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Slavery of Fear

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Authored by Gilbert Mercier, via News Junkie Post…

Flee, fight or freeze

In the natural world, there are two kinds of responses to imminent threats: either flee or fight. Most of the time, in order to maximize chances of survival, the decision has to be made by individuals or groups in less than a split second. On one hand, the option to flee is motivated by this immediate assessment. It has, of course, an important fear factor. On the other hand, the option to fight seems brave on the surface, but intense momentary fear perhaps had to be overcome by a massive adrenaline rush. Fear is a primal and powerful emotion that is essential for survival, but it can also be used as a tool to control people through mental, emotional and even physical paralysis.

There is a third behavioral option when fear completely paralyzes the individual or a group: it is the freeze option, similar to the imaginary sense of the impossibility to act or react for someone going through a deep clinical depression. As a collective or a nation, this freeze or depressed state when facing danger is also possible. Eighty years ago, with the exception of General Charles de Gaulle and a few men who decided to flee to carry on the fight, France capitulated to the German enemy. France froze and became trapped in the ignominy of a collective depression that was the collaboration by the Vichy government.

In human society, during the barbaric lunacy that has been called the art of war, many substances have been used in history to make soldiers less fearful before combat. Drinking alcohol is an obvious one in Europe; chewing coca leaves for South American native tribes; smoking or eating hashish in the Middle-East and Asia — this concentrated form of cannabis is the etymological origin of the word assassin; more recently, during World War II’s spectacular German Blietzkrieg 1940 attack on France, German troops were given the powerful methamphetamine Pervitin. Naturally, the notion of the fearless master-race Nazi soldiers was nothing but a mythology! The intrepid soldiers of the Reich and their beloved Furher, Adolf Hitler, had the fearlessness of crystal-meth addicts. Pervitin kept Nazi troops awake and fighting for days and nights, and increased their aggressive behavior.

Of course, one cannot reduce the apparent fearless madness of the entire German nation during World War II to the massive consumption of Pervitin. What was probably the most sophisticated propaganda machine of the time had been put together by the Nazis; it had been brainwashing the minds of Germans, young and old, for almost a decade. Hitler and co. spent about 10 years molding a sophisticated and cultured society into their ideological monstrosity with the mythology of the purity of blood, master race, and crucially the invention of Jews as evil, depraved and subhuman personified. If this was possible in an advanced society like Germany circa 1930, one must consider that such a gruesome turn of events is possible anywhere at any time, as madness can be a contagious disease.

Fear of other cultures is a crucial component of racial hatred. Once a group of people like the Jews in Nazi Germany or the Africans during the slave trade to the Americas have been thoroughly dehumanized, it becomes easy, almost trivial, to torture and kill them. All propagandists are psychologists. Therefore they understand that their manipulation of fear gives birth to powerful dark impulses. A fear of abandonment as a child can later bring about morbid jealousy and various sociopathic behaviors. A fear of destitution drives the compulsion to greed. Collectively, fear can be a giant web of invisible chains that enslave a society in a psychological straight jacket. In this regard, September 11, 2001 and its aftermath was a turning point, and to some extent the Western world has been conditioned to live in fear ever since.

The war of terror

Putting aside the inside-job narrative, what matters is how crises are used. The net benefit of 9/11 for some was to create a constant sense of uncertainty for the population, and cynically a jackpot for the military-industrial complex. It was the notion that the enemy could be lurking anywhere. The war on terror was, and still is, a conceptual war: an absurd Orwellian war without end because it is supposed to fight diffuse groups of people called terrorists whose only common ground is the use of fear as a weapon. Because fear breeds more fear, the 20-year conceptual war made people, almost worldwide, believe security was more important than personal liberty. The war on terror made people slaves of fear, and they were told it was for their own good.

Do not blame only Donald Trump for the current authoritarian police state in the US. The Department of Homeland Security was a fascist invention of George W. Bush, using 9/11 as a pretext, and it was maintained by Barack Obama, every time with the complicity of Congress. On one hand, the war on terror wrecked several countries: killed or displaced millions at a cost of several trillion dollars. Everyone knew it was not winnable. On the other hand, what worked for the US and its Western allies was the almost 20-year old war of terror that slowly victimized their own populations with the jackboot of a police-military apparatus constantly on their throats. When fear overcomes an entire society it can be beaten to submission. Where fear rules, servitude becomes acceptable.

