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Meet The New Leader Of The Free World…Vladimir Putin

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

If you thought Joe Biden would be the next leader of the Free World, either you haven’t been paying attention or you’ve allowed the media’s incessant gaslighting to dumb you right down, because the United States is now officially a banana republic.

Donald Trump was unquestionably the finest American President in the lifetime of any extant human being. He is a businessman, and when was the last time the United States elected a businessman as its head? No, not George Bush, he and his ilk are members of the elite, insiders and monopolists. Donald Trump is and always has been an outsider. He realised that whatever else a nation is, its economy is a business, and should be run as such, and when he took office, he began applying those principles.

One thing he did was simplify the tax forms filled out by the self-employed and small businesses. In other areas he tore up red tape left, right and centre. Think of how much feather bedding and how many make-work jobs that destroyed. This alone was enough to earn him the enmity of the bureaucracy at all levels, but he vowed to do more than that. One massive and supposedly so controversial project was the wall between the US and Mexico. Left wing morons denounced it as racist; Chuck Schumer famously said walls don’t work, though he didn’t suggest Israel should demolish its “racist wall”. According to the Congressional Record of January 16, 2019:

“That border wall caused the number of people coming into Israel to drop from 1,800 a year to nothing.

There are other walls around the world. There is a wall between Jordan and Syria and Iraq that has been somewhat successful in keeping ISIS out of Jordan. The interesting thing about that wall, it was, to a certain extent, paid for by the U.S. taxpayer…Seventy countries around the world have walls. Ten countries in the EU states have walls. These countries are not building walls because they don’t work. They build walls because they do.”

Once again, only an American wall is “racist”.

Trump defended and strengthened religious liberty. Urban blacks in particular suffer badly due to a third rate education system, so Trump championed school choice that allowed parents to do exactly that. In spite of that, the moronic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed he was sending out “dog whistles” to white supremacists.

Trump initiated criminal justice reform, to some extent with bipartisan support in the belief that a man who has blotted his copy book or a woman who has made one big mistake should not be blighted for life.

His biggest promise though, one he fulfilled as best he could, was to build up the American armed forces so they could never be challenged while simultaneously withdrawing American troops from endless, no-win foreign entanglements. This angered a lot of people, those higher up in the military, and those who in seeming defiance of the broken window fallacy make huge profits from war.

The recent scenes in Washington have led Nancy Pelosi to call for him to be impeached for sedition. Sedition can be defined as “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch”, which is precisely what she and the rest of her party have been doing since Trump took office.

There was the Russian collusion hoax, which we now know was the product of Hillary Clinton’s sick mind; there was the attempt to remove Trump from office for his bland phone call to the Ukrainian leader, claiming he was attempting to coerce him for political ends, something Joe Biden did openly and boasted about it to the CFR. And many more things besides.

Then there is the stolen election. It has now been proven beyond doubt that there was massive fraud in the swing states with dead people voting, Trump votes being dumped, and votes for Trump switched mysteriously to Biden. In the swing states and only in the swing states. The Supreme Court refused to hear any case in this connection, very likely out of cowardice, and where was the FBI? The answer to that question is that Christopher Wray may not be the second coming of James Comey, but he has certainly done everything in his power to cover up the massive corruption that extends from the upper echelons of the Democratic Party into the FBI and to some extent the other security agencies, and that in spite of the house cleaning that William Barr set in motion.

Literally dozens of people who are still making mischief should be behind bars, including Hillary Clinton who endangered the nation’s security by somehow transferring top secret information from secure Government networks onto the regular  Internet. Comey, James Clapper, and perhaps most of all John Brennan should have been indicted if not serving hard time for numerous crimes up to and including sedition. The affair of Hunter Biden’s laptop and Anthony Weiner’s before that show the extent of the financial and political corruption, yet now, barring a miracle, all this will be swept under the rug.

It isn’t clear exactly what will happen over the next few months, but the one thing that is clear is that Biden cannot possibly run the country, and Kamala Harris would run it into the ground. As things stand, America is finished, but Russia isn’t. There is now arguably more freedom and definitely less corruption in the Russian Government. Also, Russia hasn’t bowed to the ludicrous but toxic critical race theory or any other manifestation of Marxism or political correctness, and as long as Vladimir Putin or men of his calibre are in charge, it never will. How ironic is that?


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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January 8, 2021

It can Definitely be Agreed that Russia now carries the Mantle of Freedom and Liberty in the World today. But to Say That Trump was an Outsider with no ties to G.Ws Ilk of Insiders and Monopolists, is either Willful misdirection or just plain Ignorance. Fifty percent of Trump Nominees had ties to industries the were hired to regulate( The Strategic and Policy Forum ). For example, Chief Economic Advisor to Trump Admin and CEO of Trump Businesses Stephen Schwarzman ( also founder of Blackstone investment fund of a well known insider), Became a Bonesman in 69. others close to… Read more »

David Robertson
David Robertson
Reply to  TheDarkMan
January 8, 2021

There is however quite a bit of evidence to suggest exactly that. After all Isn’t he calling for the rapid roll out of the vaccine in keeping with the most recent conspiracy theory advanced by the “Deep State”, of a “deadly virus” devastating the health of the world population and justifying unprecedented tyrannical government actions? In other words Trump may well be just the other side of a dialectic that keeps the hoi polloi in check while furthering the objectives of the real rulers of the United States and the world. If you don’t know who they are perhaps you… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by David Robertson
Paul Martin
Paul Martin
Reply to  David Robertson
January 9, 2021

There happens to be something that doesn’t allow most people to have any easy or ready-made opinion about any of this, based on “evidence” or hearsay — or whatever. That thing is called the “fog of war.” What has been unfolding is properly a war on many levels. Therefore, nothing that appears to the public eye can be trusted, especially not by “what you see is what you get.” This applies not only to “conspiracies” but to “mutual interests” of all kinds.

