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Big Pharma Beware: Dr. Montagnier Shines New Light on COVID-19 and The Future of Medicine

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

From the Strategic Culture Foundation

This April 16th, Dr. Luc Montagnier became a household name around the world. This occurred as the controversial virologist decided to publicly state his support for the theory that Covid-19 is indeed a laboratory-generated creation and not a naturally occurring effect of viral evolution.

Referring to a study published at the Kusama School of Biology in New Dehli on January 31st, Montagnier (the 2008 Nobel Prize winner for his 1983 discovery of the HIV virus) made the point that the specific occurrence of HIV RNA viral segments spliced surgically within the COVID-19 genome could not have originated naturally and he described it in the following words:

“We have carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus. We weren’t the first, a group of Indian researchers tried to publish a study showing that the complete genome of this virus that has within the sequences of another virus: that of HIV.”

While the Indian team was induced to retract their publication under immense pressure from the mainstream medical establishment (which never bothered to seriously refute the content of the study’s research but rather used the “random-mutation-makes-anything-possible” argument), Montagnier stated “scientific truth always emerges”.

Not China: Montagnier Misdiagnoses the Culprit

Montagnier’s political ignorance became all too clear when he was asked who the culprit could possibly be.

By asserting his belief that China’s BSL4 lab in Wuhan was the source, Montagnier has fallen into a trap set by Anglo-American Intelligence circles which have been promoting a military confrontation between the USA and China for a very long time.

Now even though Montagnier denies that China released this virus with malicious intent (unlike many fanatical droves of neoconservatives currently itching for war), the “Wuhan Lab origin” hypothesis completely ignores the reality of the Pentagon’s globally extended 25 bioweapons laboratories which have openly created novel coronaviruses including varieties that arose in bats as journalist Whitney Webb’s remarkable February 2020 paper demonstrated.

Even though a 2014-2017 temporary ban on “dual-use” funding was imposed onto America’s bioweapons research, nothing prevented this work from occurring internationally or even covertly within the 11 military labs on American soil itself and tied to the same Fort Detrick that was shut down in July 2019 under suspicious circumstances. As I pointed out in my previous paper The Project for a New American Century, 9/11 and Bioweapons, over $50 billion has been spent on bioweapons research since 2001 which the Project for a New American Century manifesto claimed would play a major role in the arsenal of 21st century warfare stating:

“advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool”.

Luc Montagnier’s Wave Therapy: Quackery or Brilliance?

The most powerful aspect of Montagnier’s April 16th intervention into world politics in my view is not really found in his support for the laboratory-origins theory, but rather in the scientist’s often overlooked proposition for an international crash program in something called electromagnetic wave therapy. Rather than investing in vaccines, Montagnier has explained that it were much wiser for nations of the world to launch a crash project into a very different approach to viral treatments than is currently common in polite society saying:

“I think we can make interference waves which are behind the RNA sequences that can eliminate those sequences with waves and consequently stop the pandemic”

Before brushing this off as “quackery” as so many are wont to do, one should keep in mind that President Trump himself has indicated his interest in Montagnier’s approach in his April 23rd briefing telling reporters:

“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous … whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you are going to test it… And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you are going to test it.”

While Trump has been vilely attacked as “unscientific” for these utterances, it is only due to the vast ignorance of Montagnier’s incredible discoveries into the electromagnetic properties of life that such mockery can go unchallenged. Montagnier’s innovations into “bleaching therapy” which Trump referenced in the same speech are also much more complex than mainstream detractors assume and has nothing to do with simply “injecting”disinfectants into the blood stream. These therapies are highly interconnected with the electromagnetic waves emitted by certain types of bacteria which Montagnier has discovered to be the most likely driving mechanism to many of the diseases both chronic and acute plaguing humanity. More will be said on that below.

What is Optical Biophysics and What did Montagnier Discover?

Optical biophysics is the study of the electromagnetic properties of the physics of life. This means paying attention to the light emissions and absorption frequencies from cells, DNA, and molecules of organic matter, how these interface with water (making up over 75% of a human body) and moderated by the nested array of magnetic fields located on the quantum level and stretching up to the galactic level.

Not to discount the bio-chemical nature of life which is hegemonic in the health science realm, the optical biophysician asks: which of these is PRIMARY in growth, replication, and division of labor of individual cells or entire species of organisms? Is it the chemical attributes of living matter or the electromagnetic properties?

Let me explain the paradox a bit more.

There are approximately 40 trillion highly differentiated cells in the average human body, each performing very specific functions and requiring an immense field of coherence and intercommunication. Every second approximately 10 million of those cells die, to be replaced by 10 million new cells being born. Many of those cells are made up of bacteria, and much of the DNA and RNA within those cells is made up of viruses (mostly dormant), but which can be activated/deactivated by a variety of methods both chemical and electromagnetic.

Here’s the big question:

HOW might this complex system be maintained by chemical processes alone- either over the course of a day, month or an entire lifetime?

The simple physics of motion of enzymes which carry information in the body from one location to another simply doesn’t come close to accounting for the information coordination required among all parts. This is where Montagnier’s research comes in.

