
How Truman’s America Re-Nazified Germany

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Eric Zuesse

The first (original) Nazi Party was in Germany, but the ideology, imperialistic racist fascism (the lower-case “nazism” ideology, instead of just the original, upper-case “N” Nazi Party that was an example of it) can be in any country.

German racist-fascism or Nazism was organized by Hitler as anti-Jewish, anti-communist, and for a Thousand-Year Reich in which “Aryans” or purebred descendants of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, would have control over the entire world, and there would be no descendants from the snake (Satan) in Genesis 3, which Hitler believed Jews to be. The Slavic peoples in the Soviet Union would become enslaved to Aryans, and that land would be the main breeding-ground or “Lebensraum” to expand the numbers of Aryans so that they could achieve further conquests, and he thought that the most difficult country for Germany to defeat would be America — but, that he and his fascist allies would first need to defeat all of EurAsia. Then, he would take on America. That was his plan, ever since 1919, and as-of 1928, his Second Book, and it never changed. Conquest of all lands, and extermination of all Jews, was to produce his Thousand-Year Reich, which he thought would be “Paradise.” Nazism wasn’t only about exterminating Jews. It was also, very importantly, about conquering the Soviet Union.

America’s President Harry S. Truman came into office on 12 April 1945 fearing Stalin whom he didn’t know, resenting his immediate predecessor FDR whom he had barely even met and did not like, and thinking that the best thing for America would be if the Germans and the Russians would simply kill each other off. His chief aide, James Byrnes, and Britain’s Winston Churchill, worked on him, to get him to fear Stalin, but it was Truman’s personal hero, General Dwight Eisenhower, who sealed things that way in his mind, by telling Truman at the Potsdam Conference that if America would not defeat the Soviet Union, then the Soviet Union would defeat America; and, so, on 25 July 1945, Truman decided to start the Cold War, and he did it by telling Stalin that America would not allow the Soviet Union to have any control over its bordering nations which were being contested by the Soviets versus the Germans — in other words: that the Soviet Union must not interfere if the people in those countries might choose to ally with America against the Soviet Union, instead of with the Soviet Union against America. His attitude toward Stalin, and toward the Soviet Union, suddenly became clearly hostile on that day — exactly the opposite of what FDR’s had been. Thus, on 25 July 1945, Truman wrote from the Potsdam Conference in Berlin to his wife Bess in Washington, “There are some things we can’t agree to. Russia and Poland have gobbled up a big hunk of Germany and want Britain and us to agree. I have flatly refused. We have unalterably opposed the recognition of police governments in the Germany Axis countries. I told Stalin that until we had free access to those countries and our nationals had their property rights restored, so far as we were concerned there’d never be recognition. He seems to like it when I hit him with a hammer.” That’s as-if if Stalin were to have told Truman that if the people in Mexico or in Canada were to ally with the Soviet Union against America, that would be okay. Stalin obviously could not agree to it; and this statement by Truman, that America had a right to ally with the USSR’s adjoining countries against the USSR, did inevitably start the Cold War. If it felt to Stalin like Truman had just “hit him with a hammer,” then practically anyone but the bigoted Truman would have understood why. It was mega-historic, a complete reversal of what FDR’s attitude and policies had been, but ‘historians’ continue to ignore it, even to this day, because they don’t want to acknowledge the historical fact that Truman started the Cold War, and that subsequent U.S. Presidents refused to put a stop to it, but instead continued to feed its flames.

Konrad Adenauer was chosen by Truman to lead post-War West Germany, because Adenauer was strongly supportive of America’s conquering the Soviet Union but had no particular interest in Hitler’s aim to eliminate Jews. He was a pan-Christian rabid anti-communist who viewed atheism with deep contempt and so founded the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union Party, not only against communists but against all socialists, under the view that Germany’s Social Democratic Party was too accommodationist to communists, and not sufficiently hostile toward the Soviet-controlled half of Germany, the GDR. He was the sort of person that Truman wanted to lead Western Germany.

Truman’s CIA brought into America and other anti-Soviet countries thousands of ‘former’ Nazi officials and put them to work in intelligence, weapons-design, and other anti-Soviet services. Truman’s Nuremberg Tribunals were show-trials of Hitlerites whom the Truman Government didn’t need, and whom it displayed as sacrificial wolves to execute in order to fool the world to think that America wasn’t going to simply take up where Hitler’s regime had left off in trying to conquer the entire world in a battle against ‘communism’. The idea was to play up the Nazis’ anti-Jewish obsession and play down their anti-communist obsession, so that people wouldn’t even notice that America had simply picked up Hitler’s world-conquest objective, but this time for America instead of for Germany.

