
Reports: Bitcoin Funded Crocus City Hall Gunmen

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

First, an Oxford article on bitcoin in Russia:

The Oxford University article states that:

The prevalence of crypto in Russia, however, is not necessarily due to the population’s openness to innovation. It is rather a symptom of the country’s monetary volatility, as many people have experienced at least once in their lifetime a wipe-out of their savings – either during the skyrocketing inflation in the 1990s or during the ruble plummet which followed international sanctions after the Crimea crisis.

Well, many US Americans, Brits and others in the west have been “wiped-out” financially too, or nearly so… whether by the City of London 1987 FTSE crash; or the dot com bubble bust of 2000; or the US financial collapse of 2008-2009, and now with the ‘Biden price hikes’ due to ‘funding’ the wars his folks and MIC around him propagate, and the galloping inflation with regard to debasement of the fiat “by-decree” MMT $ US.

These periodic western financial ‘wipe-outs’ constitute one reason for armies of desperate homeless to be roaming the streets of dilapidated, crumbling and rat-infested US cities, with hundreds of thousands of migrants from all over the world clamoring for the “safety” of the world’s reserve currency, namely the $ US. ($ US being the reserve currency for now.)

With regard to the Crocus Hall attacks, it is reported that bitcoin was used, at least in part, to fund the attacks by four Tajik gunmen working in Russia.

Now, a Tajikistan online bourse link for crypto: (not a recommendation!)

…and crypto in the Ukraine:

As I wrote in 2021 about the *CIA’s Bitcoin Heist*, when the Karzai regime collapsed in Afghanistan, I could not reveal the name of the central banker that I am personally acquainted with, who personally witnessed the theft and informed me of it. (By naming the banker, he would be in fear for his life from the brutal western Secret Services.)

And today, few believe me when I write that the CIA is in part funding the Kiev regime with fiat-derivative bitcoin (BTC). One clue here is to simply observe how BTC trades, since the recent failure of the Congress of the former United States to provide more US taxpayer billions to the corrupt Kiev regime:

Bitcoin Price

What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a form of electronic cash which can be spent peer-to-peer. It was launched in 2009 by an anonymous person or group known as Satoshi Nakomoto, pioneering a new technology called blockchain technology.

For the purpose of this article, I will postulate that bitcoin, to some extent, maintains Zelensky’s brutal US-proxy regime power.

And while bitcoin is scrubbed from the detail in this Moscow Times article on how the Tajik terrorists (who attacked Crocus Hall) were funded, it is claimed by Russian Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin that the financier of the attack is now in detention.

According to The Moscow Times (a western-sympathetic publication):

Russia’s Investigative Committee claimed Thursday that it had obtained “verifiable information that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack received significant amounts of money and cryptocurrency, which were used in preparing the crime, from Ukraine.”  

(According to interrogation of the Tajik terrorists, the crypto used was Bitcoin.)

To address the point: bitcoin can be traced. And will be. [1]

In major cases of crypto fraud and criminality, such as the Silk Road, Colonial Pipeline Affair, the Razzle Khan scam, Mount Gox and the Fried-Bankman affair, large crypto transactions were traced by the FBI and contract agencies, in order to reimburse some victims, at least in part. [Even funds stolen by the relatively small-time crypto criminal Gerald Cotten and his henchmen were traced by Canadian authorities, and in some cases the victims reimbursed, although the bulk of the Cotten-swindled crypto funds were lost.]

Now, the gunmen as interrogated by Russian authorities, claimed that they received payment for the Crocus City Hall attack in part by crypto, via bitcoin. And the Russian investigator Chairman Alexander Bastrykin has stated that the financier of the terror attack is in custody, however the name of the financier has not yet been revealed. With the little I know about how such a situation might develop, my hunch is that the Russian authorities will withhold the details until an appropriate moment when the western collective and US State Department is caught-out again in another lying moment.

Because it’s clear that the US authorities know far more about how this attack developed, how it was financed, how it was organized, and who or whom the planners were, than the United States will reveal. See:

For now, the world is on the precipice of World War 3. The danger here is nearly analogous to the world political situation just prior to the onset of first world war, in 1914, in terms of belligerence and provocation. Right now, instead of the assassination of a head of state, we have a brutal terror attack, apparently undertaken in the same spirit of provocation.

The inevitable question is… what does the Western Collective stand to gain from its continual predilection for war and conflict, over many decades? Especially now, with the west’s hatred and provocation to a major nuclear power. Why? MIC profits for Bezos and Gates? The Vanguard Group and BlackRock receive a boost on Wall Street?

The irony is, like bitcoin, the western cabal’s “money” is not money at all, but a synthetic electronic derivative, which only has value based on the “trust” placed in it. And yet trust in the West is as debased and as phony as the debased currency that the west manufactures.

By intentionally provoking world war, via terror attacks and public lies, we understand that the criminal western political/ financial cartel and its henchmen must be stopped. As such, we have not yet seen full details of the Crocus Hall attack and the evidence. But unlike the US destruction of NordStream 2, this time Russia is holding the cards, to be revealed.

When revealed, the stupidity and sheer folly of western methods will be clear.  With an ultimate question. Again, why are “western leaders” so stupid? How can such a powerful global cartel be so intentionally misguided, and why?  Well, the truth is already out there for the world to see. And the rest of the world must act appropriately to throttle western terror and duplicity, and its evident desire to foment World War Three.

[1] Tracing bitcoin transactions: Note that some crypto currencies are tougher to trace, for example monero and bitcoin cash (BCH)

Steve Brown


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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March 31, 2024

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Last edited 1 month ago by LillyGreenwood

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