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Trump in bizarre threat to nations who trade with North Korea

Trump’s threat to stop trading with ALL NATIONS who do business with the DPRK is foolish, aggressive, unrealistic and potentially damaging to the US economy.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

Donald Trump’s Tweets have been dominated by North Korea ever since Pyongyang sucessfully tested what the goernment claims was a domestically produced hydrogen bomb.

Below are today’s Trump Tweets on the subject:

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: “North Korea has conducted a major Nuclear Test. Their words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States….. / Twitter”

North Korea has conducted a major Nuclear Test. Their words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States…..

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: “..North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China, which is trying to help but with little success. / Twitter”

North Korea is a rogue nation which has become a great threat and embarrassment to China, which is trying to help but with little success.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: “South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they only understand one thing! / Twitter”

South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they only understand one thing!

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: “I will be meeting General Kelly, General Mattis and other military leaders at the White House to discuss North Korea. Thank you. / Twitter”

I will be meeting General Kelly, General Mattis and other military leaders at the White House to discuss North Korea. Thank you.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: “The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea. / Twitter”

The United States is considering, in addition to other options, stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea.

Apart from the par for the course insults to China and threats of military action, the most strange Tweet was the one in which the US President threatened to cease trading with any country doing business with North Korea.

While North Korea conducts little business with the outside world by contemporary standards, a great number of nations do in fact conduct legal business with the DPRK on a frequent basis. This includes many US allies.

North Korea’s most prominent import partners include:

1. China

2. India

3. Russia

4. Thailand

5. Philippines

North Korea’s most sizeable export partners include:

1. China

2. India

3. Pakistan

4. Burkina Faso

Other countries with business relations with North Korea include but are not limited to: Egypt, Sweden, France, Peru, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Ukraine, Syria, South Africa, Ecuador, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Poland, the EU as a whole (including Britain) and many others.

As things stand, were the United States to stop trading with the aforementioned countries, the US would be ceasing trade with some of the most prominent economies in the world.

Clearly, the idea is for America to effectively bully other nations into ceasing their business dealings with North Korea in order to preserve their import and export relations with the US government and US business.

Such a tactic is not only unwise but it is patently aggressive and largely unrealistic. While the UN Security Council has spoken in a unified voice on sanctions, Russia and China have both come out in opposition to further unilateral sanctions passed by the United States.

Russia has likewise repeatedly stated that attempting to starve North Korea into submission is an American plan that Russia would never endorse. The same applies to China.

If Trump were however to instruct the US Treasury Department to try and implement such a threat, America would effectively be using sovereign economic blackmail to ideally (from Trump’s perspective) starve North Korea or otherwise to punish countries which do  business North Korea, something which depending on which countries wouldn’t respond to the blackmail, could possibly destroy the US economy in respect of both imports and exports. This is especially true when one considers that countries with powerful economies like China do not respond well to blackmail and are economically diverse enough not to require total reliance on any one country, no matter how large.

Furthermore, in ‘starving’ North Korea, it would be less of a starvation into submission than a starvation into a desperate state where using nuclear weapons would ultimately be more likely in respect of Pyongyang.

While Trump’s statement is technically unofficial, it does speak to the important differences between geo-politics and domestic business ventures. The great economies of the world aren’t a cement company from New York…some of them even have nuclear weapons, including the countries that do the highest levels of business with North Korea.


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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September 3, 2017

Then he could start by cutting of trade with Ukraine – where it seems those rocket parts came from, not to mention the suspiciously Soviet style design of their H-bomb. 😉
But no doubt the US will be more worried about the coal, oil and wheat/rice trade partners of NK.

September 3, 2017

By choosing this moron USAdists overdid themselves. I thought it is nearly impossible to choose someone more retarded then Mr. Dubya or servile then Mr. Banana. But USAdists achieved it. USAdistia is land of achievers. You tell me they could choose evil Hitlery too. You know what, when I think about USAdistia there is one verse that comes to my mind.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

And this moron is the best USAdistia could give.Well then.

Rastislav Veľká Morava
Rastislav Veľká Morava
Reply to  Avramijevdan
September 3, 2017

Please worry about the Greater Sweden Morons were you live, and the Serbian Government of Vucic/Brnabic Morons where you claim to originate from.

The lesser neutered Trump Moron is the last of your worries.

Wayne Blow
Wayne Blow
September 3, 2017

What a goddamned arrogant moron, please go to hell, idiot!!!

September 3, 2017

Bizarre … stop trading with China!!?? That would be a bit messy for both the US and China. It’s nearly impossible, so wondering about what harm might come to the US economy is silly. It is not happening.

