conspiracy and shadow effort.

Malic writes in his opening paragraph…

The 2020 US presidential elections wasn’t “rigged,” oh no, but “fortified” by a conspiracy of activists united in saving “Our Democracy” from the Bad Orange Man, now proud to share their story in a friendly tell-all piece in TIME.

A tell-all piece. I expected we would eventually get to some truth as to what happened on November 3rd, two, three or five years down the line, but I never expected to get the breakdown, the plan, the execution, the admission three months removed from the election. It’s shocking but also not surprising because evil always has an urge to make itself known and when you pulling off the scam of the century is no fun unless you can gloat about it.

Saying that here are some political celebrity reaction to the Time article…

RAM (Richard Armande Mills) on Twitter: “Mainstream Media: The 2020 election was not rigged.Time Magazine: Hold my beer.Source: / Twitter”

Mainstream Media: The 2020 election was not rigged.Time Magazine: Hold my beer.Source:

Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter: “According to Time the election was “Fortified” but not rigged. Definitely not rigged. This is insanity, but everyone should read to learn exactly how bad it was. / Twitter”

According to Time the election was “Fortified” but not rigged. Definitely not rigged. This is insanity, but everyone should read to learn exactly how bad it was.

Darren J. Beattie 🌐 on Twitter: “Might be a good occasion to revisit this now-classic piece / Twitter”

Might be a good occasion to revisit this now-classic piece

Candace Owens on Twitter: “This is absolutely insane. Time magazine is literally admitting that a secret cabal of powerful wealthy elite people and corporations hijacked our 2020 election by steering media coverage, influencing perceptions, and changing rules and laws. / Twitter”

This is absolutely insane. Time magazine is literally admitting that a secret cabal of powerful wealthy elite people and corporations hijacked our 2020 election by steering media coverage, influencing perceptions, and changing rules and laws.

And I leave you with this, as Malic writes towards the end of his post…

Perhaps the most intriguing part is buried towards the end. Molly Ball (writer of this Time article) reveals that she got a text from Mike Podhorzer – an AFL-CIO organizer, Democrat powerhouse and a man who was deeply involved in the effort) – on the morning of January 6, hours before what the Democrats would describe as “insurrection” by Trump supporters at the US Capitol, saying that the “activist left” was “strenuously discouraging counter activity” in order to “preserve safety and ensure they couldn’t be blamed for any mayhem.”

How did Podhorzer know there would be “mayhem,” hours before the “storming” of the Capitol that Democrats claim Trump “incited” at the rally outside the White House at noon? It’s a mystery.

There WAS a color revolution in the US after all – and its architects now BOAST of how they ‘fortified’ the 2020 election

The 2020 US presidential elections wasn’t “rigged,” oh no, but “fortified” by a conspiracy of activists united in saving “Our Democracy” from the Bad Orange Man, now proud to share their story in a friendly tell-all piece in TIME.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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February 7, 2021

Thanks Alex….sourced this on the RUMBLE platform

Looks like we all need to hop over.

The “grifters” are really annoyed.

The Brats are throwing stuff out of their prams.

February 7, 2021

Severyone knows it was,but are not allowed to say so.

February 7, 2021
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“Be sure your sins will find you out”………the irony of the little back room people shoving it out there so that they could gloat over what they’ve done! They just cannot keep their traps shut, they must have their five minutes of fame. It’s a sad episode in history. If humanity is still in existence in 200 years time, I wonder what they will make of the archives? But perhaps Russia or China will blast the United States into oblivion before then,

February 7, 2021

The sheer hubris of these people! 🤦🏻‍♂️

February 8, 2021

Fox News cancels “Lou Dobbs Tonight”

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