in ,

Big Rus Missile Strike; Advances; Lavrov West Desperate; Duma Rus Wants Kiev Regime Change; Yanukovich Return

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The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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May 26, 2024

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Last edited 21 days ago by LillyGreenwood
Terry R
Terry R
May 26, 2024

As far as Russian retaliation is concerned, a Kinzhal missile or two delivered from a Mig -31 in Syria onto the US enclave of Al Tanf should show the US that Russia means business.

Reply to  Terry R
May 26, 2024

Followed by a grinning, Slavic : “We didn’ do nuffink!” Which roughly translated would sound like this: “A cho!?”

May 26, 2024
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I recall that Putin’s actions saved Yanukovich’s life subsequent to the illegal coup when he was fleeing from pursuit by goons sent by the Kiev Junta (or CIA) that wanted him dead. Besides his legitimacy as the last constitutionally elected president and previous broad support among Ukrainians, if he were reinstalled he would be beholden to Russia to implement favorable policies and to suppress Western malign influences. He would also be in a position to enable a war crimes tribunal to eliminate the neo-nazi organizations. Seemingly, an ideal solution.

May 27, 2024

The US/EU/UK are literally insane, – it is an evil ruler who is willing to burn down his own country to achieve his objective – while the adults try to steer the world into a soft landing.
Thank God for Putin and Xi.

Trump, No CBDC. Drone hits Russia nuclear radar. $320M pier breaks. Elensky, victim dictates terms

The newly elected leader of Taiwan says he’s the only legitimate ruler over all of China.