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The Idiocy Of Environmental Racism

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Viewing everything that happens in society through the prism of race can have and does have detrimental effects, but at times it is just plain idiotic. Currently there is a serious water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson has a population over a hundred and sixty thousand, around 80% of whom are said to be black. For some people, this can mean only one thing, the current crisis isn’t the result of an engineering failure, negligence, or some unspecified anomaly, but of something called racism. This sentiment is echoed by three privileged idiots who write for the BBC: Jackson water crisis: A legacy of environmental racism? is their rhetorical question. 

Chelsea Bailey writes a lot about race issues with a clear narrative.  Mohamed Madi, the dude of the three, much less so, while  Chi Chi Izundu finds compliments about her light skin offensive. So what is their take on the Jackson water crisis? This wouldn’t happen if it was predominantly white, or words to that effect. There is though an easy refutation to that claim.

The Mayor of Jackson is black and has a ludicrous, contrived African name. This is his council. Notice anything about their racial make-up? Likewise, Chicago has a black Mayor;  true, it doesn’t have a water problem, but tripping over dead bodies on the sidewalk is no better. New York also has a black Mayor, and terrible problems of violence, homelessness, you name it. So is this a black problem rather than a white racism problem? No: Jackson, Chicago, New York, are all run by Democrats. As Dan Bongino is fond of saying, Republicans are not the cure for all your problems, but Democrats are the cause of most of them.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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September 6, 2022

Hey… if you can blame your shortcomings and systemic failures on the ephemeral “racism” then its all good. One only need look to Zimbabwe to see where black African Marxists took what was considered the “jewel” of Africa and turned it into a basket case! Why? Because the only thing that the new owners had going for them was murder and theft all the while blaming the whites for their problems. Somehow the whites were able to pull riches out of the “magical soil” because… because… they owned it. So if they possessed it, without actually having to work for… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by InnerCynic
September 6, 2022

The United States does not have the ‘Race Problem’ that the Zionist Media keeps browbeating European Americans into admitting, but instead they have a Problem Race, cursed with prehistoric intelligence and lacking in impulse control. 

September 6, 2022

Its more likely to be State ownership of utilities.
Worstall has mentioned that of the 28 UK waterboards, the 25 English privately run ones all score better for fesh water leakage and sewage discharge than the Scottish Welsh or NI ones, which are all state owned.
In Jacksons case it may not just be Dems but is an inherent proem with politicians running things.

furor teutonicus
furor teutonicus
September 7, 2022

Die 2. Amerikanische Revolution ist unausweichlich: Längst hat das US-Wahlvolk die Macht über die Politik und die staatliche Führung auf allen Gebieten an die jüdischen Einflußgruppen (ADL, AIPAC + andere) verloren. Jüdische Finanz-Oligarchen wie Soros, Gates uvam finanzieren, steuerlich begünstigt und von ihren korrupten Polit-Marionetten mit Gesetzen „legitimiert“, gezielt rassistische schwarze Terrorgruppen wie BLM (Black Life Matters) u.ä. Alle schwarzen „Bürgerrechts-Bewegungen“ von Martin Luther King, über kommunistische Gewerkschaften, bis hin zu SPLC hatten als Gründer jüdische Demagogen. Deren Ziel war bis heute die Spaltung der Gesellschaft mit Hass-Parolen, denen immer das gleiche Schema zugrunde liegt. Der weißen Mehrheit im Lande… Read more »

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