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Mike Bloomberg is paying & paving the way for Hillary Clinton (Video)

The Duran Quick Take: Episode 475.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the obvious theater of Mike Bloomberg’s Democratic presidential campaign, and how his massive spend is meant to pave the way for another screwing of Bernie Sanders, and a second Hillary Clinton run against Trump during a brokered convention in Milwaukee.

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Mike Bloomberg is paying & paving the way for Hillary Clinton by The Duran

The Duran Quick Take: Episode 475. The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the obvious theater of Mike Bloomberg’s Democratic presidential campaign, and how his massive spend is meant to pave the way for another screwing of Bernie Sanders, and a second Hillary Clinton run against Trump during a brokered convention in Milwaukee.

Via Gold Goats ‘N Guns…

It’s been obvious to me since he declared that Mike Bloomberg is not a serious candidate for the Democratic nomination. He is everything the Democratic base doesn’t want — white, billionaire, oligarch, Wall St. 0.000001%’er.

Oh, and until just a couple of years ago, he was a Republican. Billionaires like Bloomberg change parties to where ever they see their money will go the farthest.

Right now, that is the quickly fracturing Democrats, who are staring at a revolt to Bernie Sanders that doesn’t sit with Wall St. at all.

It’s also obvious that Bloomberg is animated by personal animus towards Donald Trump that I suspect is as much about Mike’s ego as it is his desire to protect Wall St. from having any of its dirty laundry aired during a Trump 2nd term.

Because with the failure to convict Trump in the Senate those that were behind that coup attempt are now uniquely exposed to his retribution. And that trail of tears for all involved leads right back up to Hillary Clinton’s poisoned garden of a 2016 presidential bid.

With the Democratic presidential field a uniquely inept mix of the hopeless and insane Bloomberg using saturation advertising to buy himself wins in delegate-rich red states with weak Democratic parties like North Carolina, Florida and Texas is a good strategy, if he was interested in winning.

But he’s not. He’s running to clear the field for Hillary.

Because the fight over these early states are as much about splitting the delegate count as possible, to strip Bernie Sanders of his chance at the nomination. Hillary is still angry at Bernie for challenging her in 2016.

She still wants another chance to fulfill her life’s ambition and if she can screw over all the men that she feels denied her that then it will be all the sweeter when it happens.

Because, honestly, Bloomberg isn’t interested in being president anymore than I am. He’s 78. He’s not campaigning. What he’s doing is a pantomime of a campaign covering for a very sophisticated form of campaign finance evasion.

And he’s doing it to figure out what is necessary for a ‘centrist’ Democratic candidate to say (and where) to steal electoral college votes from Donald Trump in November.

Bloomberg is spending this money today knowing that a targeted campaign which can figure out how to undermine Trump where he is strong can shift the map enough to sneak out a victory.

So Mike will spend more than $1 billion as an in-kind contribution to the DNC in the form of campaign advertising to get this done.

Because, let’s get serious here for a second. None of the candidates, including Bernie Sanders, has a hope in hell of beating Trump this fall. Any mistakes Trump’s made dwarf the basic message that he believes in the U.S. in a way that is genuine, even that vision of America is flawed.

The wizards at the DNC know this. Impeachment was their last real hope. That’s why it was rushed through and so shoddily done, they didn’t have anything substantive. And all it did was cement Trump’s base to him more thoroughly than it was before.

Their best shot is running a moderate who can out-Trump Trump on the issues and raise a ton of money along the way for 2024 while retaining some control over the party proper.

The intention is to hoover up delegates, confound the map and throw up roadblocks to Bernie. This paves the way for Hillary’s emergence at a brokered convention to hand her the rematch she, Wall St. and the DNC want.

The messaging has already begun. Drudge ‘broke’ the story the other day about Bloomberg being open to Hillary as his running mate. Oh please! It’s the other way around.

And I’ve been running that story since October. Tulsi Gabbard unmasked Hillary’s manipulating events no-to-subtlety.

It’s clear the DNC want Hillary and another beta-male, Pete Buttigieg, as her running mate.

So, less than 48 hours after Drudge ‘breaks’ this story, video of Bloomberg just happens to show up and go viral showing him saying disparaging things about farmers and metalworkers.

To top it off, he wants to save healthcare by letting old people die.

We all know Mike hates poor people. He’s a geezer auditioning for the top job in the U.S. who hates old people. He’s a thorough authoritarian and corporatist whose disdain for the plebiscite is palpable.

Nothing says U.S. Presidential material like the blatant disregard for human suffering. On second thought, maybe Mike is the perfect candidate?

All of this was known before, so why these things now?

These videos and quotes are out there to undermine him, casting him in the role of the out-of-touch oligarch.

This is designed to outrage the Deplorables. It’s designed to put a cap on Mike’s likability. It gives Hillary a wedge to drive in and say, “No, Mike you can be MY running mate!”

Mike Bloomberg: billionaire, entrepreneur, media mogul, three-time Mayor of New York, bond vigilante… beta-cuck.

So thoroughly Hillary.

This way, he can have his turn as the front-runner, rising far enough on his money to earn some delegates and ensure a brokered convention. Then hand them to Hillary as a gracious peace offering.

This is about manufacturing Hillary as the unity candidate of a failing Democratic Party while sidelining Bernie in the process. That’s the game plan folks.

It’s not tough, honestly.

If it wasn’t all so painfully obvious it would almost be clever. But it’s not because these people simply don’t understand why no one likes them.

