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Mueller’s Report Ends ‘WitchHunt’ But What’s About To Unfold Is The Real Story

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Via Sara Carter…

Attorney General William Barr stressed Thursday during his press conference that although Special counsel Robert Mueller detailed 10 “episodes” involving actions by President Trump that might have constituted obstruction of justice, neither the DOJ, nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein believed those actions violated the law.

Barr said based on the evidence that Trump’s action had “non-corrupt motives.” The redacted version of Mueller’s report was released late Thursday. The very few redactions in the behemoth report show the reasons for the decisions, which were based on recommendations made by the intelligence community, DOJ and Mueller prosecutors to protect classified information, sources and methods and information pertaining to ongoing litigation.


The roughly 400 page report is what it is and now it is available for the public. After more than two years and national media consumption of every rumor possible the investigation has concluded that neither President Trump, anyone on his campaign and no American colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

Thank goodness. We should be celebrating. Instead, many media outlets who carried the Trump conspiracy water to thirsty ‘anti-Trumpers’ and angry Democrats are scouring the pages looking for anything to salvage their failed attempts at removing a duly elected president.

The reality, however, is that it’s over for those pushing the now debunked Trump Russiacollusion. It is a chapter closed.

What is left, however, are multiple chapters still left to be written. What will unfold is investigation into what historians will consider one of the greatest political ‘witch-hunts’ in U.S. history. If justice is served, those responsible will be outed and prosecuted.

Those officials who weaponized the intelligence community, approved unauthorized surveillance on American citizens based on unvalidated information and targeted a sitting president should fear the wrath of ‘lady justice.’

Call it what you will but numerous sources within the intelligence community are describing the actions of the officials who launched and perpetuated the investigation into Trump a failed ‘soft coup.’ That is what we witnessed over the past three years, since the beginning of the investigation into Trump’s campaign.

We also witnessed two major disinformation campaigns: one by the Russians and the other by supporters loyal to Clinton.

From the beginning it was impossible to prove the allegations that the Democrats, anti-Trump right wing and others were lobbing at the president. They did it with such voraciousness that it took over the airwaves like a Tsunami, sweeping up everything and everyone in its path.

Journalists that couldn’t prove those allegations were true, like me, simply said over the past two years “there is no evidence that Trump colluded or conspired with Russia.” I’ve said this as far back as 2017. 

It is the same end result discovered by Mueller after more than $30 million dollars, witness interviews, subpoenas and hundreds of warrants.

Days and weeks with little sleep were spent chasing rabbits down a proverbial hole of allegations that amounted to nothing. It was literally exhausting.

Instead, what evolved from my investigations, as well as my colleague John Solomon, was growing body of evidence of malfeasance within the intelligence community, FBI and DOJ. The insurmountable evidence unraveled like a loose ball of yarn as we started pulling threads and avalanched with the launch of Congressional investigations.

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-CA, was one of the first to reveal those threads and never wavered even when the Washington ‘swamp monsters’ targeted him and his credibility. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-NC, worked tirelessly with their committees to get to the truth. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, have done the same and all promise to continue to the battle for the truth. Why? Because frankly this political war is not over.

Just remember, it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC that paid for former British Spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier through their attorney’s Perkins Coie. It was the embattled research firm Fusion GPS, with its founder Glenn Simpson, that helped spread the dossier and its unsubstantiated and false findings all over Washington D.C. They did so with help from senior officials at the FBI and DOJ. When Simpson and his crew couldn’t get it published they used their contacts at the FBI to leak to information to the media with them. They also had their anti-Trump friends in high positions of power within the Obama Administration like then CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey and his then Deputy Director fo the FBI Andrew McCabe to brief the most salacious parts of the dossier to Trump in January, 2017.

It was the best way to get the disinformation out regarding the dossier to the world. All of the sudden, Trump was being cornered and isolated. More importantly, early on they targeted Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. They knew they had to remove Flynn – remove him from Trump’s side. After all, “he knows where all the bodies are buried and he was sick and tired of the Obama administration’s lies to the American people,” said one former intelligence source who worked closely with Flynn.

Mueller’s report will keep the left busy the next few days. It lists, as Barr noted, ten possible circumstances that could appear to be obstruction but were not considered obstruction by the DOJ. Barr said Trump never broke any laws.

Think about it. Trump was being accused of being a spy for Russia. It was a daily compounded disinformation campaign by senior members of a former administration leaking lies, half-truths and malicious rumors about Trump. Those who aided the lies were MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, McClatchy News, The Washington Post, and many more, who all had stories that the U.S. president was compromised by Russia and worked with the Russians against the American people.

I can’t imagine not being frustrated. The list of allegations that Mueller references in his report were nothing more than an extremely frustrated president who was being accused of the worst crime in U.S. history.

Some of it is embarrassing. However, none of Trump’s actions constituted breaking the law, as Barr noted.

How can you be accused of obstruction of a crime you never committed? However, how can you not be appalled at the lies being directed at you, your family, your coworkers and those who support you when you know for a fact that is all they are – lies.

America needs to heal first and foremost.

