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Dollar dominance will die in currency war

American isolationist policies are increasingly cutting the dollar out of major financial transactions

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The USD has dominated the financial workings of the world’s trade since the Bretton Woods Agreement with most international trade being conducted in dollars. However, as the geopolitical centers of power shift, so does the financial. Nations around the world are restoring their gold reserves, and American isolationist policies are increasingly cutting the dollar out of major financial transactions, thereby cutting its influence. Analyst Claudio Grass discusses the matter with RT:

The world is facing a currency war and the only hedge against the crash of the US dollar is real gold, a precious metal analyst has told RT. With geopolitical power shifting from West to East, US dominance may be ending.

One such sign is the recent repatriation of gold from the United States. Countries such as Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands have been moving the bullions home. The reason is the Cold War is over and countries don’t see Russia as a threat anymore, says Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals advisor and Mises Ambassador.

“Central banks moved their gold because they felt threatened by the USSR and saw the USA as their natural ally. The fact that central banks are repatriating their gold shows that this has changed. It also implies that they don’t see Russia as a bigger threat than the USA any longer. Europe stands in the center of this geopolitical power shift and some countries obviously believe it’s wise to store the gold in their home countries,” he told RT.

The world has been living in crisis since 2008, while a currency war started even earlier, notes Grass. Central banks have been printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, while central banks are coordinating the debasing of currencies and pouring money into all kinds of financial assets, real estate and bonds.

“Nonetheless, it is obvious that the systematic problems are not solved, on the contrary, the risks became bigger and more fragile than a decade ago,” said Grass. “As you know more than 65 percent of all monetary reserves in the central banking system are held in the world currency reserve, which still is the USD. Therefore, holding physical gold is definitely the best hedge against a crash of any paper currency, and therefore also against a crash of the USD.”

The global debt has soared to $230 trillion, as the global economy has got stuck in “Monopoly-Game” system, that is based on debt and financial leverage, the analyst notes. “The last geopolitical shift that started with WWI and ended with WWII put the US in this dominant position, because they owned and stored 70 percent of the gold reserves of the free world. This was also the main reason, why the USD became the world currency reserve. For the past 30 years we can witness another geopolitical power shift going from West to East. As you know, everything operates in cycles,” Grass said.

Both politically and economically, the West is losing its influence and is collapsing. It is tapped out in just about every way and has no where left to go but down. Meanwhile, the East is realizing productive growth and has plenty of room to develop politically, economically, and culturally as a civilization.




The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Mick McNulty
Mick McNulty
September 5, 2018

When the dollar dies the Chinese will still want to buy it. By the pallet, to fuel their power stations.

September 5, 2018

A thief always, always loses. And the IMF, FED and cohorts are thieves. Wealth cannot be printed. The mechanics of paper currency can be used as long as honesty and integrity make it a tool for transactions.
Once, it becomes a means of fooling others to give up their labor for little or nothing it becomes fraud. And the West has done that!
Fools now want to insulate themselves and let the masses pay for their profligacy as the earlier attempt under Obummer in 2008 when US taxpayers paid for the gambling the banks had being doing.

Euclides de oliveira pinto net
Euclides de oliveira pinto net
September 5, 2018

Dolar foi mantido como moeda de trocas internacionais após a II Guerra, em virtude dos USA estarem com seu parque industrial preservado e Europa e Japão totalmente destruídos. Essa foi a principal intenção dos khazarians, ao bombardear extremamente tais países, que ficaram nas mãos dos banksters para financiar a reconstrução, sendo obrigados a aceitar a imposição do dólar como moeda de troca, além de permitir a intromissão do FMI e Federal Reserve na administração de seus Bancos Centrais, como feito até hoje. Permitiram aos sionistas khazarians, donos do BIS, estabelecer seu modelo de paridade 1 dolar = 35 onças de… Read more »

WeAreYourGods ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
WeAreYourGods ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
September 5, 2018

Unfortunately, the US will set the globe on fire before it accepts the dollar’s demise as world currency. Libya was only an appetizer.

Cheryl Brandon
Cheryl Brandon
September 5, 2018

IMPERIALISM ON TRAIL IN LONDON WC2 . Tickets only 12;45 pounds fror entry on July 11 th 2018
by Gregory Sharkey

September 5, 2018

The dollar may be declining but it will still take many years for it to lose dominant position – it wouldnt surprise me if it is still reserve currency in next 10-20 years

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