
Truths My U.S. Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Avoids Saying, And Why He Does

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Eric Zuesse

RFK Jr. is, in my view, the first-ever U.S. Presidential candidate in either Party who honestly represents and advocates for the policies that FDR (whom historians consider to be at least among the two greatest American Presidents if not himself #1) had been intending for the United States in the event that the Allies would win WW II. (Of course, FDR died on 12 April 1945 while the war was ending, and thus didn’t get to shape the post-War nation, far less shape the post-War world.) Russell Brand’s landmark May 12th, 68:35-minute, interview of candidate RFK Jr. (whom I consider to be FDR’s ideological heir), left no big stone unturned, and got shockingly direct and honest answers from him, all of which fit with what my own historical researches have revealed, such as that:

. The CIA assassinated JFK and sacrificed its asset Lee Harvey Oswald as the fall-guy in it — though Oswald had probably had nothing to do with it.

. Covid-19 was created by the U.S. military under a U.S. Government contract to China’s lab in Wuhan

Here is that May 12th interview:

“Russell & RFK Jr | FAUCI, CIA Secrets & Running For President – #128 – Stay Free With Russell Brand”

At 15:00 in it, RFK Jr. praises President Eisenhower as the first U.S. President who condemned the MIC or military-industrial complex. Is RFK Jr. denying that Eisenhower and Truman had established the MIC, and that it thrived from what both of those Presidents had done? No. He’s instead saying that Ike warned America about the MIC just three days before leaving office. Why did Eisenhower do that? I’ve seen lots of evidence that he did it because he knew full well that it would turn out to have been a curse to the entire world and he didn’t want to be blamed for having done so much in order to get it established. He wanted his immediate successors to be blamed for it. However, actually, chief movers in getting it established were the Dulles brothers, Allen heading the CIA, and John heading the State Department. Ike appointed both of them. RFK Jr. prominently blames both Allen and John, but NOT Ike. Why? Could it be because RFK Jr., as a Presidential candidate, is getting lots of his initial favorable exposure to the public via Republican Party propaganda operations such as Fox News instead of via Democratic Party propaganda operations such as MSNBC and CNN (who propagandize for Biden instead)? He needs to appeal to the prejudices now of Republicans, at least as much as to the prejudices of Democrats. Right now, he is attacking the Democratic President Biden, and Republicans like that; so: RFK Jr. needs to avoid, as much as possible, offending Republicans. If he instead were attacking Republican Presidents, then they wouldn’t like him. Ike is a solid Republican icon. RFK Jr. doesn’t hesitate to criticize the Republican President Nixon, because Nixon was JFK’s opponent. But Eisenhower wasn’t. (Furthermore: Nixon isn’t so much of a Republican icon after the Watergate scandal.) So: RFK Jr. is presenting Eisenhower in a favorable light, though Ike installed both of the Dulleses, whom RFK Jr. is largely blaming for the cover-up of the actual heads of JFK’s assassination, who were, most prominently, not ONLY Allen, but ALSO John, Dulles. (They aren’t Republican icons, but they were Republicans.)

At 16:00, RFK Jr. blames Nixon and the Dulles brothers for the Bay of Pigs trap that JFK fell into when he became the President. RFK Jr. doesn’t blame Ike for that, though Ike was actually the main person behind it.

At 25:00, he argues that it is “beyond a reasonable doubt” that Allen Dulles and his chief thug James Jesus Angleton were the masterminds of JFK’s assassination. So: Ike’s Administration did it (but RFK Jr. doesn’t say so).

At 35:00, he points out that Operation Warpspeed to get fast approval for America’s anti-covid vaccines (which had been largely invented and patented by the U.S. Government) was largely an operation of Dr. Fauci.

There are also other interesting points he makes:

15:00 praises Ike

16:00 blames Nixon&DullesBros. for Bay of Pigs

25:00 Beyond a reasonable doubt, the CIA had JFK assassinated.

35:00 NSA ran Operation Warpspeed, Fauci was behind that.

