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Paul Craig Roberts: Is America Finished?

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts:

The refusal of the Democratic Party and the military/security complex to accept the results of the 2016 US presidential election and the misuse of their positions of power to prevent Donald Trump from exercising presidential powers is a revolutionary step, well described by Angelo Codevilla here:

Americans are now so polarized that they “no longer share basic sympathies and trust, because they no longer regard each other as worthy of equal consideration.” Codevilla blames the progressives and their attitude of moral superiority, but his explanation is independent of who is to blame. I blame both sides. The Constitution and our civil liberties took a major hit from the “conservative” Republican regime of George W. Bush.

The consequence has been to weaponize government for use against the domestic adversary. In other words, unity has departed us. The absence of unity makes it easy for the ruling oligarchy to achieve its material interests at the expense of the welfare of the American people. Indeed, it is amazing to find progressives aligned with the military/security complex to block Trump from normalizing relations with Russia.

The provocations of Russia, which have been ongoing since the Clinton regime, have reached unprecedented levels under the neoconservative regimes of Obama and Trump. The conflict that has been orchestrated is good for the $1,000 billion annual budget of the military/security complex at the cost of maximizing the chance of nuclear war. The demonizations of Russia, Putin, China, and Iran are so extreme as to have convinced Russia and China that Washington intends war.

For Russia, Trump’s withdrawal from the intermediate range missile treaty (INF) confirms that an attack on Russia is being prepared. Intermediate range missiles cannot reach the US. The treaty gave safety to Russia and Europe, which is why Washington’s claim that Russia is violating the treaty is absurd. The only reason for Washington to withdraw from the treaty is to be able to place intermediate range nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders that would substantially increase the likelihood of success of a US first strike against Russia.

This apparently is not clear to the American people, media, and Congress, but it is clear to the Russians.

Mikhail Gorbachev, who negotiated the INF Treaty with President Reagan, stated the war threat succintly: “It looks as if the world is preparing for war.”

It is also very clear to the Russian government. A top official, Andrei Belousov, declared: “Yes, Russia is preparing for war, I have confirmed it. We are preparing to defend our homeland, our territorial integrity, our principles, our values, our people – we are preparing for such a war.”

Putin himself finally found tough words. A country that attacks Russia will be obliterated, “will die like dogs,” and “go to Hell.”

As demonization of Russia is part of the Democrats’ demonization of Trump—“Putin stooge,” “Putin agent,” or, in the words of former CIA Director John Brennan, “traitor”—the American people are too disunited to take a stand against conflict with Russia that serves the agendas of the military/security complex and the neoconservatives’ ideology of US world hegemony.

As it is impossible for Russia to accept US intermediate range nuclear missiles on Russia’s border, war is close at hand.

China also sees war on the horizon. China’s president has ordered the military to “prepare for war.”

The recklessly irresponsible policy of the US government toward Russia and China is leading to nuclear war.

Perhaps the European governments, Washington’s compliant stooges, will finally wake up and refuse to participate in Washington’s orchestrated conflict. If not, the Doomsday Clock will have to be moved to one second before doom.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Bob Valdez
Bob Valdez
October 31, 2018

For once, PCR, I totally agree with you. War is coming.

October 31, 2018

What a bunch of BS… Wake up, its Russia that is acting stupid and paying the price for not following the established order. Get inline Russia or perish!

Reply to  MIke
October 31, 2018

More lying Bs! How much do you get paid for posting this absurd nonsense?
The anti Russian trolls are out in force on the Duran and other websites. Obviously, their masters don’t want the truth coming out.

Reply to  Joe
November 1, 2018

Gotta be satire Joe .

October 31, 2018

“Provocations against Russia” would be better phrasing.

Reply to  Fred
November 2, 2018

Corrrect. Very mis-leading syntax from PCR. Unusual.

October 31, 2018

We have already begun to see the consequences of this change of position of the US in the Russian announcement that it will shoot down any US surveillance aircraft that it believes is coordinating a drone attack on its naval or air force bases in Syria. I have no doubt that this represents a major assertive escalation for Putin, who is now convinced that the US only understands and responds to direct and effective military threat. Unfortunately, I believe he is correct about that. I say unfortunately, because it represents a dangerous escalation toward war.

Reply to  JNDillard
November 1, 2018

I do believe that it is the only language they understand .Brutal force if need be , as they use it par excellence .
Let there be no misunderstandings , they can shoot first but they will miss and it will be their last shot. I am not usually for militaristic jargon but insanity must indeed stop or we all perish.

October 31, 2018

Has been for a while……

Steve Hayes
October 31, 2018

The current situation is very reminiscent of the situation prior to the First World War. The build up of tensions and alliances meant that a relatively minor act resulted in a conflagration that no one wanted but no one felt able to stop.

Reply to  Steve Hayes
October 31, 2018

That can be said for the start of WW2 also. “All Wars Are Banker’s Wars” – youtube

Louis Robert
Louis Robert
November 1, 2018

It’s long been coming, long been predicted. This is the Empire’s total war for the preservation of world hegemony, primarily against both Russia and China, all the way to their respective borders. Permanent baseless, absurd accusations and arbitrary sanctions, constant demonization, perpetual hostility, provocation, aggression and acts of war… are all leading inexorably to that nuclear war the Empire has so long kept on begging for. After President Putin having required Russian industries be ready to become part of a war economy, Russia has now officially announced it is preparing for war. China’s President Xi Jinping has asked Chinese armed… Read more »

Vivian Tzamis
Vivian Tzamis
November 1, 2018

Pulp fiction….US doesn’t need to be on Russia’s doorstep to obliterate it…all this posturing is to keep the masses off-balance while the Globalists continue to plunder the world. Has any world power left the Middle East or Africa… now they have moved into Central Asia while Russia and China do nothing… why… becos everyone is in on it… they are all sharing in the massive plundering of world resources with no respect for nation sovereignty….until Putin makes a move and gets rid of the Russian Mafia and dis-arms Israel… the show will go on

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