On 10 January 2016, Muguel Auso headlined “Adolf Heusinger: the story of the Nazi general who ended up leading NATO” and accurately described the career of one of Hitler’s leading and always loyal generals whom the Truman team not only excluded from the execution-list but actually advanced into leadership positions not only in West Germany’s military but then even to the very top of NATO as chairman of the NATO Military Committee – the highest rank in the organization’s military branch. That article was republshed by Ronald Ángel, on 28 June 2022, as “The story of the Nazi general who ended up becoming head of NATO: World War I veteran, Nazi army chief of operations, secret CIA agent, and chairman of the NATO military committee.”

On 21 March 2022, Beatriz Talegón headlined “NATO and its links with Nazism: Some of the high commands of NATO came from being high military commands of German Nazism and very close to Adolf Hitler”, and it became posted by Ronald Ángel on 23 June 2022. It summarily described 9 top Nazi generals whom the Truman regime not only let off the hook but promoted to high positions in NATO and in Germany’s post-War military: Reinhard Gehlen, Adolf Heusinger, Hans Spiedel, Johannes Steinhoff, Johann von Kielmansegg, Ernst Ferber, Karl Schnell, Franz Joseph Schulze, and Ferdinand von Senger und Etterlin.

Germany — which has 231 U.S. military bases (and you can count each one of them on that list) — is a vassal-nation of the U.S. empire, and therefore cannot make any decision in international relations that the U.S. Government (the empire’s headquarters) won’t allow it to make. Germany’s re-unification on 3 October 1990 turned Germany, a nation that the Soviet Union had defeated in World War Two as a consequence of Hitler’s failed Operation Barbarossa invasion of the Soviet Union, into becoming, yet again, nazi, but this time under America’s version of racist-fascism (nazism, the ideology), which wasn’t entirely the same as Hitler’s had been: it wasn’t, at all, obsessed against Jews. It’s obsessed, instead, only against Russians.

Post WW-II history has been systematically misrepresented as-if the aggressor were Russia. U.S.-and-‘allied’ nations pretend that America and Britain defeated Germany, but they only stole it after the Soviets had won it and won WW II. Instead of gratitude for that, Russia gets, from them, only lies against it. And, ever since 25 July 1945, when the Cold War started, the aggression between the two sides has always been by America against Russia, and it has also been aggression by America against China, and against any country that is on good terms with one or both of those. It is, in fact, the non-stop U.S. campaign to take over the entire world — control all international relations. This can end in only two ways: either by the U.S. regime’s quitting its attempt, or else by global nuclear annihilation.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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April 21, 2023

“Genesis 3”?? wtf? and quit commenting on my stuff

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
April 21, 2023

“I found that when I was researching my book WHY the Holocaust Happened.”

If you have any evidence for Adolf Hitler planning the Holocaust™, then send it to David Irving (the worlds greatest living historian), and he will give you the 1000 pound he promised to the first person that finds a (NSDAP) German document proving there was even a plan for the so called Holocaust™ or that Adolf Hitler even knew anything about it. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
April 22, 2023

“..he didn’t want any written order for it to exist,..”——Seriously! So you believe that Adolf Hitler whispered a genocidal order to his Generals, and they whispered the order to their lieutenants, who in turn ………Genocidal Chinese Whispers or maybe the NSDAP mastered Telepathy! How do you explain why Fred A. Leuchter never found any trace of Hydrogen cyanide in the ostensible Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, nor did the German Chemist Germar Rudolf when he carried out a more scientifically advanced test on the mythical Gas Chambers?  It should be noted that Germar Rudolf believed in the Gas Chamber myth, before… Read more »

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
April 22, 2023

“Have you no sense of justice, whatsoever? Why? That’s what I want to know.” I certainly do, and this is the reason why I will not allow a demonic lie like the Holocaust™ to malign the whole German nation with ancestral sin (including financial reparations), for something that never happened.  I don’t gain anything out of this and I am not German. On the contrary, with the unscrupulous Holocaust denial laws in many European countries, I could be jailed like thousands before me in any of these vassal states, for Thoughtcrime!  But there is only one thing that profoundly matters… Read more »

Reply to  Crass
April 22, 2023

If Eric Zuesse would just expand his resume to include Modern Jewish Mythology and include that in his descriptions of the holocaust, he could quickly fix this problem.

