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Ron Paul: Warmongers Upset With Trump’s Syria Decision

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Via Zerohedge

President Trump shocked Washington this morning when he Tweeted confirmation of rumors that he would order the removal of US troops from Syria. According to his spokesperson, the order has already been given. The neocons are not happy, with Sen. Lindsey Graham Tweeting that removing troops is an “Obama-like” move. Will Trump’s own staff rebel? What about the fine print? Are we really leaving?

One thing is for sure, the hawks are having a meltdown..

Ron Paul on Twitter: “Warmongers Upset With Trump’s Syria Decision.Don’t Buckle Mr. President. / Twitter”

Warmongers Upset With Trump’s Syria Decision.Don’t Buckle Mr. President.

* * *

As a case in point, Josh Rogin at the Washington Post ranted Trump undermines his entire national security team on Syria. And CNN emphasized as part of a “hard news” report that Trump has supposedly handed Syria over to Iran and Russia.

According to Rogin:

Trump appears to be discarding his entire Syria and Iran strategy at a single stroke, giving up any and all U.S. influence in the region — and disregarding the advice of his top national security officials.

If he follows through, writes Rogin, there will follow “devastating and dangerous consequences for the United States.” And further: “Trump is now contradicting what all of his other top national security officials have been telling the world for months,” says Rogin. So the President of the United States can’t make a command decision without a nod from the ‘deep state’?

Meanwhile the CFR talking heads note Trump has “overruled” the “other voices”…

Carl Bildt on Twitter: “This is a dramatic U-turn in US policies in the region. President Trump has overruled other voices in Washington. / Twitter”

This is a dramatic U-turn in US policies in the region. President Trump has overruled other voices in Washington.

Early reports suggest the troops could be home for Christmas after Trump has declared victory over ISIS, with one Pentagon official giving Reuters a 60 to 100 day timeline for troop withdrawal, and the same report noting the U.S. State Department is evacuating all its personnel in Syria within 24 hours.

America’s Syrian Kurdish partners on the ground are said to be “shocked” and scared, given that Turkey is poised to immediately invade. However, US “options” are aptly summarized in the following recent intelligence study“The prospect of US being militarily involved in Syria, caught in middle of one of most complex conflicts in recent memory, with shifting objectives & ambiguous endgame, has been met with congressional indifference and public apathy.” 

Yet the usual hawks and pundits act as if the sky is falling, as Eric Jones, a former US Army soldier and Afghan war combat veteran rightly puts it:

To interventionists, the US military is used as a strategic fire-and-forget weapon: deploy forces somewhere, then react hysterically to an impending apocalypse when someone calls for the troops to be withdrawn. Both parties are addicted to military force as a first and only foreign policy option.

And further on Wednesday’s surprise Syria decision out of the White House, Jones slams the commentariat current gnashing their teeth over Trump’s draw down:

It is always enjoyable to see people who cannot be bothered to pay attention to the longest war in US history, Afghanistan, suddenly jump to provide their uninformed opinions on military deployments way back in the civilian rear when it comes to demanding US forces fight in Syria.

As Ron Paul is now urging in the wake the announcement… “don’t Buckle Mr. President”!


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Olivia Kroth
December 21, 2018

US warmongers needn’t worry. They will never die out in the USA. This breed is perpetuating itself forever.

Shaun Ramewe
Shaun Ramewe
December 21, 2018

Boohoohohohaha – and same to sneaky loser-liar Zio-Swamp war-criminal Chump for having to wear the shame with his pretend victory as the world laughs.

Sally Snyder
Sally Snyder
December 21, 2018

As shown in this article, the United States exported a near record amount of weapons to foreign nations in fiscal 2018:

Despite the withdrawal from Syria, warmongers in Washington still have plenty of potential war to make them happy.

December 21, 2018

I expect that tRump will get cancer soon. Straight up assassination would cause too much upheaval.

December 21, 2018

US will always find some war to fight & if they dont they will cause one.

December 21, 2018

It’s all about Israel….Israel will not grow if it doesn’t have the Wahhabi Sharia Law radicals chasing them (making refugees from Sharia) from their homes. Read the Oded Yinon plan to see how these serial wars are used to grow Israel population and expand settlements.

Not a darn thing in the ME threatens real US citizens or the US homeland….it’s all for growing Israel…probably $14T of the $21T US debt is these forever Israel wars. Israel will fight to the last American. The debt will be on the US citizens credit card.

December 21, 2018

I oppose most war and am a regular reader of Ron Paul. I’m permanently banned at RT, RI, Zerohedge and most of US MSM because I speak out (usually in line with RP). RI uses Disqus (which is Jewish ran) and I got into it with Baughman when he was seeking funds making false claims that he was paying authors, when I knew for a fact he was NOT. Disagreeing or bringing outright lies to public attention is not allowed by the deep state (even at sites you think would be like minded). If you think you know the real… Read more »

Reply to  Tjoe
December 22, 2018

Sad to hear that about Disqus. Someone said RT’s comments are also monitored by the same ilk, and they do tend to erase a lot of comments. That’s a shame because I like RT’s reporting.
You are right: the ME wars have all been about Greater Israel. I think most folk with an IQ above 70 are aware of this now. One just has to hope that there’s a way to claw back.

Reply to  HelenB
December 22, 2018

Here are the comments that RT told me got me permanently banned. Of course without context, they may not make much sense, but….

“I offered 50/1 odds that the Dotard in Chief would get anything accomplished….looks like I’m winning.:

“Israel said to…read the Oded Yinon plan. Murder, steal land and get stupid US to pay for it.”

“Trump won’t be putting tariffs on the China crap he and his family sell at 20x it’s cost in the USA….conflict of interest much?”

Yes…these comments got me permanently banned at RT (per RT). First comment is about NKorea.

December 23, 2018

Its not hard to see that anyone with an IQ above room temperature, withdrawing US troups from the ME is extremely difficult to do, given the absolute opposition by the majority of the Washington elite. Trump will face some backlash here no question,but despite his bluster and lies about defeating DAESH ,its a good move for all involved. I hope he sticks to his plan. His failure to do so will be the end of his presidency ,he knows this,but his giant ego should keep him resolute on this. Let the generals all decry this move ,which is to be… Read more »

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