36:55 He exposes Avril Haines, the Deputy Director of the CIA, who has been managing cover-ups her entire life: she covered-up for the torturers at Guantanamo Bay — she is now the DNI which makes her the highest officer at the NSA, which managed the pandemic. … It was all about how do you use the pandemic to clamp down, censorship, forced lock-downs, which — by the way, every [national authority around the world] all of them said that lock-downs are bad policy-responses to a pandemic. You quarantine the sick, you protect the vulnerable, and you let everybody else go back to work. … [The top people on covid starting on 19 September 2019 — which was actually under the Republican Trump — were] Avril Haines, CIA now DNI; Bill Gates …; Tony Fauci; … virtually all U.S. major media; and China’s expert; and THEY were saying: Do lockdowns. Avril Haines immediately [back in September 2019] held a private conference about how to persuade the public that covid-19 was NOT from a lab-leak. She said that not only do we have to censor-out voices who would be saying it was a lab-leak but we must “flood the zone” with propaganda saying it was instead natural. “I detail every one of them [such instances] in my book and every one of them the CIA wrote the script for.” So, he’s saying that this looks like a Deep State operation. But he praises Katherine Eban’s article in the 3 June 2021 Vanity Fair as having exposed the shoddiness of the public statements by the Trump Administration which alleged that this was a natural virus. Then, the new President, Biden, appointed Avril Haines to determine whether or not covid-19 came from a lab-leak. That’s like placing either the prosecutor or the defense attorney as being also the judge in a criminal case, but the public never knew about this. “And she continues to be the primary adviser to President Biden on coronavirus.” RFK Jr. is attacking Biden more than he is attacking Trump — because right now, he needs Republican media to interview him (since Democratic media want instead to bury him).

On 18 March 2023, I presented evidence that “PROVEN: Covid-19 Was Part Of U.S. Bio-Warfare Program, Carried Out In Wuhan To Spark Hatred Against China”, which argued that the immediate precursor to the covid-19 virus had been engineered in a U.S. bio-weapons lab but produced in China’s Wuhan lab so as to increase hatred against China. RFK Jr. is more explicit: he says that even the covid-19 virus was produced that way. However, he says that the reason why it was produced in the Chinese lab instead of in a U.S. lab is that this was the way that Fauci got around a recently passed U.S. law against such “gain-of-function” research (actual production of the virus) being done in America. Maybe my hypothesis that the purpose was to hype hatred against China was false. I don’t know.

As regards whether Lee Harvey Oswald was even involved at all in JFK’s assassination: Warren “Commission Exhibit No. 2003” from the FBI, dated 23 November 1963, said:

As regards whether Lee Harvey Oswald was even involved at all in JFK’s assassination: Warren “Commission Exhibit No. 2003” from the FBI, dated 23 November 1963, said:

“The latent [finger]prints appearing in the photograph taken of the rifle” “by the Dallas Police Department, are too fragmentary and indistinct to be of any value for identification purposes. Photographs of this weapon taken by the Bureau also failed to produce prints of sufficient legibility. … No latent prints of value were developed on Oswald’s revolver, the cartridge cases, the unfired cartridge, the clip in the rifle or the inner parts of the rifle.” Nor was there other proof that Oswald had fired any of the shots that hit Kennedy. And the debate as to whether there was any courtroom-quality evidence confirming that Oswald had fired any of those shots continues and will probably never be resolved. No honest person today can say with certainty that Oswald fired ANY of the shots that killed JFK. However: RFK Jr., isn’t alleging that Oswald was uninvolved, but instead that the Warren Commission Report was a cover-up; and I think that it either was that or else was astoundingly incompetent. Since the Commission’s Report is consistently in favor of the CIA (the ‘lone gunman theory’), the remaining question is: How likely is it that 100% of that “incompetence” was NOT actually driven by a conspiracy? (And JFK’s replacement of the imperialistic fascist Republican Allen Dulles by the imperialistic fascist Republican John McCone changed nothing. It failed. But RFK Jr. says nothing about that, too — because RFK Sr. had advised JFK to choose McCone for that post.)

RFK Jr. is stunningly honest, but there are some important truths that, for his own strategic reasons, he avoids pointing out. I think he would make a very great President, because I think he aims to move forward with FDR’s plans and to reverse the catastrophic direction that Truman and Eisenhower set the U.S. (and the world) onto: neoconservatism-neoliberalism (the aristocracy’s ideology, which is imperialistic fascism). At the very least, RFK Jr. is an extremely courageous person. Who (after seeing this interview) can deny that he also is extraordinarily intelligent? Finally, there will (if he survives) be someone on the Presidential ballot for whom I will not leave the Presidential line blank.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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May 17, 2023

He is maybe just patient. His father was very outspoken for what? He got murdered before getting elected.

