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Why Was David Icke Booted From YouTube?

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

David Icke had around 900 thousand subscribers to his YouTube channel. At the beginning of this month it was shut down and all his videos deleted. The story was reported worldwide including by his local press. The closure of his YouTube account followed similar action by Facebook.

If your information about David Icke comes only from the mainstream media, don’t believe a word: he is no anti-Semite, no hate preacher, and no madman. Rather, he means well but is extremely gullible, one of those people who believes the government always lies to us, so any information that comes from official sources is not merely suspect but wrong. Additionally, he has been taken in by all manner of cranks and whackos; unlike Shaun Attwood, he actually believes these people when they tell us the Illuminati is plotting to take over the world, and that a Satanic conspiracy operated in Hampstead where babies were ritually sacrificed at the local McDonald’s. Also, like most of these people, if he does any research at all, it is from all the wrong sources.

Primarily, David Icke is a modern mystic, and should always be viewed as such. His journey down that road began with a quest for pain relief. As a teenager he showed promise as a soccer player, but he was one of those unfortunate people who develop rheumatism at an early age.  His short-lived goalkeeping career was followed not unnaturally by a stint as a sports journalist, but by the early 1990s he had discovered the New Age, and there was no turning back.

At one point in his new career, Icke endorsed the Protocols Of Zion, which led to his being denounced hysterically as an anti-Semite. In reality, although the Protocols was used and continues to be used by anti-Semites, it isn’t an anti-Semitic document, rather it is a mystical one. It doesn’t take an anti-Semite to believe King Solomon sat down with the Elders of Zion in 929BC to plot the conquest of the Universe by sending the Symbolic Snake of Judaism through the world’s great cities, only an idiot.

Over the years, a number of powerful Jewish organisations have campaigned against Icke, including the Anti-Defamation League that has branded him both an anti-Semite and a conspiracy theorist. If you haven’t heard of the ADL, it is one of the few organisations that had the temerity to condone both the Gaza Massacre of 2008-2009 and the Flotilla Massacre of 2010; the latter saw ten men including an American citizen murdered in cold blood by the Israeli Defense Forces.

As far as Mr Icke being a conspiracy theorist, we are currently witnessing the unveiling of the most outrageous conspiracy in American history, one that saw the three top men at the CIA, FBI and NSA acting in concert with many others, including members of the Obama Administration to exonerate Hillary Clinton for espionage and frame the incoming later sitting President as a Russian puppet. In this day and age it is those who don’t believe in conspiracy theories who need a reality check.

Where Icke goes wrong in the conspiracy stakes is in assuming there is a network controlled by a hub. The sad truth is that there is no one in control, and the drive towards a world dictatorship coupled with mass subversion of individual rights comes from many directions.

In spite of his fallacious ideas, Icke was tolerated until he started making ill-informed pronouncements on the coronavirus. You can find several videos of him on BitChute. His claim that the coronavirus doesn’t actually exist is absurd, but as many medical professionals have pointed out, this sort of ill-informed commentary can have disastrous effects, and in this connection we can look to China for a parallel. Since 1999, the Chinese Government has suppressed the Falun Gong movement, at times quite ruthlessly. Its practitioners claim it is not simply a harmless pastime but a beneficial one, a form of Tai Chi. The Chinese Government takes an entirely different view; it considers Falun Gong to be a dangerous cult that encourages people to neglect medical treatment. The clampdown may be over the top, but here is the view of one Westerner who came into contact with it.

By the same token, the suppression of David Icke by the two largest Western websites may be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but it may also prevent him from putting insane ideas into the heads of  equally unthinking people. As he had been warned repeatedly about posting this sort of nonsense, he has only himself to blame.

While the Chinese Government has almost certainly been less than candid about the coronavirus, medical opinion is clearly divided and is likely to remain so for some considerable time. While we will have to tolerate intelligent, informed speculation about it, ill-informed or simply scurrilous speculation by cranks cannot help and may do a great deal of harm. David Icke should stick to commenting on things he does understand, in particular, the corrupt, debt-based financial system.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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May 5, 2020

Icke got banned for telling the truth.

