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Trump’s wish to take the US out of NATO leaves NeoCons seething

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Tucker Carlson, Fox News and Russian and American news outlets alike have picked up the story that US President Donald Trump has on numerous occasions, opined that the United States would do well to depart from the North Atlantic Military Organization, or NATO.

This wish caused enormous fury and backlash from those opposed, which, oddly enough include both Democrats and Republicans. Their anger and alarm over this idea is such that the media networks through much of the US are alive with the idea of impeaching the President or bringing 25th Amendment proceedings against him for insanity!

Take a look:

Tucker Carlson, as usual, nailed it.

NATO was formed to make Western Europe secure in the face of a perceived Soviet threat. In 1991, the USSR collapsed and the threat of Ivan the Communist bad guy collapsed with it.

But 28 years later, NATO is still here. And, why?

Well, many “experts” continue to point at Russia as a threat, though after that statement no one seems honestly able to elucidate precisely how Russia would, in fact, threaten any nation, take over it, or conquer the world. Indeed, if anyone seems to understand the perversity of being in charge of the whole world, it seems to be Russia, as expressed by politician and LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky (see how this is so here).

Zhironovsky observed that China is the other nation that is running at full force, but viewing the problems the US is having with being the leader of the world, China stops short of trying to attain this position itself. The question becomes “What does a nation that rules the world actually do then?”

President Trump appears to be seeing the same question, or some similar variant based on the same theme. NATO serves no constructive purpose anymore. Despite the conflicts in Ukraine and Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Israel and Syria, there simply are no great threats in the world as it stands today. While there are certainly still wars, none of these wars represents an existential threat to the United States.

Why wouldn’t a US leader want out? In fact, there is further no existential threat to Europe from any present war, nor is there a threat from Russia itself. In fact, Russia has been entering into business relations with many European countries who wish to buy cheap and easily available Russian natural gas. Turkey purchased an S-400 antimissile system in addition to its US made Patriot battery.

There would seem to be very little in the way of concrete and reliable reasoning for the alliance to continue.

But the American Deep State and liberal establishment have come together to resist the US President in a truly furious manner, and it is revelatory of the hypocrisy of anti-Trump politics that American liberals, typically the “sing Kum-ba-yah peacenik” crowd, displays paroxysms of outrage and horror that NATO might be disbanded.

As the result of that, the American media is determined to choke off any possibility of one thinking, “well, what if we were to disband NATO?”

Why is this?

Simple. A lot of people make their living by preparing for the Russian “threat”, and it would mean the end of their work, the end of their money, and a great disruption in life. It does not matter that while this is true, these same people could conceivably apply their considerable skill sets to deal with real problems that face a world that no longer has a dipolar alignment, or to help prevent a real problem from arising from real situations, such as the recent and current Islamization of many European cities.

One of the great afflictions of American politics and policy has been that so much of it appears to be focused on “short term” or “no term” matters. We see this with the problems related to border security, the coming advent of AI-based automated processes that may furlough low-skilled workers in tremendous amounts in a short period of time. Rather than solve real problems, the elected representatives and media seem more content to oppose Donald Trump when he, as a businessman ought to do, makes a federal case out of what he sees on the horizon.

The Border Wall, for example, is a highly logical part of a properly handled set of immigration policies. But the very direct behavior of President Trump helped amplify the resentment the Democrats still hold against him for defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016, and so, the Democrats have effectively said “nuts!” to the needs of the nation and they take out their resentment on the nation by refusing to negotiate with the President about how to close the border.

NATO is another example. The alliance served its purpose. It is time for the alliance to end, or to be radically restructured in terms of new goals based in real, and not just flimsy rhetorical, needs.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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January 16, 2019

NATO is nothing more than a legalised terrorist organisation that should have been disbanded in 1991 at the end of the cold war. Everywhere NATO goes it leaves a trail of death, destruction, lawlessness and chaos in it’s wake and the attempts to stick the blame squarely on someone else/another country!.
On top of that – not one of NATO’s war criminals has ever been held to account by the I.C.C. and NATO has plenty of them!.

January 16, 2019

The alliance served its purpose.
no it did not it purpose is to control europe selling weapon at its member states mostly europe used to offset some of the cost of the imperial wars on to europe and to make look its wars/invasions/occupations like international interventions

Shaun Ramewe
Shaun Ramewe
January 17, 2019

We all know it is all just another Deep-State fraud that Swamp-Chump is playing his sneaky double-part in.