Jack Tiscione
May 17, 2023

I always said IKE Eisenhower could have been crowned KING in 1952 he was so liked. Why couldn’t he have done anything in those 8 years to stop the MIC if he felt the way he expressed in his farewell speech. Ike had the chance to stop the MIC but he didn’t… Plain and simple. Nobody I mention(ed) this too EVER ever cared 2 cents much less even had any idea what I was talking about. Good article again Mr.Zuesse

May 17, 2023

Not entitled true. Nothing escaped from Wuhan. The virus didnt exist in real live coz its synthetic. Wuhan was funded by France and America to do Gain of Function what is a bioweapon. Wuhan gave Ralph Baric in Chappel Hill the toxic spike protein with clevage site the batlady developped.

May 17, 2023

RE: “policies that FDR (whom historians consider to be at least among the two greatest American Presidents if not himself #1)”

Would these be the same historians who get everything else wrong? If being an American War Monger and War Criminal makes you a great president, then we have had great presidents for the last 30 years.

Franklin Roosevelt and his War Monger and War Criminal Partner in Crime Winston Churchill should have been sent to the Hague.

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
May 17, 2023

Here is the joke carried down in my family: Franklin Roosevelt: I hate war, my wife Eleanor hates war, my dog Fala hates war. Now, let’s get busy and get into war with the Japanese so we can help Winnie Churchill start a war to destroy Germany. Franklin Roosevelt and his co-conspirator and fellow War Monger and War Criminal Winston Churchill have more blood on their hands than anyone until Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci came along. As for Hitler, he, as Paul Craig Roberts has observed, succumbed to hubris. Germany would have been better off if one of the… Read more »

May 17, 2023

RFK Jr. opposes the Covid Criminals and War Mongers, two big plusses in his favor.

Reply to  penrose
May 17, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has also said that ‘Climate Change Deniers’ should be Jailed for Wrongthink, which should be a massive red flag for anyone thinking of supporting him for a presidential run.  On the subject of Thoughtcrime, just two days ago James Allchurch (Sven Longshanks) who was the host of Radio Albion, was jailed for two-and-a-half years in the United Kingdom, for questioning the Holocaust™ and calling out the feral Pakistani child rape gangs operating in every large town and city in England.  Two-and-a-half years for an ostensible ‘Hate Crime’, but his supporters know he was jailed for questioning… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Crass
charles smith
charles smith
Reply to  Crass
May 18, 2023

Eisenhower cabled General George C. Marshall, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, describing his trip to Ohrdruf ( a WWII nazi concentration camp) : This is part of what Eisenhower wrote. “The things I saw beggar description. … The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick … . I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to… Read more »

Reply to  charles smith
May 18, 2023

Jews have strenuously embedded the Holocaust narrative into their “religion” and have subjected themselves to mind control programming, which has become the very foundation of the neo-Jewish identity. Jews are inculcated in the Holocaust™ psy-op from the cradle to the grave, which results in a ‘Nazi Derangement Syndrome’, which they inflict on the rest of the world, through Jewish Hollywood. As Victor Cavendish-Bentick, Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive admitted in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943, Public Record Office Document F0371/34551.  “We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Crass
charles smith
charles smith
Reply to  Crass
May 19, 2023

Eisenhower was not Jewish. I posted Eisenhower’s reaction to his first hand experiences. You post your anti-Jewish dribble in response. In regards to your hand written note, this is discussed in _Inadmissible Evidence? Newly Discovered Archival Photographs of Nazi Atrocities Received by the British in March 1942 “The reactions to the photographs, recorded in hand-written notes by Foreign Office officials, are themselves intriguing, if somewhat vague. One comments that the images had been passed on to the Political Warfare Executive (PWE) and that ‘we don’t want to see them again’.5 Of course, it is speculation as to exactly what the… Read more »

Reply to  charles smith
May 19, 2023

Why don’t you comment on what Victor Cavendish-Bentick, Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive admitted in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943, Public Record Office Document F0371/34551.  “We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and… Read more »

charles smith
charles smith
Reply to  Crass
May 19, 2023

Not having had any direct experience with nazi concentration camps and wanton mass murders, it was hard for him to believe that people like you exist. Not many people outside of horribly sadistic mindsets were capable of believing it. News coming out of Poland and Germany, at that time, was very limited. And the mass murders were kept secret. This was just his personal opinion in 1943. What was his opinion in 1945 when direct experience, like Eisenhower’s brought corroborating evidence out? This, of course, assumes that there actually is a handwritten note which contains what you allege.