May 5, 2020

So The Duran now advocates for censorship?

Reply to  Arthur
May 5, 2020

been deleting comments for a while, nothing new

Ave Milagrosa
Ave Milagrosa
May 5, 2020

The author is severly misinformed about the Hampstead child abuse case. Ella Draper passed a polygraph examination and her children were found with extensive anal bruising, bruising that the boy could not account for in his eventual “retraction”. As for “where babies were ritually sacrificed at the local McDonald’s”, this too is mistaken. To the best of my recollection, most of the abuse was claimed to have taken place in the school, not at Mcdonald’s. Now, when it comes to “ill-informed pronouncements on the coronavirus” there’s plenty of that going about, but Icke himself is obviously no virologist nor epidemiologist.… Read more »

Jake Olivier
Jake Olivier
Reply to  Ave Milagrosa
May 5, 2020

Completely agree with the above assessment of David mate. I don’t have that much knowledge on the actual Hampstead happening/s, but on Icke himself as well as your thoughts on the virus and his subsequent gathering of credible information which presents an alternative view to the mass produced opinions we are expected to “must believe” I feel very comfortable in believing. And you don’t sound at all like an idiot as the author advises you “must be” in order to believe what David Icke shares with us. I must admit that it is quite a handy “reason” to delete everything… Read more »

Ave Milagrosa
Ave Milagrosa
Reply to  Jake Olivier
May 7, 2020

@Jake Olivier. re: Hampstead case. Below is a compilation of police interviews with Gabriel. It’s pretty long, and if you just want the gist of it, i’d suggest watching from about 30 mins to 1 hr. 30 mins. You can judge for yourself whether the kid is telling the truth. Sadly, “TheDarkMan” appears to be one of these individuals who must always be right no matter what. That is why he doubles down on his delusional claims whenever they are questioned. Unfortunately, paedophilia and instrumentalised political paedophilia are an integral part of elite politics. After Jimmy Savile, i seriously question… Read more »

Jake Olivier
Jake Olivier
Reply to  Ave Milagrosa
May 7, 2020

Thanks Ave. Appreciate this and will have a go at it during the course of the day. Keep looking into anything that triggers that very reliable instinct within you when it indicates that something just isn’t quite right with what you are being fed. I find it’s a very reliable mental mechanism and has yet to fail me. As soon as this virus and its manifestations of absolute insanity blew up that trigger went off. Cool day further.

Reply to  TheDarkMan
May 6, 2020

@ TheDarkMan.
You stated, “Yes, the boy did have anal scarring; this can happen in many ways.”

You are obviously an expert on anal matters, so please enlighten us as to how a young boy can be injured in such a way.

Reply to  Ave Milagrosa
May 6, 2020

Very well said, thank you. Had I read your response first, I would have had no need for mine. Sorry. I didn’t check first. Great job. This guy, The Darkman, is really in the dark.

Conor Hanley
Conor Hanley
May 5, 2020

Suppose that has to mean the Lizard People must exist and control the world as I hadn’t realised talking bullcrap wasn’t allowed …half the world goes silent

Jake Olivier
Jake Olivier
Reply to  Conor Hanley
May 5, 2020

I don’t agree on every point with anyone within whom I find reason to believe in. That certainly does not mean that I have not listened, and validated, many things David Icke has spoken of. Those points I can’t wrap myself around I would leave for another day. The ones that overwhelm me with credibility however I strongly support. And there are many things on this earth taken for “fact” by millions, or billions, without a shred of proof and no one calls the Christians, Muslims or believers of any faith whacks, nutjobs or idiots believing in bullcrap, your word,… Read more »

Reply to  Jake Olivier
May 5, 2020

There are some good points made here. I have friends who believe the ghosts of their family members waft about in clouds which pass through walls and windows and leave scents which identify them. At home, we make joke about what they have been smoking, but never put them down for this. They remain good friends.

Steve Brown
Steve Brown
May 5, 2020

Hopefully most people who view Icke’s work come to their own conclusions. It seems the ability to think critically in conjunction with a sense of humor died a long time ago (for most folks) long before this crazy contagion took hold.

