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No second referendum in Scotland

There are a number of reasons why there should never be another referendum on Scotland departing the UK.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Submitted by George Callaghan…

Nicola Sturgeon has renewed her demand for a second referendum on breaking up the United Kingdom. The proximate cause for this is the Scottish National Party’s excellent performance in the Westminster General Election. The SNP chalked up 45% of the vote. This have the SNP 48 seats out of Scotland’s 59.

There are a number of reasons why there should never be another referendum on Scotland departing the UK.

First of all, let us clear out of the way any notion that the SNP proposes independence for Scotland. The SNP is adamantine in its opposition to independence. What the SNP wants is for Scotland to be a branch office of Brussels. You might think that Scotland being an independent country is fantastic. It is a logical and respectable position though not one I share. Contrarily, you might believe that being an EU member states is highly desirable. Once again it is a rational viewpoint but again not one I subscribe. Independence within the EU is a contradiction in terms. You might say there is no such thing as absolute independence in this interdependent world. There is a certain logic to this line of reasoning. Even of utter independence is unattainable in a globalized world Scotland outside the EU would be closer to that idyll. In the 1960s the SNP’s position was to leave the United Kingdom and to stay outside the nascent European Economic Community. That was a perfectly logical attitude. Even today a handful of SNP people voted for Brexit. Why are they in the SNP if they are Eurosceptic? There is only one pro-partition party in Scotland. Having sundered the UK they then might be able to induce the SNP to change tack and seek to leave the EU.

In 2014 a referendum was held on Scotland leaving the United Kingdom. We were all told that this was to decide the issue for all time. Nicola Sturgeon and all other SNP politicians accepted that. Sturgeon herself said that it would not be a neverendum. In a completely fair poll the people voted 55% to say in the UK.

The possibility of Britain leaving the UK was known in 2014. Indeed, the SNP raised it in their campaign. The Conservatives and Lib Dems were in coalition government at Westminster. The two parties had already separately vowed to hold a referendum on EU membership. The SNP voted for that referendum on EU membership to take place.

The Scots chose to stay in the United Kingdom. It was an informed choice. The choice was to remain within the UK come what may. The issue of staying in the UK or leaving it has already been settled for all time.

A referendum is not the best of three. Otherwise the losers can hold it again and again until they get the result they like. That is what the EU does to recalcitrant member states Denmark 1992, Ireland 2001, Ireland 2012 passim. Moreover, the EU Constitution was repackaged as the Treaty of Lisbon. Several EU leaders openly acknowledged that it was, in essence, the same document. The changes to it were merely cosmetic.

The SNP is returning to its old policy of anglophobia. It is the oldest trick in the book. If the English are so evil then do not take their money. The SNP pockets the Barnett Formula cash adeptly.

As for some people in North Britain wanting to undermine the Union we have been there before. In the aftermath of the Second World War a campaign for Home Rule in Scotland gathered pace. It had been mused about since the 1880s. But in the late 1940s it became a mass movement. Hundreds of thousands of Scotsmen and Scotswomen signed a petition. They did not wish to break up the UK. They merely wanted to re-establish a parliament in Edinburgh to superintend certain affairs in Scotland. The Scots would continue to be represented in the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Further, the petition said that this was done ‘in all loyalty to the Crown.’ This was a halfway house to separation. But precious few wanted separation. The SNP was a joke back then barely garnering 1% of the vote. The Saltire Society was behind the petition. The Westminster parties formed a united front. Labour, the Conservatives, the Liberals and even the Communist Party all said a very clear an unanimous No. This firm No meant that the movement for home rule withered on the vine. Within a couple of years people had shrugged and forgotten. They moved on to more pressing matters.

If Westminster says a crystal clear ‘No’ then Sturgeon’s demand might run out of steam. The majority people in Caledonia will agree. The large minority who are SNP supporters will mostly accept this. They will soon start to think about urgent matters such as public services. Scotland’s population is falling. How are the elderly to be provided for?

There is every reason to say No. These are the 2014 referendum, the SNP minority at Holyrood, the SNP’s minority vote in 2019 and the SNP’s ignoble motives.

The SNP polled 45% at this latest election. The Greens in Scotland are also in favour of the partition of the UK. But SNP + Greens is still under 50%. So the majority of people voted for pro Union parties.

How has partition worked out in Ireland. How has it worked in South Asia? How has it panned out in Korea? Great Britain has been united by a monarch since 1603. It has been united by a Parliament since 1707. The realms have been fused together. The peoples of the United Kingdom are soldered together by blood ties, by sympathy, by language, by history, by geography, by economics and by every bond of affection and loyalty that man can devise. The Union has been tempered by war against foreign foes. It has been built in peace by shared values and common endeavour.

