
The Racist-Fascist-Imperialist — or ‘nazi’ —  Network That Enforces U.S. Foreign Policies

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

On March 16th, I emailed to the editor at a message that when I tried to see their, I got a notification that, “This site can’t be reached. Check if there is a typo in” This sort of thing (and similar lies falsely ‘explaining’ why the given site can’t be accessed) commonly happen with Web-pages that the U.S. Government wants Americans not to be able to see; so, I entered that URL into and and, because these three free Web-archiving services often can and will successfully copy and display Web-pages that the U.S. Government hides from the public. Unfortunately, however, none of the three Web-archiving services would copy that Web-page, but had already previously recorded it “36 times between June 1, 2022 and June 6, 2023.” (But, actually, only 9 of those ’36’ were real; the other attempts had failed.) And, thus, I was able to read there that U.S.-and-allied samizdat or Governmentally prohibited-to-see information.

Reading it makes clear why the U.S. regime hides it: that article documents and links to the evidence proving that the U.S. Government took up Hitler’s mantle of his Operation Barbarossa to conquer and absorb into its empire the world’s largest country, which then was the Soviet Union but starting in 1991 reduced itself down to only Russia, which still remains the world’s largest country — and which the U.S. Government secretly started instructing its ‘allies’ on 24 February 1990 that the U.S. side would secretly continue the Cold War against, even after the Soviet Union and its communism and its Warsaw Pact mirror to America’s NATO anti-Russian military alliance, all would soon end (in 1991). Continuing that war — continuing NATO — after Russia had already quit it, displays publicly the nazi-imperialist fundamental character of the U.S. Government (which that suppressed article documents).

Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa failed and so thoroughly destroyed the Nazi military machine as to win World War Two for The Allies (both FDR and Churchill acknowledged that Stalin and his forces had conquered Germany and thus saved the world from Nazism), but America’s anti-imperialist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tragically died on 12 April 1945, and his Vice President Harry Truman (who had been forced upon FDR by the Democratic Party’s megadonors) became the new President; and, on 25 July 1945, Truman accepted the advice from his personal hero General Dwight Eisenhower, and from England’s Winston Churchill, for the U.S. Government to create its own new empire, and for it to take control ultimately over the entire world. (That sparked the 45+ coups and 130+ U.S. military invasions since then.) Eisenhower’s argument for this was that if the U.S. wouldn’t, then the Soviet Union would; and, so, on that date, 25 July 1945, the Cold War started. On that date, the dispute that Truman had with Stalin was about Truman’s demand for the U.S. Government to be granted veto power over anything that the Soviet Union would do within its newly acquired lands conquered from Hitler, such as Poland, Ukraine, and Czechoslovakia. Stalin rejected that demand, just like Truman would have rejected a similar demand if Stalin were to have demanded to be granted veto power over what Truman would do within France, Belgium, etc. — and Stalin made no such demand but Truman did. And that (that disagreement — Stalin’s refusal to become just another U.S. stooge ‘leader’) is what created the Cold War. Stalin rejected Truman’s imperialistic demand. Right from that day on, the U.S. Government demanded rights in lands that the Soviet Union had conquered from Hitler, whereas the Soviet Union made no such demand over lands that America had conquered from Hitler. History records that the CIA and the U.S. Defense Department were created two years later, in 1947; but, actually, the key decision which was the foundation to all U.S. foreign policies after FDR’s death, was that one, on 25 July 1945 — for the U.S. to take control ultimately over the entire world. (Today, it’s called “neoconservatism.”) And that was what led to the creation in 1949 of America’s NATO military alliance against the Soviet Union, which the Soviet Union then responded to by forming in 1955 its own Warsaw Pact military alliance against NATO. The aggression was entirely by the U.S. regime against the Soviet Union; none was aggression by the Soviet Union against America, but the U.S. regime and its colonies lied to the exact contrary. They baldfacedly lie about history.

Yet another crucial article in order to understand today’s U.S.A. is Matthew Ehret’s 16 March 2024 blockbuster, “Finland and Sweden Revive a Fascist Tradition by Joining NATO”, which is loaded with shocking facts about not only the U.S. regime but also the ones in both Finland and Sweden — such as: Did you know that the aristocracies in both of those countries were strongly pro-Nazi when Hitler was in power, and that Finland’s Air Force didn’t remove the swastika as its official symbol until 2020? So: now both of those nations are no longer secretly, but instead publicly, allied with the U.S. regime and its racist-fascist-imperialistic — that is, nazi — military alliance NATO, in its Operation Barbarossa #2 campaign to conquer Russia. Russia sets down red lines to preserve its sovereignty over Russia, and the nazi nations go as close to them as possible short of absolutely forcing Russia into a nuclear war in order for Russia to protect its sovereignty over Russia. If Russia were to have done to Mexico what America did to Ukraine, then WW3 would already have happened, but the rulers of America, America’s billionaires, have the gall to do this to Russia (and to accuse Russia as being the aggressor — which America so clearly is), and Russia might not tolerate this for much longer.