But in order to heal the American justice system, that is revered around the world, must act swiftly and with strength to hold those accountable for these actions and bring those who broke the law to justice.

Transparency and justice is the only way we can regain the trust in the institutions that make our great nation the envy of those around the world.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Olivia Kroth
April 19, 2019

Kremlin says Mueller’s report was waste of taxpayers’ money

Russian Politics & Diplomacy April 19, 13:04

Moscow regrets that the documents of this sort are causing direct influence on the development of Russian-US relations, the Kremlin spokesman said


Olivia Kroth
Reply to  Olivia Kroth
April 20, 2019

Russian President Vladimir Putin about Mueller’s report: “The mountain gave birth to a mouse.”

Jane Karlsson
Jane Karlsson
April 19, 2019

“We also witnessed two major disinformation campaigns: one by the Russians and the other by supporters loyal to Clinton.”

What disinformation campaign by the Russians?

Reply to  Jane Karlsson
April 19, 2019

Close your eyes and click your heals 3 times and it will appear before your very eyes.

Reply to  Dorothy
April 19, 2019

Don’t forget to say “There’s no place like home!” three times too…

Stop Bush and Clinton
Stop Bush and Clinton
Reply to  Jane Karlsson
April 21, 2019

All the disinformation spread by RT, of course — you know, outrageous lies like “Clinton isn’t God”, “Trump isn’t God”, “Assad isn’t Hitler”, or worse, “Putin isn’t the devil”

April 19, 2019

After this recent NYT ‘dead duck’ skripal expose, Brit-fed to the CIA and on to the horse’s mouth, I’m now fully convinced that the Brits have a joint MI6-CIA training ground deep in the London sewer system, where they interbreed rats, agents and journalists and unleash them onto the world.

Thanksgiving Stuffing
Thanksgiving Stuffing
Reply to  Hmph
April 19, 2019

Follow the bread crumbs. It’ll tell you all you need to know. Doorknob to hand to breadcrumbs to tykes to duckies and yet…..?

Turns out the only dead duck was Skripal himself as soon as he whispered to Pablo… “I’m thinking I’d like to return to Russia”.

April 19, 2019

“We also witnessed two major disinformation campaigns: one by the Russians and the other by supporters loyal to Clinton.”

Still weird to not even ask for proof of the first one and not act on the proof available for the second one.

April 19, 2019

All well and good but the real perps of 9.11 are intertwined in this with Hillary. How can anyone that works in a government or media let the real perps evade justice for murder of 3000 and then worry about justice for the election?

"C" is for Cat
"C" is for Cat
Reply to  Tjoe
April 20, 2019

Well, it’s probably because all her private server e-mails marked C were skipped over, since she thought it meant ‘Can be ignored’. In hindsight, I think Comey thought it meant that too.

April 19, 2019

What “disinformation campaign… by the Russians?” What on Earth is he referring to?

New Knowledge in a Brave New World
New Knowledge in a Brave New World
Reply to  Marc
April 20, 2019

It’s the clickbait stuff to earn advertising bucks that they always mix up with political hacking. Why do they do that? Geez, don’t tell me…….because they’re political hacks? Do tell.

PS: Is that Chris Cuomo guy for real?

April 20, 2019

“But in order to heal the American justice system, that is revered around the world”. Does the author really believe this? What world does he live in? Has he ever travelled outside his country and asked people what they think of American ‘justice’? Come off it! I don’t expect Barr will get anywhere, that same – deeply corrupt “justice” system will circle the wagons and protect their own. And, you know, the rest of the world could not care less. We could all do with the US establishment tearing itself to pieces, rather than terrorising the rest of the world.

April 20, 2019

Will the mainstream media report the facts even if they are given the facts? I doubt it. Even today I heard a report that wanted to indicate that Trump and his people had some kind of nefarious doings with Russia but that it just wasn’t bad enough to prosecute. The mainstream media is totally bought and paid for.

Bob Valdez
Bob Valdez
April 20, 2019

“But in order to heal the American justice system, that is revered around the world, must act swiftly and with strength to hold those accountable for these actions and bring those who broke the law to justice.”
Nice thought, won’t happen, though. The scum will ooze away through the cracks and escape their due punishment.

Abandon all Hope, Ye who Enter Here
Abandon all Hope, Ye who Enter Here
Reply to  Bob Valdez
April 20, 2019

Forget it. It’s broken beyond repair like the rest of the totally screwed up, Godforsaken country I call home.

PS: Is that Michael McFaul guy for real?

April 20, 2019

Why do all these “journo’s” describe politicians as if they are some noble class locked in life and death struggle, “battling” to do right by us unwashed masses. What a crock! We should be seeing adjectives etc. that portray them accurately, they’re not battling, they’re arguing, neither are they “declaring war” on this or that, they’re cajoling or negotiating. Hardly harrowing stuff. They are boring old snots who are gutless narcisists of the lowest order and that describes them globally, so lets stop the hyperbole and get down to some bloody accuracy in these articles instead of emotion triggering claptrap!

BARR: No collusion by any Americans

Americans: Are you represented in Congress by a stooge of Saudi Crown Prince Salman?