By the way ‘conspiracy’ is a principle in law… meaning two or more people planning or committing a crime. Period, full stop. I can think of one religion – catholicism – which apparently considers human life itself to be a conspiracy.

May 5, 2020

I am surprised that The Duran has taken this position. So, it is alright to tell people only what you want them to hear, anything else is dangerous. Is there no respect for people, can people not be left to access alternative views and make up their own minds (oh sorry, that would be too dangerous, better to allow access only to what we want people to think, right)?. Sorry, I do not agree. Today Icke, tomorrow The Duran. What will the commentary be like then? I am not surprised that David was shut down, what does surprise me is… Read more »

Jake Olivier
Jake Olivier
Reply to  Nick
May 7, 2020

Completely agree with you Nick. Especially the fact that David was bound to be shut down. However it’s only when anyone becomes a threat to the mass media narrative, usually believed by those either too lazy to look into anything themselves in order to justify or add any credibility to it or, and sorry about this, stupid and gullible enough to believe it. Mainstream Media has been proven unreliable and often downright incredibly ridiculous and frequently as outright liars creating news instead of reporting the news… So when David comes along and gathers an ever increasing group of supporters of… Read more »

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
May 5, 2020

so nice to hear from God sometimes – no opinions that icke ‘might’ be wrong, but by golly, he IS wrong!!! – kind of sad to see this kind of crap on Duran

May 5, 2020

It seems TheDarkMAN just wrote an opinion piece, no different from western media’s so-called journalism. Why did the Duran post this BS?

May 5, 2020

I love The Duran for its intelligent analysis and its broad opinion of what is news worthy. I have casually been aware of David Icke, his talks, thoughts and rantings. I do not go along with a lot of what he states, but I have found over the course of the last 30 years that some of what he has stated has indeed come to pass and, some ideas that seemed ludicrous to me 20 years ago, seem quite plausible now. Thus I read your article with great interest but you seem to have given away more about yourself than… Read more »

Marc L
Marc L
May 5, 2020

The only working definition of freedom, is freedom to express unpopular ideas. Internet censorship by all the digital dictatorship engines is evil. Period. I don’t know much about David Icke. I’ve seen a few things. What I saw was certainly interesting. But that’s irrelevant. In this era of lunatic hysteria, false flag operations, wars on phony pretexts, people need access to whatever information they wish. It’s up to the viewer to due his own due diligence. Nobody deserves being muzzled and their content destroyed. It’s the same thing as book burning.

T W Huning
T W Huning
May 6, 2020

The protocols of the learned elders of Zion are genuine, but they didn’t come from Soloman. They were formulated in the nineteenth century.

T W Huning
T W Huning
May 6, 2020

David Icke speaks in a very convincing manner, causing many to believe the outlandish things he says.

George Hartwell
May 6, 2020

WE live in a time of matrix weaving. Those that control the media create the matrix and defend those who oppose with fines and silence those with platforms that differ from “WHO policy.” What is very very clear is that the red pill crew who follow cutting edge alternative media don’t even take a bite of bullcrap even if the main writer in the platform is serving it up as credible. The unanimous reaction of our comment section to dump overboard this particular load of matrix crapshoot is very encouraging. I down vote and at least 7 did before me.… Read more »

May 6, 2020

It saddened me quite deeply to read this article by “The Darkman” on The Duran. Hurling accusations at Mr. Icke, without demonstrating precisely where he went wrong is without merit. The Darkman says, “Where Icke goes wrong in the conspiracy stakes is in 𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 there is a network controlled by a hub. The sad truth is that there is no one in control,…” That is accusation number one that goes without support. He simply denies that Mr. Icke presents evidence for his position on this and subsequent assertions and then he has the temerity to assert that “…there is no… Read more »

Reply to  TheDarkMan
May 6, 2020

This is an ad hominem attack on Icke. He makes valid points on the virus and vaccines which you don’t address and for which he was censored.

