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Imposter Biden is senile. This is simply true. [Video]

The media ran cover as long as they could, but Afghanistan blew the coverup. Does this figure into the bigger plan?

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Joe “the Imposter” is out of his mind. This is what happens to many old people. As Tucker Carlson notes in the forthcoming video clip, this is the fate that will befall a great many of us. There is nothing wrong with this.

But it is terribly irresponsible for the forces that wanted to take over the United States to put a senile man in the White House as the puppet for them to direct. This is also just – cruel. However, Joe Biden unhappily serves the will of his masters, partly because he has the same lines of thought himself (when he has a line of thinking), and so his predisposition plus his senility makes him a very effective marionette.

Now, Dear Reader, if you will indulge me, I will offer a bit of speculation. You can do with it what you will, but here goes:

The policy directions enacted through Joe Biden are effective, that is, for this as yet not quite known (but not quite unknown) regiment of what I will call the Great Resetters. In President Trump’s term, these people were known as the Deep State, and I will propose, speculatively, that these are two somewhat different groups of people, with overlapping priorities. From what we have seen, both in President Trump’s term and Joe Biden’s imprisonment in the Oval, these objectives appear to be evident:

  1. To disrupt the American government from being able to control its own borders.
  2. To set groups of people against one another, based largely on lines of race and political ideology.
  3. Christians are to be considered a particularly despised group of people under the conditions of #2 above.
  4. To blow apart any notion of American foreign policy effectiveness. ** (read more about this)
  5. To remove the United States of America from the world stage as a dominant power, and in so doing, to allow some other power to become dominant (and I do not think that this other power is any particular nation-state, not even China).

These objectives are operative in the United States, but they fit in with a very similar set of objectives being pressed all over the world.

  1. To disrupt all nation-state sovereignty through the use of virus-protection and vaccine mandates
  2. At the same time, to prevent travel and commerce of regular citizens from nation to nation. For some reason, we are supposed to stay wherever we are.
  3. To press global injection with “Vaccines” that are already showing both that they are dangerous, even deadly, and unsurprisingly, ineffective against COVID-19, the genetically engineered chimeric virus that was designed to make vaccines themselves of no effect. (Thank God this disease is not more deadly than it actually is!)
  4. In freezing international travel, there seems to be some purpose. Perhaps this is in line with the idea that planes make pollution and that it is the big play for carbon control.

I do not know for sure that these things are happening. But it certainly looks like what is happening. The big question is “why?” and the other big question is “who is orchestrating this?”

These questions are based solely on observation and speculation. There are not any reports (yet) that specifically and precisely define who these people are and what they want, except for those reports circulating in “conspiracy theory” circles. To be sure, those conspiracy theories may be correct, but it also may be very simple: A world which has placed tremendous reliance on self and not on Christianity is simply doing what every nation which ever did this same thing does: it falls apart.

In a piece earlier this week, I proposed that the problems in the United States stem from that country’s overall rejection of Christianity, even the theologically imperfect Protestant foundations upon which it was built. Christianity is not always understood correctly even and especially by its own adherents, but usually, as long as we try to do what is pleasing to God, whatever errors in understanding we have usually get fixed over time. But throw all of this away, and we are simply left with ourselves and a vacuum of protection, in which the dark powers revel and do everything they can to get us to annihilate ourselves and one another.

It is probably that simple. Maybe there is no “little group” of men running everything. It is just the manifestation of “No Jesus, No Peace” versus “Know Jesus, Know Peace.”

This is a pithy statement, but history bears it out. Among all true followers of Christ comes good orderly direction.

Joe Biden is false, he is not a Christian in terms of how he is disposed policy-wise, and so the poor man is powerless to stop the things that are being acted through and by his own decisions (or those directions which he is given.)

This is very sad. Even from a strictly humanist point of view, the notion that anybody would take a senile old man and use him in this way is disgusting. This almost overshadows that element in which Joe Biden himself participates, his own personal arrogance and disregard for what is good, right, beautiful, just, holy, pure and true. Together, they are creating a disaster. This disaster is a signal, a warning, telling us that a change needs to take place in how we view ourselves and our nation.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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August 23, 2021

Finally! There is a great way how you can work online from your home using your computer and earn in the same time… Only basic internet knowledge needed and fast internet connection… Earn as much as $3000 a week…
 Try now……………….