Wayne Blow
Wayne Blow
Reply to  stevek9
September 4, 2017

That arrogant moron is an jdiot!!!

September 3, 2017

What a GREAT idea!
No more phücking stinking Yankee chlorine chickens for us! YAY!

September 3, 2017

Trump is also threatening to pull out of NAFTA, which would sabotage US trade with two of its most important partners. So what is going on here? Are these all just excuses to build a wall around the USA – “Fortress America”?? To what benefit, and for whom?? Almost all American businesses will suffer if he does this, won’t they? So who wins?

Reply to  Shannon
September 3, 2017

in order to get to the new world order america must be destroyed

louis robert
louis robert
Reply to  javier
September 4, 2017

The self-destructive Empire is taking care of that… and winning … 1- nil!

Reply to  Shannon
September 4, 2017

And a walled off USA would be a detriment to the rest of the world in what way???

September 3, 2017

I’ve said it a dozen times before, and I’ll say it again: Boycott Brand America. Boycott the Aggressors, Boycott the Criminals, Boycott the Banks, Boycott Hollywood, Boycott the MSM (Mainstream Media), Boycott the Multinationals, Boycott those who disregard International Law, Boycott those who make chemical weapons, BOYCOTT THE LIERS. It’s not hard people. Just make a decision. Do you approve of the manner in which Rogue Countries are operating, or do you object? If you object, then make a decision. Make the decision when you goto the shops or buy on the internet; make the decision to look closely at… Read more »

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
Reply to  Trauma2000
September 4, 2017

No longer ‘Boycott’. QUARANTINE

Wayne Blow
Wayne Blow
Reply to  Trauma2000
September 4, 2017

I have been boycotting USA for some 3 years now since Maidan and Odessa, I used to spend lots in US, but no more for my custom fabrication shop!!!!! It takes a little longer to acquire some parts I need, but it’s okay!!! So you see I am with you, and it feels GOOD!!!!!

September 3, 2017

Reading Trump’s Twitters about NK, I seems to me that he has no idea what to do. It is actually a real complicated problem. Any military threat against NK will result in, at least, Seoul being destroyed. There is no escape from this fact. China and Russia should “convince” neighbor NK, not the US. That is the only reasonable way out. But at the same time the next losing-face fact for Washington. If you don’t have a clear foreign policy, except for throwing bombs everywhere, than better stay away from it.

Reply to  Cale
September 4, 2017

“China and Russia should “convince” neighbor NK, not the US” It is NOT for Russia and China to “convince” NK of ANYTHING. This is completely a US problem which IT has refused to address through peaceful means for over 50 YEARS. The US has LIED and REFUSED any peace initiatives offered by NK. It is for THE US to solve, every other country is paying the price for US imperialism and desires for war! China and Russia have put forth a peace plan rejected by….the US of course. The US DOES NOT WANT PEACE in NK, as it serves its… Read more »

September 4, 2017

And the rest of the world is like – go pound sand.

Franz Kafka
Franz Kafka
September 4, 2017

I see the immortal Slim Pickens ridin’ that mother of a rocket down to ‘hit them Russkies’.
Has Trump ever even seen a good movie?
The danger for the USA was always that it would actually become the cartoon universe portrayed in its CIA-controlled MSM.
Too late now!

Popart 2015
Popart 2015
September 4, 2017

Trump or Clinton only in America!

Reply to  Popart 2015
September 4, 2017

It’s like a rigged coin, tails we lose and heads we lose!

Daisy Adler
Daisy Adler
September 4, 2017

“The United States is considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea.”

I’d like to see that.

September 4, 2017

“Delusion 3: If the U.S. presses China hard enough, Beijing will solve the problem for us. – There is no combination of U.S. sanctions, threats, or pressures that will make Beijing take steps that are fundamentally contrary to China’s vital national security interests. (Here, the «vital national security» of China means just that, not the way U.S. policymakers routinely abuse the term to mean anything they don’t like even if it has nothing to do with American security, much less with America’s survival.) Aside from speculation (which is all it is) that China could seek to engineer an internal coup… Read more »

Davy de Verteuil
Davy de Verteuil
September 4, 2017

So the US intends to bully the rest of the class that refuses to jump on its side in bullying a Country which have never done a thing to the United States. North Korea is just supposed to forget this!

Reply to  Davy de Verteuil
September 4, 2017

This is why we need to Boycott Brand America…

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping pledge to deal with North Korea

BRICS Summit? What BRICS Summit, Kim just stole the show!