Scotland’s distinct identity is respected. The collective individuality of the Scots is given its fullest expression. Even prior to 1999 when there was a full Union there were many institutions which were distinctively Scottish. Scotland’s educational system, church, courts and even banknotes are all different from the rest of the United Kingdom.

Why is Sturgeon raising this issue now? She would rather distract from the highly embarrassing rape trial of the SNP’s longtime leader Alex Salmond. She wants to draw attention away from the SNP’s disastrous record in government.

In Scotland the NHS is in parlous condition. Schools are in poor shape. Public finances are barely holding up. Taxes are rising as the economy is slowing. Unemployment is ticking up as is crime. South of Hadrian’s Wall the situation is similar. However, Westminster is not trying to change the subject.

In the Scots Parliament the SNP does not have a majority of seats. This minority government is propped up by the Greens.  The SNP and the Scottish Greens together still got under 50% of the vote at the last Holyrood election.

The SNP have won three Holyrood elections on the trot. They probably will not win a fourth.

The next Holyrood election is slated for May 2021. It could come sooner than that. The other parties would do anything to bring down the SNP. What goes up must come down. The SNP cannot defy political gravity forever. The Lib Dems and Labour formed a coalition at Holyrood before. As the two parties performed so dismally at the Westminster election they are more aware than ever that they need to co-operate.

It is hard to remember now but until 2015 the SNP had only 4 Westminster seats. The SNP’s electoral dominance can disappear as fast as it appears.

Boris Johnson should at least play for time if he does not say an absolute no. There is nothing Sturgeon can do. Spain has shown that an illegal referendum can be disregarded. A country can use reasonable force against such sedition and not be criticized. The EU can hardly disapprove of the UK preserving its integrity.

The SNP’s popularity will dip. They may be out of office before long. This is especially so if they fail to achieve their central mission.

The SNP long opposed first past the post. But this system has done very well for the SNP in getting it lots of Members of Parliament. If they have a principled objection to first past the post they could of course not take their seats.

Labour at a UK level is due to get a new leader. The next one cannot possibly be as bad as the last one. This will give Labour a new lease of life in North Britain. The Liberal Democrats are about to get a new British leader. The incoming leader will surely have more gravitas than the last immature screecher.

Supposing the SNP get their way and leave the UK. Does that guarantee that they get to join the EU? No, it does not as Brussels said very plainly in 2014. The SNP maintains that the UK being outside the EU will be nothing short of calamitous. How much worse would it be for Scotland on its own to be outside the EU? The United Kingdom has 70 000 000 people. Scotland has 6 000 000.

What would an independent Scotland do for a currency? As we know from 2014 the SNP in its 100 year history had not answered the most basic questions. It would not be allowed to keep the Pound Sterling. If the UK is so ghastly why retain the GBP?

An independent Scotland would keep the monarchy. Elizabeth II would become Elizabeth I in relation to Scotland. She would be retitled Queen of Scots. Scotland would be a Commonwealth realm like Jamaica.

Scotland would get rid of nuclear arms at Faslane. The idea would be to join NATO. NATO might not let Scotland in. If NATO did so it might be with the proviso that nuclear arms must be kept at Faslane.

How defensible is Scotland if it is outside the UK and NATO? The Scots regiments of the British Army consist of about 6 000 soldiers. That is not going to stop a determined aggressor.

The SNP does not wish to be reminded of its communist founder Hugh MacDiarmid. As he said, ‘Scotland not merely Gaelic but free as well – not merely Gaelic but free as well.’ There he was quoting Patrick Pearse who was a half English terrorist. By ‘free’ this totalitarian meant separate from Scotland’s kith and kin in Ireland, Wales and England. How is reviving Scots Gaelic coming along? Not at all!

The SNP does not like people noting that it has Nazi members in the Second World War. There were those who tried their damndest to sabotage the war effort. There was an SNP man who actively recruited for the Wehrmacht.

Catalonia held two referenda on separating from Spain. Catalan nationalists are ideological soulmates of the SNP. Yet the SNP failed to speak up for them. The SNP want to be ‘good Europeans’. They offered no fraternal supports to the Catalans who had advocated for the SNP with such vociferation. It was a cowardly act of betrayal.

Do we really want to Balkanise the British Isles? There is no reason to do this. It would offer no benefit. People are now sick of constitutional and nationalistic issues.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Morris Oxford
Morris Oxford
December 15, 2019

What have the Scots ever done for us? Or the Irish for that matter. The pair of them are thick as thieves and we should cut the pair of them loose. Its not like either of them can even play a decent game of Football. We have been trying for more than five hundred years to civilise them both and what have we got for our efforts? deep fried mars bars and attempts to blow up our beloved Margaret Thatcher. Really. Sling them out the pair of them, lets start a campaign and call it ‘Kick Out the Celts’ You… Read more »

Reply to  Morris Oxford
December 15, 2019

Alas. The white man’s anglo-saxon burden is such a heavy cross to bear.