Reply to  charles smith
May 19, 2023

The head of the British Psychological Warfare Executive, Victor Cavendish-Bentick, in partnership with other officers in the British Psychological Warfare Executive, invented the Gas Chambers narrative.

The purpose was simply to demonise the Germans, so to instil blood-lust in the Allied forces, when they came across the Wehrmacht on the battlefield. 

The is a classic example of War time propaganda, becoming peace time history text books, because the atrocity propaganda served a dual purpose, as in the creation of Israel in 1948.

Last edited 11 months ago by Crass
charles smith
charles smith
Reply to  Crass
May 18, 2023

james allchurch=”Hitler worshipper jailed for airing vile racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic podcasts” Mirror. “A JUDGE branded white supremacist podcaster James Allchurch’s views as a “stain on our humanity” as he sent him to prison.” Yahoo

Last edited 11 months ago by charles smith
Reply to  charles smith
May 18, 2023

James allchurch is a Welshman and a British Nationalist, who is also an apologist for the British empire, which was anathema for me, as I am Irish.  But I respect his patriotism and I can also feel his sorrow, as he watches the United Kingdom been transformed into a hellhole, through uncontrolled third world Immigration.  He has called out the Pakistani child rape gangs, rampaging across every large town and city in the United Kingdom, and he also called out ‘The You know who’s’ for enabling the destruction of The United Kingdom and western Europe with third world feral parasites. … Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Crass
charles smith
charles smith
Reply to  Crass
May 19, 2023

The U.S., too, has a problem with uncontrolled immigration. I don’t see Jews as responsible as I see poverty in the countries of origin and potential economic improvement in the US as responsible. People aren’t referred to as “vile” and “stain on our humanity” for minor reasons, by persons of political standing (eg. Judge) who have to account for their statements. How are “The You know who’s’ enabling the destruction of The United Kingdom and western Europe with third world feral parasites”?. Why does Spectre believe “without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

Last edited 11 months ago by charles smith
Reply to  charles smith
May 19, 2023

“Why does Spectre believe “without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”” I thought an Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Smear Merchant like yourself would know, considering that Barbara Lerner Spectre is a Jew who is married Rabbi Philip Spectre. That’s right, the wife of a Rabbi and she live in Israel from 1967 to 1999, before been posted to Sweden, to help flood Sweden with untermensch.  I certainly believe her statement — “I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are… Read more »

charles smith
charles smith
Reply to  Crass
May 19, 2023

I would really appreciate an answer to the 2 questions::1-How are “The You know who’s’ enabling the destruction of The United Kingdom and western Europe with third world feral parasites”? 2- Why does Spectre believe “without that transformation, Europe will not survive.” ? Prattle like “is Talmudic and a command from Moloch.”  might satisfy some moron bigots, but I would truly appreciate a more thoughtful answer


Reply to  charles smith
May 19, 2023

but I would truly appreciate a more thoughtful answer”

So would I. Maybe you can comment on Barbara Lerner Spectre’s prophetic statement, “They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role.”

This is all part of The Kalergi Plan! 

Last edited 11 months ago by Crass
May 17, 2023

I did a YouTube video at Tales of the American Empire about Ike’s MIC speech. Here is the summary, I can’t post a link here: A U-2 and World Peace were Sabotaged in 1960 3,340 views Jan 30, 2020 During his last year in office, American President Dwight Eisenhower’s primary goal was called a “Crusade for Peace.” He was the former Allied military commander during World War II and developed a friendship with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, who also played a key role in the Allied victory. They had several friendly meetings and planned for a détente resulting deep cuts… Read more »

Reply to  G2mil
May 18, 2023

Dwight Eisenhower was also instrumental in the German Genocide, with his Rhine Meadows Death Camps, where millions of Germans were murder in post-war Germany, from 1945 onwards, as Germans were taken to open fields in the area of the Rhine River valley in Western Germany and given no access to food, water, or shelter and simply left to die.

There is also video evidence of Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps, that can be found with a little digging on the internet (unlike the censored ones on youtube).

Last edited 11 months ago by Crass
May 18, 2023

I appreciate a live Kennedy using the courts and his “children’s defense organization’ his literary ability as a writer, to a dead Kennedy murdered by the US state after a brief outburst of truth re a presidential election.
RFK jnr is too valuable and rare to be wasted, let him follow his other uncle Ted Kennedy and appreciate the blessing of a low key political profile.

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