Because they suck.

Bloomberg, Hillary, Biden, Warren, Buttigieg, Booker, Harris and the rest of the crazies, including Bernie, they all suck. Bernie may be honest that he’s a Commie, but that’s what makes him un-electable, if a little more likable.

And for 2020, the DNC would rather roll the dice with two-time loser Hillary, ensuring a candidate acceptable to Wall St. wins, than put Bernie up as the nominee.

Because no matter what happens the Democrats become the Commie and Crazy-Cat Lady party with Bernie as the nominee. And that creates a clear delineation between them and the Republicans.

But, that’s the worst possible result. Because, the most important thing to Bloomberg, Hillary and those they represent is that the illusion of choice between globalist dirtbags remains in place. This is the true face of Democracy in the U.S.

That’s the key to understanding the game he and Hillary are playing.

And once you see that for what it is there’s no unseeing it.

If Bernie sees it clearly, then he will take his Bros, extend his hand to Gabbard and run an independent campaign to split the Blue Wall and destroy these people for real.

If he doesn’t then he’s the same feckless schmuck I pegged him to be in 2016.

Either way, this is now Hillary’s nomination and Bloomberg is the latest goat on its way to her altar.

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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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February 20, 2020

Dead on, I have been saying Hillary would be the 2020 DNC candidate for close to a year now, not that you need a crystal ball, its obvious. But how on earth can the DNC see Hillary as a stronger candidate now than she was in 2016?

Reply to  oldandjaded
February 20, 2020

That one made her a TWO TIME loser to-boot. Perhaps the dumb & dumber Demo-rats think that the third time will be a charm? I personally can’t think of anyone more hated in the dirt that they call United States politics than this vile & evil hag.

February 20, 2020

FWIW, I think Sanders is the one DEM candidate (other than Gabbard, who really isn’t in the running) that has a meaningful chance against Trump in 2020, but he cannot succeed fronting a party that is determined to sabotage him. Even in the unlikely event that he did secure the nomination, and the party somehow swung behind him, Trump can and will use that animosity to exploit the fractures in a Sanders led democratic party in a presidential race. The dems have been savage in their attacks on Bernie, and its very much in the public record, it doesn’t just… Read more »

February 20, 2020

“Using money to deprive the American people of a real choice”
Good GOD, just what do they think the CFR has been doing since the late seventies??!!! And Bernie does understand it, he is a sheepdog. There couldn’t be any doubt left after the 2016 DNC.

February 20, 2020

The New York City mayoral election of 2001 was held on November 6, 2001. Incumbent Republican mayor Rudy Giuliani could not run again due to term limits. As Democrats outnumbered Republicans by a five-to-one margin in the city, it was widely believed that a Democrat would succeed him in City Hall. Businessman Michael Bloomberg, a lifelong Democrat, changed his party affiliation and ran as a Republican. Mark J. Green narrowly defeated Fernando Ferrer in the Democratic primary, surviving a negative contest that divided the party and consumed the vast majority of the Green campaign’s financial resources. After a campaign that… Read more »

February 20, 2020

Bloomberg ran as a republican to keep Mark Green from becoming Major of New York. Bloomberg is a lifelong democrat.

Political Shape Shifter Party
Political Shape Shifter Party
Reply to  Pindos
February 20, 2020

He’s one of them tha’r neocon chameleons. They carry around lapel buttons from both parties, ready to swap out at the slightest shift in the wind.

Reply to  Political Shape Shifter Party
February 21, 2020

And a so-called “centrist” democrat is completely indistinguishable from a right-republican, on either policy, or who funds their campaign. They are quite literally, mutually interchangeable, and that IS NOT an accident. Trump actually ran left of Clinton on foreign policy, which is why the deep state went apoplectic when she lost.

February 20, 2020

Her curlers are amazing. They can slither their way into the tiniest crevices, like an octopussy’s.comment image

Reply to  Goldfinger
February 21, 2020

Shouldn’t there be a warning posted for small children to leave the room here?

Reply to  PG13
March 2, 2020

Teach them early what evil looks like. Woman set up hubby President with Monica honey trap and then relished in his public humiliation. Who couldn’t predict his public denials? The scandal covered for a silent coup that put “a plan to attack 7 countries in 5 years” at the top of the Pentagone. The NEOCON’s and the patsy’s gave us the tower demolitions and look who was the NY Senator – oh my….another link to making that “pearl harbor event” that kicked off the wars on terror….by creating and supplying terrorists in those 7 countries. The devil offered her to… Read more »

Oh my
Oh my
February 21, 2020

Give it to Mikey. He’ll eat anything,…… even Hillary’s old stale fig newtons.

T W Huning
T W Huning
February 22, 2020

massive spending, not massive spend !

T W Huning
T W Huning
February 22, 2020

if he were interested in winning

T W Huning
T W Huning
February 22, 2020

The Russian meddling lie has already been rebooted.

John Ellis
John Ellis
February 22, 2020

The 25% most wealthy keep the laboring-class enslaved as the 50% working-poor,
causing the poor to refuse to vote,
causing the 25% most wealthy to win all elections.

John Ellis
John Ellis
February 22, 2020

Trump is a populist, Bernie is a populist and unless someone more popular comes along, either Trump or Bernie will win the White House depending on which is the most popular.

Is the US ready for ‘saint’ Pete to be president? This is the wrong question. [Video]

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