Last edited 2 years ago by Julie
Reply to  Julie
August 23, 2021

I proposed that the problems in the United States stem from that country’s overall rejection of Christianity, even the theologically imperfect Protestant foundations upon which it was built. Christianity is not always understood correctly even and especially by its own adherents, but usually, as long as we try to do what is pleasing to God, whatever errors in understanding we have usually get fixed over time. But throw all of this away, and we are simply left with ourselves and a vacuum of protection, in which the dark powers revel and do everything they can to get us to annihilate… Read more »

Reply to  Caty
August 23, 2021

Why are you repeating verbatem what the author has written? We can read for ourselves.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sean
Reply to  Caty
August 24, 2021

Afghanistan rejected woke politics.

August 23, 2021

S­t­a­r­t n­o­w e­a­r­n­i­n­g c­a­s­h e­v­e­r­y m­o­n­t­h o­n­l­i­n­e f­r­o­m h­o­m­e­. G­e­t­t­i­n­g p­a­i­d m­o­r­e t­h­a­n $­1­5­k b­y d­o­i­n­g a­n e­a­s­y j­o­b o­n­l­i­n­e­. ­I h­a­v­e m­a­d­e $­1­9­7­1­5 i­n l­a­s­t ­4 w­e­e­k­s f­r­o­m t­h­i­s j­o­b­. E­a­s­y t­o j­o­i­n a­n­d e­a­r­n­i­n­g f­r­o­m t­h­i­s a­r­e j­u­s­t a­w­e­s­o­m­e­. J­o­i­n t­h­i­s r­i­g­h­t n­o­w b­y f­o­l­l­o­w i­n­s­t­r­u­c­t­i­o­n­s h­e­r­e­.­.­.­.­.­.­. .I am more than sure that you will get the best result as mine……Thanks.

David Bowlas
David Bowlas
August 23, 2021

I don’t feel sorry for the hair sniffer in chief who has supported every war that has killed millions. And that guy De-Vil below won’t feel sorry for him either,

Reply to  David Bowlas
August 23, 2021

Then why are you so eager for Kamala?

Helga I. Fellay
Helga I. Fellay
Reply to  jdd
August 23, 2021

David didn’t state that he is eager for Kamala. Nobody is eager for Kamala. Just because people of sound mind do not want for president an unelected imposter who is demented, and who supported every war that has killed millions of innocent people, does not mean they want to see him replaced by an unelected corrupt and unqualified woman named Kamala. We want either Trump (who actually won the last election), or else that a new election be held without these fixed voting machines, and voting in person with the traditional exceptions for people unable to do so, who can… Read more »

David Bowlas
David Bowlas
August 23, 2021

Old Kamala behind sleepy creepy looks like she wants to rush into her boss and throw him into the garbage can of trash. Then she can rule the most pernicious country on this piece of pointless rock called Earth.

Helga I. Fellay
Helga I. Fellay
August 23, 2021
Rate this article :

Re: “These objectives are operative in the United States, but they fit in with a very similar set of objectives being pressed all over the world.” I agree – true. Re: “Objective No. 5: To remove the United States of America from the world stage as a dominant power, and in so doing, to allow some other power to become dominant (and I do not think that this other power is any particular nation-state, not even China).” Also true. I agree. But after that the author goes way off course, when finding the ultimate solution in a religion: Christianity. Christianity… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Helga I. Fellay
August 23, 2021

I get paid over $87 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Here’s what I’ve been doing…

Last edited 2 years ago by DeloresOwens
August 24, 2021
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All we are seeing in Kabul is the Deep State punishing the President for going off script. Three presidents have tried to get out of Afghanistan, but feeble old Biden did it.
The greatest military in the history of the world succeded in Afghaistan with old fasion American values but failed with woke politics. Woke politics will fail in any nation that still has armed citizens. And, today even unarmed citizens are starting to fight back.

Helga I. Fellay
Helga I. Fellay
Reply to  dcastle
August 24, 2021

I agree with you that “woke politics will fail in any nation” and I would like to add that it doesn’t matter whether that nation has armed citizens or not. What you call “The greatest military in the history of the world” has never really been able to win a war (except gainst Grenada!!!) and all the coups and invasions, including against Afghanistan, were not based on any “old fashion American values” but rather to kill and exploit by stealing their resources and getting rich importing drugs from there. I wouldn’t call that old-fashioned values.

Reply to  Helga I. Fellay
August 24, 2021

I’ve seen US soldiers pacify an area and people return to their normal lives. At that point the US had won hearts and minds. What follows is ideologues attempting to manufacture their “inclusive” new society and that destroys whatever good was done. Politicians will get nations into war and ruin the peace afterwards. Soldiers and civilians just pay the price.
We went into Grenada and left. But by demonstrating that we could win a battle with stand-off weapons Reagan opened the door to more women in combat positions which has been reducing our military effectiveness ever since.

Larry Elder’s surge in California brings out the race baiters [Video]

Protests in Australia. Protests in France