Strategy of fear and the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has given an entirely new dimension to the slavery of fear initiated on 9/11. There have been almost two decades, which is one generation, of a war of terror on the collective psyche. There could not have been a better introduction to the global fear of a pandemic. A diffuse Muslim fundamentalist enemy who could be anywhere has morphed to an invisible virus that is everywhere. The quantum leap was easily made, because it is intrinsically the same mechanism. It went a lot further than 9/11, because governments managed to convince their populations to submit themselves to various level of lockdown. Imagine this! Almost all complied worldwide, with little resistance and absolutely no organized rebellion.

Just like the post 9/11 world infringed on human rights and privacy with various invasive policies, the post COVID-19 world has adopted its own arbitrary rules. They have in common that they fuel a fear of everyone and everything and engender agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, Stockholm syndrome, and depression. The panoply of mandatory social distancing measures and mask wearing decrees have made people hostile, fearful, and paranoid. Authorities worldwide have been on a joy killing mission. Populations have been successfully infantilized and traumatized by forbidding the most essential human behaviors: the joy to see a smile or the surprise of a flaring nostril; the smell of a ripe fruit at a market; the fortitude of what seems to be a time gone when you could dance with a stranger and perhaps steal a kiss.

More than two hundred years ago, Haitian slaves managed to free themselves, and in the process they defeated the world’s three largest empires: respectively, the French, British, and Spanish. Have we all become such pathetic shadows of our former selves? Are we so weak and cowardly today that we cannot free ourselves from the billionaire class and the fear it is imposing on us?

Editor’s NotesGilbert Mercier is the author of The Orwellian Empire. Photographs one by Nathan O’Nions; two by The Malt; three by Torbak Hopper; four by Kyle Pearce; five by Mark Rain; six and nine by Hartwig HKD; seven by Duncan C; and eight by Terence Faircloth.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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July 29, 2020

you don’t have to go back 80 years to FR or to DE, just look at the fentynal freaks, the “woke” generation, the millenials, in the u.s. today. 300 million laboratory rodents stoked on hollywood bs, msm news, gangsta rap “culture”, politically correct racism, credit card slaves etc, etc, to graphically demonstrate the “slavery of fear.” lol

John Ellis
Reply to  robert
July 29, 2020


Sue Rarick
Sue Rarick
July 29, 2020

Besides DeGaulle only being a colonel at the beginning of WW2, It would have been more scholarly to also point out the equally debilitating actions of the Red Guard in China and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. I had 2 brothers and a dad that was a golden gloves boxer and taught us all how to fight before he split. So I fall into the class of ‘lets get it on’ fighter. While close to 150,000 dead is not good – putting it into perspective that about 4 million people have died in the same period and that 6/700,000 were… Read more »

John Ellis
July 29, 2020

Fear of death — Fight-freeze-flee syndrome

  1. Only when faced with eminent death, only then does our instinct for survival cause our mind and body to be controlled by the Fight-freeze-flee syndrome. Otherwise we are under the control of rational thought.
  2. During times of mortal danger, the instinct for survival causes men to fight, women to freeze and children to run and hide. For when a wild animal charges, men grab a rock, step forward and yell, while women grab their hair, step back and scream.
John Ellis
Reply to  John Ellis
July 29, 2020

3. We all live in deathly fear of anyone more intelligent. For intelligence is the speed at which we rationalize a problem and take corrective action, the speed at which we kill in combat or compete in capitalism. 4. As the 25% most intelligent in society hoard 75% of the wealth, they are able to bribe politicians into giving them control of the police and military. Which is why all police are of the intelligent middle-class. Which is why police spend 95% of their time establishing a terrorizing police state for the lower-half of society, those better known as the… Read more »

Sue Rarick
Sue Rarick
Reply to  John Ellis
July 29, 2020

Intelligence is highly over rated, especially in combat. preparation and rote reaction is far more important to survival………………..
Your probably right on #4 ………… however that also holds true for any government. The Red Guard left the party honchos alone but terrorized the lower class with police state tactics. Stalin and Hitler were charmers too. Your utopia doesn’t exist and never has.

John Ellis
Reply to  Sue Rarick
July 29, 2020

My slow of thought laboring-class has an IQ under 80,
your educated middle-class has an IQ over 120, which is a 50% difference in the ability to kill and compete. And as we are all born selfish, a 50% difference in ability to cheat, steal and plunder.
Income is in direct portion to intelligence, to know one is to know the other.
Your problem is simple, not once in your entire life have you not felt unbearable stress whenever you attempted to come out of your middle-class blackout cubicle,

Sue Rarick
Sue Rarick
Reply to  John Ellis
July 29, 2020

In the face of danger experience is far more important than any rational thought. It’s about how many t-shirts you have. Been shot at? Shot at anyone? been rocketed? been attacked by a knife? been attacked by a group? The been there done it is far more important ……………… John you are a sexist …………. When someone tried to break into my apartment I moved quickly to the kitchen that was in direct line with the bathroom window and proceeded to calmly throw the steak knives in the windows direction till I heard a scream. I went outside with my… Read more »