Reply to  penrose
April 22, 2023

Exactly Penrose. The Holocaust™ is Jewish Mythology.  Its funny that the Tribe keep propagandising us with how clever they are, but then they give us the most ridiculous and imbecilic war time atrocities porn, with their Holocaust™ (and their Talmudic 6 Million figure), which can be easily disproved with a bit of research and reasoning.  The original number they gave us for deaths at Auschwitz was 4 Million, which came from the Soviet Pravda newspaper of May 7, 1945. In 1991 it was quietly revised down to 1.1 Million.  Der Spiegel then reduced the death toll at Auschwitz to just… Read more »

April 21, 2023

America also brought in Wernher von Braun, whose Saturn V put America on the Moon. I wonder what would have happened if he had gone to Russia instead.

Last edited 1 year ago by penrose
Reply to  penrose
April 21, 2023

Lol do people still believe this. Watch documentary “American Moon”. Moon landing was faked.

Last edited 1 year ago by Commit
Reply to  Commit
April 21, 2023

Actually going to the moon was far easier than faking it. Faking it would have been a monumental achievement. But perhaps Earth is just a hologram created by advanced aliens, and we are all fakes. 🙂

Reply to  penrose
April 21, 2023

They didn’t have to try hard when most people refuse to even think about that possibility. Watch the documentary American Moon before making fool from yourself.

Reply to  Commit
April 21, 2023

I know all about the silly attempts by amateurs to show that the moon landing was faked. Some people also believe that the Earth is flat. Go out and take a look. Looks flat to me.

But the flag is waving, where are the stars, what is wrong with the shadows.

What really agravates me is I want a piece of the green cheese the moon has so much of. Come on, guys, where’s my green cheese?

Reply to  penrose
April 21, 2023

Flat earth is a psy op created to discredit any skepticism about Moon landing. There are proofs that earth is round everyone can check himself.

There is no proof of moon landing. Even the stones were proven to be fake recently.

Reply to  Commit
April 21, 2023

I have no proof that you exist. You may just be a robot programmed to discredit the moon landing.

Reply to  Commit
April 21, 2023

I think this is one of the first posts you made, that I totally agree with. 

Reply to  penrose
April 22, 2023

“America also brought in Wernher von Braun, whose Saturn V put America on the Moon. I wonder what would have happened if he had gone to Russia instead.” Sergei Korolev was the greatest rocket scientist who ever lived. His was imprisoned in 1938 for six years, on a bogus charge from the Bolshevik NKVD. On his releasee he started working to recover the technology of captured German V-2 rockets and he worked with captured German scientists.  He went onto design the worlds first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) named the R-7 Semyorka in 1953. The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1 was… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Crass
Reply to  Crass
April 22, 2023

The Party gave him resources to do that.

Reply to  Commit
April 22, 2023

You can’t buy intellectual creativity and pure genius, and throwing all of the resources in the Soviet Union would not have brought them any closer to space flight, without a mastermind like Sergei Korolev at the helm. 

April 21, 2023

During the Truman Presidency there was the Korean War (1950). Years earlier (1945) the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki took place.

Here is how the North Korean war could have been stopped in its tracks. When the North Koreans streamed South of the 38th parallel, all America had to do is say: “Nope, we are going to keep the peace and status quo for now. So turn your troops around and march them back where they were. If you fail to do that, Pyongyang will soon be joining the “Hiroshima Club”. Result? Quick end of the Korean War.

Reply to  penrose
April 21, 2023

You overestimate power of nuclear weapons.

Reply to  Commit
April 21, 2023

I know. Just overgrown lady fingers. 🙂

April 21, 2023

The first (original) Nazi Party was in Germany...” ———Fake news. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party never called themselves Nazi! 

That was his (Adolf Hitler) plan, ever since 1919, and as-of 1928, his Second Book, and it never changed. Conquest of all lands, and extermination of all Jews, was to produce his Thousand-Year Reich”———There is no evidence for the alleged National Socialist “extermination of all Jews”, as there is not one genuine German document, anywhere in the world, that called for the “extermination of all Jews”. 

Put up the evidence Eric Zuesse or shut up! 

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