Magic Man In the Sky
Magic Man In the Sky
Reply to  Shaun Ramewe
January 15, 2020

Oy vey. THE GOYIM KNOW. Shut it down Shlomo.

January 17, 2019

The dissolution of NATO ,now there is something I can get behind and if Trump is going to do this ,I would suggest that it would be an easy sell to the American people ,not to mention the rest of the world.Let NATO die a natural death .It served it’s purpose and is no longer useful .It is a drain to our collective economies which funds could certainly be used more efficiently .Education ,health care and housing come to mind.

John Nolan
John Nolan
Reply to  Guy
January 17, 2019

Just put it out of its misery! It is the greatest political fraud, the mother of global terrorism, and should be terminated, immediately, along with the U.N., another giant facarde!

Olivia Kroth
Reply to  John Nolan
January 17, 2019

i am all for it! Dissolve the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation (NATO) as soon as possible. The world will be thankful.

Magic Man In the Sky
Magic Man In the Sky
Reply to  Olivia Kroth
January 15, 2020

Agree. Right after we dissolve the dagger in the heart of the Middle East aka the Zionist Entity. The global terrorist center of the hitherto Rootless Internationalist Clique that declared war upon the German nation in 1933.

January 17, 2019

What a novel idea! The inmates accusing the doctor of insanity. Of course, lying for money has made all the presstitutes completely crazy. If there is any way to incubate sociopathy and psychopathy I imagine stressing cognitive dissonance, which has already brought on schizophrenia, even further, might do it. Someone posted this to me today. I re-post it as it paints a perfect picture of the USA today (one you will never see in USA Today): “The Devils”…Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1871 “I have already hinted that all sorts of low-class individuals had made an appearance among us. In troubled times of… Read more »

January 17, 2019

Trump has surrounded himself with warmongering neocons, yet people still strive to see in him an outsider trying to drain the swamp. They don’t want to give up hope, and I can’t blame them. But to my mind Trump would be doing a lot of things differently if he truly wanted (and knew how) to drain the swamp. He would have shut down the government not because he wanted to spend yet more money on a wall, but because he wanted to reduce spending and reduce the size of the behemoth government. He would not have hired the dough-heads who… Read more »

January 17, 2019

Dissolving NATO would end in a single stroke, the imperative for EU expansionism.

Edith Flood
Edith Flood
January 17, 2019

Well argued. Just one little fly in the ointment. Kaliningrad, former Prussian capital, now Russian military stronghold in the heart of Western Europe. Thoughts, anyone?

Olivia Kroth
Reply to  Edith Flood
January 17, 2019

My thought: Kaliningrad lies in northeastern Europe geographically. German Königsberg ending up as Russian Kaliningrad was an outcome of the Second World War, started by Nazi Germany with a military invasion of the Soviet Union. The winner takes all. Actually, the Russians could have taken a lot more, since their Army stood in Berlin, in May 1945, when the Third Reich capitulated and Hitler committed suicide in his bunker. The Russians should have stayed right there. Then Berlin would be Berliningrad today, the western outpost of the Russian Federation.

Magic Man In the Sky
Magic Man In the Sky
Reply to  Olivia Kroth
January 15, 2020

The British and French started the war. At Jewish insistence. Not Germany. Please stop with your Jewish lies. And Hitler attacked The Jewish Bolshevik entity in order to pre-empt a Stalinist-Communist invasion of Western Europe.

John Giles
John Giles
January 18, 2019

Liberals are not the left, nor of the left.

The Democratic Party is a right wing capitalist party. The opposite of progressive.

January 18, 2019

The writers of this letter….warmongers and Israel first tools…. went from being NEOcons to NEOlibs. Hilda got their loyalty for her role in 9.11 and before that, helping them to set the honey trap for her hubby with Jewess Monica. They were so sure that Hilda would win that they bailed out of the R party and went to the D party. The signatories of this letter are traitors to the US citizens….all put Israel and it’s never ending wars first



Magic Man In the Sky
Magic Man In the Sky
Reply to  Tjoe
January 15, 2020

The Tribe has never left one side or the other. The Tribe is firmly entrenched with BOTH sides of Jewmurican politics. Just as they are entrenched in both sides of every political system all across the planet. The global Talmudic parasite infests every nominally white society on earth.

Kiwis to Coconuts
Kiwis to Coconuts
February 3, 2020

Well, assuming Trump ever wanted to do such a thing to begin with, which I doubt… but if he did, then the neocons already grew a replacement from a pod in the CIA’s basement and the real Trump is long gone.

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