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Social Isolation: Killing Elderly

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Social Isolation: Killing Elderly. On May 20 in an inspiring commentary, titled, “End New York City’s Lockdown Now!” David Marcus put pressure that the lockdowns are murdering New York.

It should be liftoff right away. “It needs to end. now.” But what of the elders, the main casualties of the pandemic, what hope should we have? Marcus says in one sentence: The elders are living in isolation.

I know Marcus needs the best for America’s elders. No, we can not keep them in isolation.

Continuous isolation is dangerous. It is a method of torture. A punishment is forced upon the most. It is against human laws and its cruel.

“I am a bad and deserted animal,” says Mary Shelley’s. When deserted turned into monsters. “I look around and I have no relations or friends on the earth.” So, the animals take revenge by killing his friends and family. Turning into a being just like him, cruel, and monster. By throwing him into absolute loneliness.

Is endless isolation is the last hope for our friends and family?

One can understand the virus’s effects. Coming in contact with the infection is killing our elders. Cuomo’s mishandling of nursing homes tells something else.

It strictly binds us. Isolation may save our elders from death by COVID. It will cause huge suffering It increases early death by 30 percent. It is similar in causing damage like alcohol addiction or smoking 15 cigarettes.

Depression doesn’t kill you. It weakens the immune system, leaving one vulnerable to disease. It builds blood pressure. Putting one in danger of a heart attack.

Health Issues

It causes brain damage. Increases the chances of dementia. As Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults sums up, social distancing is remarkably dangerous. Like any other widespread medical issue, we face today.

This should not surprise us. For it strikes against the core of who we are. A long time ago, the scientist thought about our natural fellowship. So watching it, called us political creatures.(Social Isolation: Killing Elderly)

Accomplishment of Motivation

Due to the accomplishment of our motivation—for us to live, purposeful, and act together. To settle down upon common grounds.

From a scientist’s point of view, this is not the result of an early stage arrangement. People meet up to safeguard themselves and their privileges.

We struggle in the public arena. The scientist watches, and we struggle when are alone. That is why isolation is extreme punishment. This is the reason it can not possibly be viewed as a solution to the issues during the pandemic.

Keeping in mind, we should keep them away from the infection.

Quick testing machines (Social Isolation: Killing Elderly)

The only way to break the isolation is quick testing. Quick testing machines should be introduced as early as possible to control the situation. These machines should be installed at all facilities whether big or small including public places as well.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Sue Rarick
June 6, 2020

As a 73 year old gal, I do wish you would stop using us. Urban people tend to see the world from an urban perspective. I lived a healthy active life until I was 69 when I had 3 major illnesses including lung cancer. That said they caught that in it’s infancy and went gonzo drastic to the point I didn’t even need chemo, But, it did mean the loss of 1/2 a lung. I mention this only to show I am part of the, if she gets the sniffles she’s gonna die crowd. Reality is that we live on… Read more »

June 6, 2020

Our “facilities” especially in retirement communities is entirely disrespectul of the person in custody and the family who are prevented from visiting them. Confining them to one room is inhuman.

janet merryweather
janet merryweather
June 6, 2020

The only way to break the isolation is quick testing. Quick testing machines should be introduced as early as possible to control the situation. These machines should be installed at all facilities whether big or small including public places as well.
the test are problematic
the lockdown is inhuman
there is no pandemic

June 6, 2020

Excuse my ignorance but I thought one of the goals of the scamdemic was to get rid of the ‘useless eaters’ as 90-something Henry Kissenger called the elderly. If their health were the priority it is supposed to be, why were sick patients shoved off into care homes? Why were healthy elderly people told to ‘self-isolate’, knowing they’d die of despair and sorrow? Why are people in care homes hassled into signing DNR notices? Why do they offer flu vaccines in these places when they know that the toxic ingredients have laid low many a younger, healthier person?   So… Read more »

Olivia Kroth
June 7, 2020

Whether elderly or young, when people have a hobby like painting, writing, handicrafts, meditation, they can make use of their time at home to be creative. Creativity helps to overcome the feeling of isolation. Being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely. On the contrary, being alone furthers introspection and finding oneself, the core of one’s identity and being.

Reply to  Olivia Kroth
June 7, 2020

Sounds lovely, Olivia, but many old people rely on their TV to give them information and they swallow the scare propaganda because that’s the way they’ve been raised; many don’t have never used the Internet. It is arrogant to imagine that they can spend their time painting or knitting happily seeking enlightenment when seeing and hugging their children and grandchildren is what they want. We are social beings and being stuck in maybe a grotty apartment is enough to make a saint go into a decline.

Olivia Kroth
Reply to  Diana
June 8, 2020

I did not want to sound arrogant, all I wanted to say is that elderly people are not as helpless as they are depicted in the above text. Also I think that not all elderly people are living in “grotty apartments”. Some have a nice flat or a nice house. Even a “grotty apartment” can be made up to look nice. I know a lot of elderly persons who are very intellectual and creative in various ways, often more so than younger people with less life experience. I find age not a threat at all but an enrichment. I wish… Read more »

Reply to  Olivia Kroth
June 8, 2020

Well life is fine here because the Swiss are not so mad as the Brits but there are still plenty of sheeple around.   Yes, some people do live in decent places, but there are many who don’t, young and old alike. It’s rather like the presenters on Radio 3 talking about the ducks on the pond in their garden. Bully for them but I’ve seen the slums in Glasgow and they are not pleasant places, certainly not places to be stuck. People are social animals and not only do they need contact with others, they need to get out… Read more »

Olivia Kroth
Reply to  Diana
June 8, 2020

I agree with every point you say. Nevertheless, I do not think that “victimizing” elderly people is helpful. Better to keep a positive attitude. Some elderly people have survived wars, and they will survive confinement, too. I bet that some of the younger generation are not such tough survivors.

Eva Williams
June 18, 2020

It sounds very bad and many people in the comments think positively and it is commendable. But older people usually do not see beyond the TV. Communication on the streets with your friends and family is all that they have. Many unfortunately do not appreciate their old moms and dads, although it would be worth it. They do not pay due attention to them, especially in such periods when it is necessary to distract a person until some kind of crisis has occurred, and I am sure they have experienced many crises in their life. Appreciate your loved ones and… Read more »

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