
Why Trump Will Probably Win Re-Election

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at The Saker

Throughout this election-season in the United States, there have been many indications that the stupid voters who chose Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016 are doing it yet again and chose Joe Biden over Sanders, and that they thus handed Trump the victory in 2016 and are repeating that performance in 2020. A new poll shows it clearly.

Just like happened in 2016 when Democratic Party voters who were predominantly Blacks and/or seniors swallowed the propaganda-line from the billionaire-controlled ‘news’-media against the electability of Sanders, those voters have done it yet again and thus are re-electing Trump by having passed over the only candidate who could have beaten him: Sanders. (A 22 June 2016 Bloomberg News report right after Hillary had won the nomination headlined “Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won’t Support Clinton”. Of course, that was being reported too late for the voters to be able to do anything about it; and this is how the billionaires work.)

Unlike Biden and Hillary, who have had broad support but tepid support, Sanders has had support which is not only passionate but is also broader than does Trump. A close reading of all of the polls, both in 2016 and in 2020, indicates that the passion-factor is crucial to electoral victory (bringing a candidate’s voters to the polls, or “turnout”) but hasn’t been receiving the attention it deserves in the billionaires’ ‘news’-media; and, therefore, the stupidest voters haven’t even noticed it, but went instead for what they had been deceived to think ‘the more-electable’ candidates: Hillary in 2016, and Biden in 2020.

This fact is now receiving yet another powerful confirmation in an ABC News poll published on March 29th, headlined “Biden consolidates support, but trails badly in enthusiasm: Poll”.

It says:

strong enthusiasm for Biden among his supporters – at just 24% – is the lowest on record for a Democratic presidential candidate in 20 years of ABC/Post polls. More than twice as many of Trump’s supporters are highly enthusiastic about supporting him, 53%.

It’s even worse than it was for Clinton in 2016:

There’s déjà vu in these results: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton found herself in largely the same position four years ago. She, too, had a slim lead among Democrats for the nomination and ran essentially evenly with Trump among registered voters. And she lagged in enthusiasm, with a low of 32% very enthusiastic in September 2016. Biden is 8 points under that mark now.

Furthermore — and also confirming earlier polls —

Eighty-three percent of Democratic and Democratic-leaning seniors prefer Biden over Sanders, up 63 points from February; two-thirds of blacks say the same, a 34-point increase.

Eighty percent of Sanders backers say they’ll vote for Biden against Trump; as noted, 15% say they’d back Trump. (This is familiar: Twenty percent of Sanders supporters said they’d vote for Trump in spring 2016.)

How bad was it in 2016? It definitely accounted for Hillary’s losing to Trump in the three crucial states: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Although the early estimate that “Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won’t Support Clinton” turned out to have been an over-estimate, the final real figures still were quite substantial, and far more than accounted for Hillary’s losses in each one of those three crucial states. So: they’re doing it again. And maybe they’ll blame Russia, and blame Sanders, for it, like Hillary did in 2016. A con-job requires not just a deceiver but a believer. But to be conned repeatedly — that is plain stupid.

(The lying New York Times headlined misleadingly on 28 March 2017, “A 2016 Review: Turnout Wasn’t the Driver of Clinton’s Defeat”, and reported that, “it’s clear that large numbers of white, working-class voters shifted from the Democrats to Mr. Trump,” and hid the fact that, as McClatchy newspapers headlined on 1 May 2017, “Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost” and that this reason was that “Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost.” Those voters did “turn out,” but for Trump instead of for her — and, yet, the Times said it wasn’t a “Turnout” problem. Of course, they simply lied. This is how billionaire-controlled media deceive enough of the stupid in order to sway ‘elections’: they do it by misreporting the reality.)

The stupid never learn from prior experience, but only repeat prior experience. There is a difference between learning and repeating. Repeating can be done merely by memorizing, but learning requires real intelligence.

Those suckers chose the candidate they had been spoon-fed to misbelieve would have the higher likelihood of beating Trump — the propagandized lie (and it was a lie) being that Hillary (and now Biden) would be more electable than Sanders. This stupidity is the reason why Americans in the coming November 3rd election will be choosing between two candidates both of whom are — themselves — stupid, incompetent, and disastrous for everyone except perhaps their own billionaire sponsors, who had financed their campaigns.