Last edited 3 years ago by Paul Martin
Sally Snyder
Sally Snyder
January 8, 2021

Here is one of the more interesting unintended consequences of partisan politics in the United States:

The combination of BLM demonstrations and Joe Biden’s win in November 2020 has created an increasing level of fear among Americans who do not back one of his key policies.

Susan Rarick
Susan Rarick
January 8, 2021

Banana Republics are generally torn apart from within. If someone was smart enough to realize that all that is needed is to cause power outages in urban areas which will result in riots. The interesting part of this is that there is a limited supply of power transformers which would cause delays in restoring power and secondly; all it takes is putting a hole in the bottom of the transformer to drain the cooling oil and they overheat and blow up themselves. I’m still waiting for someone to figure out that little gem of wisdom. Especially when you consider that… Read more »

Helen B
January 8, 2021

Putin has been the champion of freedom and human dignity in the world for his entire tenure as President of Russia. No matter how hard they have tried to smear him, he is still as popular as ever with the people of Russia, and with many who admire him around the world. Biden couldn’t dream of rising past his ankles. The obvious corruption in the US election will mean that the next administration will never have any respect from any free country, merely those who too are under the boot of the Deep State, and there’s a few of them.… Read more »

Reply to  Helen B
January 8, 2021

So true Helen B .

Leona Fernandez
Leona Fernandez
Reply to  Helen B
January 19, 2021

I am a native Canadian and very grateful to be born in Canada, but I have not been proud to be a Canadian for a very long time, Why? Because we have had dumb ass boneheads for Prime Ministers (except for Chretien) and Canada is not much more than a colony of our next door USA nightmare neighbor, (aka — The Zionist/American Warmongering Dictatorship Terrorist Regime from Hell ) I would move to Russia if Putin would be able to be Russia’s President forever, but when he leaves, Russia could end up getting a guy like Navalny who is nothing… Read more »

Black Picard
Reply to  Leona Fernandez
January 31, 2021

I am a native Canadian and very grateful to be born in Canada, but I have not been proud to be a Canadian for a very long time, Why? Yep, Jean Chrétien was the best Prime Minister Canada had over the past 30/40 years, hands down. I loved it when he told the Neocons to piss off, that Canada wasn’t joining them in Iraq after 911 false flag. How ironic that I came to Africa on a very short business trip a looong time ago & had the prescient common sense to say, “Screw that, I’m staying on the dark… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Black Picard
January 8, 2021

America is NOT a Banana Republic.
It ain’t got no bananas.

Reply to  paul
January 9, 2021

Ha Ha Ha. A nice observation. 🙂

January 8, 2021

Words that needed to be said and thank you for that .When the dust settles the United States will slide further into perversion and decadence because the dirt will be swept under the rug as if it does not exists .Many do not believe the extent to which this dirt has reached but to their own peril as they watch their country go down slowly as it burns . All I can say to my US neighbors is good luck and maybe we will need another wall soon between my country and yours.Not that my country has proven to be… Read more »

January 9, 2021

Witness the UK’s transition into a totalitarian lawless and feudal police state:

UK Column News – 8th January 2021

January 9, 2021

Who is the better man?

  1. Vladimir Putin
  2. Joe Biden
Black Picard
January 31, 2021

President Putin is the ONLY leader in the world whom I have the utmost respect for. He’s waaaay WAY above any other leader right now in the East or in the “exceptional West”. His brilliant statesmanship is unmatched over the past 500 years I’d wager. Just look at how he’s single-handedly transformed a Mother Russia, left for dead, after the fall of the Soviet Union. Remember how the Western banksters raped that country during its lost decade while that drunk Boris Yeltsin was in power. It was a very dark period for Russia indeed. Lots of in-your-face organized crime, massive… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Black Picard
Black Picard
January 31, 2021

Only exceptionally dumb “Western” sheep along with their treasonous warmongering SELECTED puppets hate Vladimir Putin. Oh how I wish Africa could model itself after these 2 countries: Approximately 60% Russian Federation: Orthodox Christian with a strong military. a very creative scientific/engineering/arts identity. a pragmatic nationalist mentality a patriotic “Mother Russia” like citizenry. vibrant respectful independent “tribal” republics all resources owned by the state for the betterment of its citizens – not banksters! massive investments in infrastructure. and 40% China: strong law & order central gov’t. a technocratic leadership with strong STEM culture a strong manufacturing base. one People’s party system… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Black Picard

Whatever is Wrong with Mike Morell?

Talk of Impeachment or 25th Amendment is Wrong