Reply to  Rudy
December 15, 2019

Don’t give the bitter upper middle class twit with a silver spoon up his a**e such credit. He and his kind bore nothing, but claimed credit for everything they never did. History already disproves such drivel. The celts biggest mistake were trusting liars from across their borders and never appreciating the self serving arrogance of the House of Wessex.

Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
Reply to  cudwieser
December 16, 2019

Ha, I attended a British-style prep school in NYC for two years before walking out in thorough disappointment, (and much to my father’s dismay), so I know whence you speak.

Reply to  Yankee Doodle
December 16, 2019

As long as you took something from it, then you were still educated. 🙂

PPS I was Catholic educated. My eyes were opened and mind well blown…. 😉 🙂

Reply to  cudwieser
December 16, 2019

I say if Scotland wants to be independent then let them be indepndent.(personal opinion)

Reply to  Morris Oxford
December 15, 2019

It’s a shame, how they treat you, after all you have done for them, isn’t it?

Reply to  Morris Oxford
December 16, 2019


Smoking Eagle
Smoking Eagle
Reply to  Morris Oxford
December 16, 2019

“You won’t find anyone in England who wants to keep them.” Did you follow the months of news coverage leading up to the Independence vote? If so, you might have noticed all the “Please don’t leave us, Scotland. We love you!” signs, T-shirts, and coffee mugs, the rampant threats and fear-mongering by banks, commerce, industry, and Westminster, and the speeches of press-ganged celebrities, and even former president Obama, in their desperate efforts to persuade the Scots to remain in the UK. At the time, around 55,000 people signed a `Take Us With You Scotland’ petition in support of allowing the… Read more »

Smoking Eagle
Smoking Eagle
Reply to  Morris Oxford
December 18, 2019

“Beloved” Maggie Thatcher? Hardly. They can’t even erect a statue of her in Britain without its head getting knocked off.

Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle
December 16, 2019

Anything with the potential of throwing a monkey wrench into the UK’s foreign meddling machine is OK by me. (and I’m a born & bred American who just calls ’em as he sees ’em).

Reply to  Yankee Doodle
December 16, 2019

A lot of good resides in the UK and there is a commonwealth there, but anywhere within the M25 is so culturally disconnected from reality and hopelessy ignorant of itself that too many are being destroyed by the relative fallout that radiates from within the M25 circus.

December 16, 2019

Casting smears on patriots like Patrick Pearce is despicable. Pearse was not “half English”: his father was English, but Patrick was born and reared in Ireland, and never claimed to be anything but Irish, nor did his brother Willie or other siblings.
So, according to you, the people of a country fighting foreign occupation and aggression are terrorists, George? How terribly British of you.
What a disgusting article. Shame on the Duran for publishing this pro British establishment propaganda, and shame on a man with an Irish name for writing it.

Reply to  Joe
December 16, 2019

[Cough] He’s Scottish [Cough]. IIRC he’s actually scottish, but regardless. He does make at least one good point in that a second referendum, especially now would be foolhardy and right now for Scotland and NI it’s better the devil you know, but I don’t agree with his reasoning nor that a referendum at some time in the future shouldn’t be. The best Scotland and especially NI should do is play the long game, take more control of their affairs like taxation and level it straight at Westminster that they look after everything within the M25 and we’ll start looking after… Read more »

Smoking Eagle
Smoking Eagle
Reply to  cudwieser
December 16, 2019

I agree. Scotland and NI should play the long game. sort out and take control of their affairs. and then consider leaving the UK, which is likely to turn into the Disunited Kingdom under Boris. Joining the EU would be like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, and I am not convinced that would be good for Scotland or NI because it hasn’t exactly been a good thing for many EU members.

Reply to  Smoking Eagle
December 17, 2019

Just ask the Greeks. Scotland has a fighting chance if it left now. NI only has two. It either tanks on it’s own or unites and brings the republic down with it. Not really options. More like epitaphs. Go quietly or go with pride but either way be gone.

Chris Cosmos
Chris Cosmos
December 16, 2019

This is about as inarticulate a piece of writing as I’ve seen on this site, i.e., for me at least confused and confusing. Very quickly, I think it is unlikely that Scotland will leave the UK largely because of inertia. Much depends on what happens in the UK after they leave the EU and how they leave. But as for Scotland not being able to defend itself, that makes little sense. Who would invade? The Irish? Iceland? The military is a racket and has little to do with defending Scotland or England–it’s just a way to exploit fear.

Reply to  Chris Cosmos
December 16, 2019

We Irish invade Scotland (well Glasgow) every Celtic/Rangers match and ever other weekend to boot. Can’t say no to a good drink and banter. 🙂

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