The idiots want America to be run like a business, but the problem is that it already is. And to the stockholders in it (mainly the billionaires), their own benefits are vastly more important than the benefits to the public — the billionaires’ corporations’ employees and consumers — the taxpayers (other than themselves — if they even pay taxes, or at least taxes that are higher than the subsidies they receive from the government). Collectively, the billionaires get the government that they have bought, and everybody else gets the scraps that are left over. And this is how it happens.

What could turn things around for Biden? Over 100,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths could, even if Biden would have handled the crisis just as atrociously as Trump did. (Of course, Sanders wouldn’t have, but apparently he’s gone from the contest now.)


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Conor Hanley
Conor Hanley
March 30, 2020

Just follow the money and probably as far back as independance. Least before then you could blame the British.

John Ellis
John Ellis
March 30, 2020

“Stupid voters… the stupidest voters… The stupid never learn… These suckers… stupid, incompetent, and disastrous”

As the 50% working-poor never vote, as this allows the 25% most intelligent and wealthy to win all elections, the root cause for Empire USA can hardly be a lack of brains.

Zuesse, get your brains screwed on straight and come to a realization that the greater the intelligence, greater the wealth and the end result is pure greed. For all voters love to be rich and that is why everyone worships the rich.

Reply to  John Ellis
March 30, 2020

Your post lacks any sense of any kind,your one who does that fuzzy sort of math that the government is noted for,and he’s right its the stupid voters who keep putting stupid people into power, stupid is as stupid does and then run to do it allover again.!!r

Reply to  bluedogg
March 30, 2020

If the stupidity of the voting masses is the problem, then it seems reasonable to me that instead of spending our time whining and complaining about them, we should devote our time and resources to solving the problem. This means we would have to devise a way to apply “selective breeding” to humans, just as animal breeders do to dogs, horses, etc. Of course, opponents would throw pejoratives at us, since pejoratives work so well on the intellectually handicapped masses. But we can see right through them. I would describe this process as upgrading from Evolution 1.0 (random, haphazard breeding)… Read more »

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
March 31, 2020

RE: It’s not better genes

Everything; culture, sub-culture, psychopathy, intelligence, stupidity, empathy, peaceable, warlike, and gullibility et cetera are based on genes (DNA).

Better is subjective. A warlike person might regard the genetic predisposition of a peace-loving person as weak and inferior. A psychopath might regard an empathetic person as a gullible fool.

But better genes or worse genes, they certainly have different genes.

peter mcloughlin
March 30, 2020

Whoever sits in the White House from next year, which ever party, that president will have to heed the warnings of history, that pattern that keeps bringing us cyclically back to catastrophic global war.

Vera Gottlieb
Vera Gottlieb
March 30, 2020

It isn’t over until the fat lady has sung…and she hasn’t. Sanders might still surprise…with the help of COVID-19. Strange things do happen…

James Hunter
James Hunter
Reply to  Vera Gottlieb
March 30, 2020

I’m not a US citizen, Vera, but I SURE HOPE VERY, VERY MUCH that your prediction will happen for the sake of this planet. Make America GOOD AND HONEST again!

Reply to  James Hunter
March 30, 2020

Was the USA ever good or honest? Please inform us when this was.

March 30, 2020

All very well, but Biden is probably not going to the the candidate. The smart money’s on him just being a stalking horse who will drop out at the Convention making way for someone else. Of course, the silly Democrats could still blow it by selecting the appalling Hilary again. As for Trump, he must hope Covid 19 blows itself out well before then and the economy rebounds quickly ……

John Ellis
John Ellis
Reply to  ManintheMoon
March 31, 2020

The rich have always orchestrated their one-Party political
system in a way that best achieves socialism for the rich.

John Ellis
John Ellis
March 31, 2020

Eric Zuesse
“The super-rich hire experts so that they can exploit the stupidity of others —
and the super-rich don’t need to be intelligent in order to do that.”

As we are all born selfish, the term “stupid” is a measure of moral intelligence. A complete lack of wisdom actually, for the greater your intelligence the greater your wealth and the greater your ability to be stupid.

For wisdom is to be a pacifist vegetarian with a desire to own no more wealth than the poor.

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