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U.S. political tools in Europe are working

Big politics – big sacrifices.

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Submitted by Adomas Abromaitis…

Starting with the 1950s years of the 20th century European countries has been taking efforts to unite. Europe has been living in the European Union format since signing the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. This treaty created the European Union with its pillar system, including foreign and home affairs alongside the European Community.

The European states did their best to pursue an independent policy, develop collective responsibilities and rights. It was not an easy way and for some period of time the new format successfully worked.

External influence was not evident especially in such European economical giants as the United Kingdom and Germany. They were strong enough to be independent economically and politically and had authority among more weak countries in the region, such as Baltic States, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and some others.

But times have changed. The UK has left the organization, local conflicts and economic crises have made united Europe weaker. Time came when the U.S. which skillfully masked influence and secretly manipulated European politicians, openly “entered the scene.”
Security situation in Europe made it possible for the United States to dictate Europe what to do. The main reason is imperfect European defence system which had not been fully developed in the united Europe and now is only part of NATO. As we know, NATO is almost fully controlled by Washington. Thus, in terms of defence, the EU is completely dependent on the United States.

Today this military dependence is transferring to the political one. Washington ties hands of European political leaders by creating favorable conditions in the region to protect its interests. It created hotbeds of tension in Europe and then offers its own solution to settle the problems. The U.S. is a boss; Europe is only a tool to counter the main adversary – Russia.

The problem is that the European governments themselves are neither ready to act in the new conditions, nor take responsibility. For instance, the Baltic states are used to relying on a stronger partner, which is the United States, and even do not try to contradict. Thus, against the background of the spread of coronavirus, it would be logical to cancel such mass maneuvers as Defender Europe 2020 exercise. But The U.S. is not ready to conceal it. Washington has high hopes for developing its military logistics capabilities in Europe and does not want to miss the opportunity even if the exercises lead to an outbreak of coronavirus in Europe and among the US military. Big politics – big sacrifices.

And who really rules Romania? It is NATO. Who rules Poland? Poles, but at the behest of the Americans. Who rules the Baltic States? The Americans. These countries do not have a social structure capable of organizing the actions and behavior of their citizens. The population of these states is almost completely manipulated.

So Europe faces many challenges and Russian threat is not the only threat. Another big problem is deep dependence on the U.S., which pursues its own political, military and economic interests in the region, increasing tensions between Europe and Russia.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Olivia Kroth
March 18, 2020

“Starting with the 1950s European countries have been taking efforts to unite. Europe has been living in the European Union format since signing the Maastricht Treaty in 1992.”

Starting in 2OOO, European countries have been taking efforts to disunited and regain their own identity and stability outside of the Union. The UK was first to be successful, with Brexit, in 2020. Others will follow …

Reply to  Olivia Kroth
March 18, 2020

Yes I have to agree the EU was a walking nightmare from the beginning,then throw the U.S. into the mix insuring nothing but a much larger mess.Its time for the EU countries to throw off the yoke of imperialism and join the other countries their natural trading partners and ditch the dictates of the west.!!!

March 18, 2020

U.S. which skillfully masked influence and secretly manipulated European politicians, openly “entered the scene.”

the EU was a US brainchild from the beginning
in terms of defence, the EU is completely dependent on the United States.

defense from WHAT?

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