Jake Olivier
Jake Olivier
Reply to  TheDarkMan
May 7, 2020

The only laughing stock here is you Bro. And I think we will be well served to continue ignoring you. But here, at lest, is some recognition for your incredible efforts dude. You should really start looking into every area and narrative with a hunger to dissect all sides of a subject or story instead of going at it with your preconceived and manufactured mindset. You can’t make an informed judgement without giving even the most ridiculous provider of information some thought. That’s why I still watch CNN, MSNBC and read articles in the NT Times, Washington Post, etc. Even… Read more »

May 6, 2020

I have followed David for a few years and in his early days almost everybody discarded him as a crazy conspiracy theorist. However, now that the vast majority of his warnings have indeed materialised, only those still mesmerised by the establishment media still discard him that way. Like any of us David is not perfect, but I trust him more than I do most, including the author of this Duran article based on this hit piece.

Joel Walbert
Joel Walbert
May 6, 2020

so don’t listen to the smear campaign by mainstream sources, listen to this smear campaign? What was the point of this article other than to trash the guy, with some postulating finally tucked in nicely at the end? Pathetic

Mia Peace
Mia Peace
May 6, 2020

“Where Icke goes wrong in the conspiracy stakes is in assuming there is a network controlled by a hub. The sad truth is that there is no one in control, and the drive towards a world dictatorship coupled with mass subversion of individual rights comes from many directions?”………..Really?…… and by what authority do you, Mr Darkman, (who fails to even put your name to your assertions), get to decide the “sad truth”… I dont agree with SOME of Icke’s assertions but I agree with much of what he has to say, much the same as I dont believe EVERYTHING the… Read more »

Jake Olivier
Jake Olivier
Reply to  TheDarkMan
May 7, 2020

Take it easy Mr Fawlty. We are all here to kick back and communicate our thoughts in a cool manner. If you feel someone has offended you or misinterpreted anything about you just ignore them. You don’t have to defend or justify anything about yourself.

May 6, 2020

Banning Icke and others like him is a sign of weakness, not strength.
If there is no place for eccentrics and oddballs in society, then the established crapitalist order is a house of cards that can be brought down by any naysayer willing to point out the emperor has no clothes.
These people are running scared.

lizzie dw
lizzie dw
May 6, 2020

I am sickened that David Ickes youtube has been shut down. It is an abuse of power; an insult to our freedom of speech, to our opinions. In our country people can believe what they want to believe, listen to what they want to listen to; talk about what they want to talk about. For an organisation that is quasi-public, that has been around for a while and which has on it some of the most inane, waste-of time-videos I have ever seen – for that to REMOVE a person’s opinions and thoughts – for what? Not to protect people;… Read more »

May 6, 2020

Interestingly Icke’s belief that corona virus does not exist may have some merit. The clue is in the testing and what went down prior to it. PCR was never meant for determining whether a specific virus caused illness. It can’t determine the viral load (there has to be a LOT of a particular virus present for illness to occur) of a specific virus. Prior to that Koch’s Postulates should have been followed to purify and isolate the strain. It hasn’t been done so what is it? Or is there an it? Fair question, not just asked by Icke but experts… Read more »

Dave Newman
Dave Newman
May 6, 2020

It’s a given that Icke can’t be believed on everything. In some ways he is a bit of a nutter. But so are his opponents. But I insist on the right to read his opinions to form my own assessment of what is going on.
The writer is clearly endorsing censorship, while pretending to be middle of the road.
Who is he? What’s his name? We know Icke’s name and credentials, why not his?

Elephant In The Room
Elephant In The Room
May 6, 2020

Its very simple. For starters let me say, I don’t agree with everyone Icke says, but nevertheless a lot of what he says is ether correct or near to the truth. The MSM targets Icke because there is 10-15% of what he says that is quite far out there, and this makes him easy to discredit to 95% of the population who are basically sheeple and believe what they are told. The sheeple are not critical thinkers and sceptics and so can’t be bothered to look at Icke’s work on a more objective level. The 2 components that currently make… Read more »

Truth seeker
Truth seeker
May 6, 2020

David just talks true stuff that you guys don’t have balls to even think about.

May 7, 2020

The only good thing from the article was that you pointed me to Bitchute where I found David’s channel. Other than that thanks for nothing.

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