If U.S.-and-allied publics knew the truth, there would be revolutions throughout The West. Maybe that’s why they don’t know about it. But, if they won’t know about it, then are we heading for a nuclear war between The West and Russia; or, maybe, between The West and China (which must protect its sovereignty over its province of Taiwan); or, maybe, between The West and both Russia and China? Perhaps a revolution or two within The West would stave off those far-bloodier outcomes, WW3. If nothing is done to terminate our Government’s being controlled by our billionaires, we’ll go over the cliff, into WW3, because that’s where we are clearly heading, and have been heading ever since 25 July 1945, with our billionaires controlling our Governments — the publics in these countries being merely passive and deceived subjects, not real citizens in a Government that they themselves actually control — not being citizens of an actual democracy. The destination will be either WW3 or else the termination and replacement of these aristocracies by authentic democracies. It will be either the one, or else the other. And we are, by now, near the cliff (as each of the two main articles that have been linked-to here have documented). (The second of those two, the article by Ehret, opens with a video interview of him, and I especially recommend 33:00 to 36:00 in that interview, where he succinctly summarizes the close relationship between the von Rosen aristocratic family in Sweden and both Goering and Hitler, and tells how a recent book in Sweden that revealed all of this, became outlawed in Sweden, so that all copies of it had to be destroyed. Yet it all is true. That’s a ‘democracy’? Well, now it is officially in NATO.)


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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March 17, 2024

I get paid over $190 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 15k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless .Heres what i have been doing…

Last edited 1 month ago by LillyGreenwood
March 17, 2024

The Talmudic Network That Enforces U.S. Foreign Policies. 

Reply to  Crass
March 17, 2024

One sentence that sums it up succintly. Without an endless parade of pejoratives.

Reply to  Crass
March 17, 2024

Herr Zuesse appears to think that if you call people enough names (pejoratives) they will mend their (psychopathic) ways and become nice decent people.

Reply to  Crass
March 18, 2024

“The talmudic network, filled to the brim with single passport holding americans who represent by and far the largest percentage of players in this game, that enforces US foreign policies.” fify. Not that I agree with the statement anyway. It’s the US military who enforces US foreign policies, as attested by the estimated 25 million folks killed by them since WW2. Sure, you can say the Jews told them, fooled them, or payed them to. In a court of law though, this does not dismiss culpability of the millions of Americans who played along willingly and filled their coffers with… Read more »

Reply to  Ayumu
March 18, 2024

Uh no. You confuse Jews with people who have morality.

Jews have no morality, they only worship Power, Money and Israel.

By your logic, you can blame all Russians for the Mass Murders of the Jewish Bolsheviks or the Chinese for the Mass Murders of Mao or the English for their Mass Murders on almost every Country they tries to occupy until they were kicked out.

Reply to  Tim
March 18, 2024

“By your logic, you can blame all Russians for the Mass Murders of the Jewish Bolsheviks or the Chinese for the Mass Murders of Mao or the English for their Mass Murders on almost every Country they tries to occupy until they were kicked out.” At what point did I blame every person within the group? A major point of my comment was regarding blaming a whole group for the acts of some of them! But somehow you turn it around and blame me for what I”m railing against, then you do exactly what you’re accusing me of by blaming… Read more »

Reply to  Ayumu
March 18, 2024

Mayer Amschel Rothschild “Give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes the laws“.

This is the essence of The Talmudic network, who prints the US Dollar from their Jewish controlled US Federal Reserve private bank. 

March 17, 2024

Eric Zuesse, it’s YOU that doesn’t know the Truth and you continue to post your ridiculous opinion on the United States that has no basis in reality. A.M. and A.C. continue to allow Eric Zuesse to post here because he’s either related to one of them, or they do it for comic relief. “anti-imperialist President Franklin Delano Roosevelt” Huh!! Wut?!?! Roosevelt was the biggest imperialist in the World !!  Eric Zuesse continues to demonstrate his complete ignorance of America, American History and American Culture. Oh, and the World is “saved from Nazism”, a system that brought Germany out of… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Tim
Reply to  Eric Zuesse
March 17, 2024

Did or did not his Administration cook up the war with Japan?
Did or did not he and his partner in crime Winston Churchill intervene in Polish/German affairs to turn it into WWIII?

As Judge Judy would say, simple yes or no answers will do.

Reply to  Eric Zuesse
March 17, 2024

I should have requested an honest answer. That would have put you between a rock and a hard place. “No” indeed. You’ve already admitted in the past that the answer was yes, so now we have to throw out consistency as well.

But I understand. No need to explain. If you can’t fight them, join them. Don’t fight City Hall. So my questions were not really for you. They were for perspicacious observers seeking the truth.

Reply to  Tim
March 17, 2024

Roosevelt was the biggest imperialist in the World !!

Absolutely, as were his two tyrannical partners in crime, the homosexual alcoholic Winston Churchill and the diabolical tyrant Joseph Stalin, who were all sock-puppets for the tribe of bankers, who own the Federal reserve private bank. 

Last edited 1 month ago by Crass
Reply to  Tim
March 17, 2024

“…the World gets Jewish Zionism (Sodomy, Same Sex Marriage, Transgenderism, Negro worship, perpetual War, usury/inflation, open borders ect). Yes, thankfully we have jewish zionism ( NeoConservatism ) as opposed to Nazism.”

Excellent post! 

Hopefully, you will wake up more people and save their souls, from the Talmudic evil that has been unleashed on this world. 
I seriously doubt that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, were anywhere near as degenerate, as todays world is, after it has been corrupted by Talmudic evil. 

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