John Ellis
Reply to  Sue Rarick
July 29, 2020

In 1971, on my honeymoon no less, my bride was driving my little VW at 75 mph, three times I told her to slow down. Then, when she let loose a blood curdling scream, I looked at her face and saw pure horror with both of her hands clutching her hair, than I saw her foot pressing the gas peddle hard to the floor. Then as I reached for the steering wheel, into the windshield came flying a 200 pound 12 point buck. Moral of the story, you a woman should have the humility to let a man do the… Read more »

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  John Ellis
July 30, 2020

Or – that was an instance wherein a stupid woman was unable to comprehend obvious dangers and her limitations to properly react to those dangers. And you, an intelligent man, might have tried harder to convince your new bride she was ill equipped to properly assess and react to the situation.

John Ellis
July 29, 2020

The majority are born with an illusion that they deserve more. Which causes them to seek all pleasure and avoid all pain, to above all things desire to be rich and to so worship the rich that always has government been ruled by the rich. On the other hand, a minority are born with an understanding that they deserve nothing. Which causes them to own no more wealth than the poor, to give all they can give to those who have less, and to be a vegetarian pacifist. And so, to organize in hope of changing thing for the good,… Read more »

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  John Ellis
July 30, 2020

A bit less of the martyr complex might be more appealing.

Daniel Black
Daniel Black
July 29, 2020

“Are we so weak and cowardly today that we cannot free ourselves from the billionaire class and the fear it is imposing on us?”

Unfortunately, yes. Between the public fool system, the MSM, and the feminists we have become a nation of sheep. Very sad…

July 29, 2020

I’ve never before read that German troops were given drugs before battle, but we do know that US troops in Vietnam were. Would the author care to give details, with sources, of German troop drugging, otherwise he can be taken as just another anti German propagandist.

Sue Rarick
Sue Rarick
Reply to  Sean
July 29, 2020

Actually it has been well documented and there are a number of Documentaries saying the same thing – There is also documents as to the production of those drugs…….. As far as Vietnam is concerned. Pot was readily available as was Heroine. Meth was very hard to get and generally only available if one rifled through a medics gear……… How do I know you ask…………..I did 2 tours there. One of the small number of WACS that wasn’t a medical MOS.

John Ellis
Reply to  Sue Rarick
July 29, 2020

Fiction, fantasy and fairytale. For during the Vietnam war, everyone in my combat unit knew that war was kill or be killed, and the last thing we wanted was to have our mind and reflexes slowed down by drugs.

By your dumping all your fiction into this comment forum,
surely you do the will of the rich.

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  Sean
July 30, 2020

I’d think, depending on the unit and what the military honchos think they want to accomplish, most countries have, at one time or other, distributed at least ‘stay awake’ type drugs.

Dee Cee
July 29, 2020

Mr. Mercier: in response to your last two questions in this excellent article: No, we are not all too weak, pathetic and cowardly. The #1 problem is that so many of our fellows have not fully red-pilled. It is so cognitively antagonistic to come to realization that things we perceive as true are actually lies. Discovering that you’re being lied to causes cognitive dissonance. For example, let’s say I was to discover that my own father was arrested for pedophilia. I’d deny that this could be possible. Then when the trial comes along, physical evidence and credible testimony come to… Read more »

John Ellis
July 29, 2020


The more educated and mostly white upper-half of America is controlled by pleasure, for a fake morality encourages them to strive for enrichment upon the misery of the 50% working-poor

On the other hand, the 50% working-poor has slave-drivers called killer-cops. Legalized terrorists who gun down over 1,100 poor men each year for no other reason than to increase overtime pay by starting a protest, which by tear gas and batons will surely turn violent.

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  John Ellis
July 30, 2020

The numbers don’t align with what you state. More “whites” (European Americans) are killed by police each year. And more “whites” are killed by blacks during the commission of a crime each year than the reverse. As for “class”..why do you keep harping on that mindset? Are you convinced you’re a ‘victim’? Has anyone ever told you, you are quite the dour type?

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
July 30, 2020

Putting aside the inside-job narrative, what matters is how crises are used. The net benefit of 9/11 for some was to create a constant sense of uncertainty for the population, and cynically a jackpot for the military-industrial complex. It was the notion that the enemy could be lurking anywhere.”

It’s amazing how many words can be published on the ills of society without ever touching upon who runs the shekels system and how that is the ONLY reason we have perpetual war and perpetual fear.

The enemy lurks in very specific places which actually have specific names and locations.

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