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For those who think President Trump is not Christian: watch this. [Video]

Never in modern history has an American President put the defense of Christianity front and center like President Trump has. The MSM just doesn’t show you.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

This is one of the reasons why there is so much vitriol being dumped out all over President Trump from the Left, the Democrats, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Barack Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband and so many more. They do not like it when someone walks the walk with regard to Christianity. It is far more convenient to have someone who “goes to church” but doesn’t do what God wants of them. VP Joe Biden and his wife are involved in such a playact, and so are Kamala Harris and her husband. We have noted this before but it needs to be pointed out again and again and again.

Joe Biden has long been known as a “practicing Roman Catholic.” But like Nancy Pelosi, another such “practicing Roman Catholic”, Biden supports abortion, homosexual marriage and he will be an easy pushover for national marijuana legalization. It is coming. Make no mistake, if he wins this will be in the spotlight in Year One.

Aiding and abetting in this will be Kamala Harris, a Baptist.

But don’t we remember that the Roman Catholics are really strict on the matter of abortion? It is verboten (forbidden) without equivocation. In fact, some priests will not commune believers that support abortion. The Church itself has such strict sanctions against this practice that a Roman Catholic who gets an abortion is excommunicated by their actions, and likely not allowed Communion again until their deathbed according to Church canons. It is a big deal.

The Baptists do not have the amount of time and tradition, but they have been known for having real fire for obeying the Bible they know. One of the hallmarks of many Baptist believers is a total ban on alcoholic beverages and certainly on any other drugs. Yet we have Kamala Harris freely talking about marijuana legalization, as recently as Thursday, August 20, 2020 (I told you it was coming!), and Newsweek had this to say:

A majority of Republicans support Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ proposal to legalize marijuana nationwide, according to a new poll.

The poll, which was conducted by Data for Progress, found that 60 percent of Republicans say they support the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, or MORE Act, which was introduced by Harris in the Senate, where it is awaiting action.

The MORE Act would decriminalize marijuana, removing it from the controlled substance list, and would allow certain marijuana offenses to be expunged from a person’s record. The act would also create a trust fund from a national tax on marijuana, with money given to communities affected by the war on drugs.

And yes, that was “Republican” support. This is how far it has gone that now the GOP is losing their minds on this horrible idea. That is something that not all GOP members want, but it shows how pervasive the legalizing campaign has been.

But for the Christian, such practices are poison to the soul. Now, watch this video, shot originally at the National Prayer Breakfast on February 6th of this year, before the COVID pandemic got going. President Trump, though audibly suffering from a cold, came and spoke at length about his committment to supporting not only just the ambiguous idea of “religious freedom” but specifically put it on the line for Christian communities and believers. Listen to the whole thing and then try to refute this. You will not be able to. We might be able to pick at certain theological things that we as Orthodox Christians or Protestants like to argue about, but the defense of Christianity – including our freedom to squabble with one another – has never been in better hands than with Donald J. Trump. We ought to keep him with us. Our nation needs more prayer and not more church closures. We need praise of God and not praise of ganja. We need to hear and live in truth – facing what is evil and turning it towards redemption, not creating a make-believe world where transgendered mermaid queen-kings are actually considered a real sex.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Oh please
Oh please
August 23, 2020

Trump pandering to Christians is like Biden pandering to poor blacks.

John Ellis
Reply to  Oh please
August 23, 2020

Pagan Trump is only pandering to a pagan society.
Surely, true Christians have nothing to do with it.

Dee Cee
August 23, 2020

Seraphim: please correct your statement about Roman Catholics canonically excommunicated until their death beds. They are excommunicated by the sin of abortion until they repent and do a good confession.

John Ellis
Reply to  Dee Cee
August 23, 2020

In the eyes of heaven, giving birth to a child is an act of love, not a legal obligation. Which means that using government deadly force to force mothers to put their life in danger by childbirth, is a total destruction of all the moral fabric in society.

Ungodly, satanic and Catholic pagan worship.

Dee Cee
Reply to  John Ellis
August 23, 2020

John, you are hardly qualified to understand what the “eyes of Heaven” have to say about anything. And you actually fully contradict yourself by supporting abortion. Please go back to the holy scriptures and Tradition and get an education on Christian morality.

John Ellis
August 23, 2020

Why all the evil? — In heaven, gratitude motivates compassion and charity, so all wealth stays in the economy and is used to maximize happiness for society. On the other hand, on earth, wealth motivates competition and hoarding, so all wealth is extracted from the economy and used to maximize luxury for the rich. — So, everyone in heaven born most grateful, everyone on earth born an ingrate, and earth about to expire in a convulsion as expected. Good grief, why all the grief — what is the point? — But then, in Genesis 1:3, did not Satan claim that everyone deserved to have… Read more »

John Ellis
August 23, 2020

True Christianity is doing as did the early Christians, as did Christ, be a pacifist vegetarian with no more wealth than the poor.

Comes now pagan worshiping Trump and pagan Empire USA, and such a pagan society as to hoard half of all the wealth on earth, to be the most wealth loving, war-hawk and dead-flesh consuming sinners you ever did see.

August 24, 2020

If anyone thinks Trump is a Christian then you also believe in the tooth fairy. When I say Trumps only faith is Donald Trump it’s not with any malice or that I like the other side any better. Both sides are abominable.
Trump is a overbearing loud mouth used car salesman type and he only panders to the religious right for votes nothing more and nothing less. If there was no advantage for him he would not the give the God squads the time of day.

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