After winning the 2008 Nobel Prize, Dr. Montagnier published a revolutionary yet heretical 2010 paper called “DNA Waves and Water” which took the medical community by storm. In this paper, Montagnier demonstrated how low frequency electromagnetic radiation within the radio wave part of the spectrum was emitted from bacterial and viral DNA and how said light was able to both organize water and transmit information! The results of his experiments were showcased wonderfully in this 8 min  video:

Using a photo-amplifying device invented by Dr. Jacques Benveniste in the 1980s to capture the ultra low light emissions from cells, Montagnier filtered out all particles of bacterial DNA from a tube of water and discovered that the post-filtered solutions containing no material particles continued to emit ultra low frequency waves! This became more fascinating when Montagnier showed that under specific conditions of a 7 Hz background field (the same as the Schumann resonance which naturally occurs between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere), the non-emitting tube of water that had never received organic material could be induced to emit frequencies when placed in close proximity with the emitting tube! Even more interesting is that when base proteins, nucleotides and polymers (building blocks of DNA) were put into the pure water, near perfect clones of the original DNA were formed!

Dr. Montagnier and his team hypothesized that the only way for this to happen was if the DNA’s blueprint was somehow imprinted into the very structure of water itself resulting in a form of “water memory” that had earlier been pioneered by Jacques Benveniste, the results of which are showcased in this incredible 2014 documentary “Water Memory”.

Just as Benveniste suffered one of the most ugly witch hunts in modern times (led in large measure by Nature Magazine in 1988), Montagnier’s Nobel prize did not protect him from a similar fate as an international slander campaign has followed him over the past 10 years of his life. Nearly 40 Nobel prize winners have signed a petition denouncing Montagnier for his heresy and the great scientist was forced to even flee Europe to escape what he described as a culture of “intellectual terror”. In response to this slander, Montagnier stated to LaCroix magazine:  “I’m used to attacks from these academics who are just retired bureaucrats, closed off from all innovation. I have the scientific proofs of what I say”.

Describing the greatest challenges to advancing this research, Montagnier stated:

“We have chosen to work with the private sector because no funds could come from public institutions. The Benveniste case has made it so that anyone who takes an interest in the memory of water is considered… I mean it smells of sulphur. It’s Hell.”

Casting Montagnier’s Research in a New Light

In a 2011 interview, Dr. Montagnier recapitulated the consequences of his discoveries:

“The existence of a harmonic signal emanating from DNA can help to resolve long-standing questions about cell development, for example how the embryo is able to make its manifold transformations, as if guided by an external field. If DNA can communicate its essential information to water by radio frequency, then non-material structures will exist within the watery environment of the living organism, some of them hiding disease signals and others involved in the healthy development of the organism.”

With these insights in mind, Montagnier has discovered that many of the frequencies of EM emissions from a wide variety of microbial DNA is also found in the blood plasmas of patients suffering from influenza A, Hepatitis C, and even many neurological diseases not commonly thought of as bacteria-influenced such as Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumathoid Arthritis and Alzheimers. In recent years, Montagnier’s teams even found certain signals in the blood plasmas of people with autism and several varieties of cancers!

Over a dozen French doctors have taken Montagnier’s ideas seriously enough to prescribe antibiotics to treat autism over the course of six years and in opposition to conventional theories, have found that amidst 240 patients treated, 4 out of 5 saw their symptoms either dramatically regress or disappear completely!

These results imply again that certain hard-to-detect species of light emitting microbes are closer to the cause of these ills than the modern pharmaceutical industry would like to admit.

A New Domain of Thinking: Why Big Pharma Should Be Afraid

As the filmed 2014 experiment demonstrated, Montagnier went even further to demonstrate that the frequencies of wave emissions within a filtrate located in a French laboratory can be recorded and emailed to another laboratory in Italy where that same harmonic recording was infused into tubes of non-emitting water causing the Italian tubes to slowly begin emitting signals! These DNA frequencies were then able to structure the Italian water tubes from the parent source a thousand miles away resulting in a 98% exact DNA replica!

Standing as we are, on the cusp of so many exciting breakthroughs in medical science, we should ask: what could these results mean for the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industrial complex which relies on keeping the world locked into a practice of chemical drugs and vaccines?

Speaking to this point, Montagnier stated:

“The day that we admit that signals can have tangible effects, we will use them. From that moment on we will be able to treat patients with waves. Therefore it’s a new domain of medicine that people fear of course. Especially the pharmaceutical industry… one day we will be able to treat cancers using frequency waves.”

Montagnier’s friend and collaborator Marc Henry a professor of Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics at the University of Strasbourg stated:

“If we treat with frequencies and not with medicines it becomes extremely cost effective regarding the amount of money spent. We spend a lot of money to find the frequencies, but once they have been found, it costs nothing to treat.”

Whether produced in a lab as Montagnier asserts or having appeared naturally as Nature Magazine asserts, the fact remains that the current coronavirus pandemic has accelerated a collapse of the world financial system and forced the leaders of the world to discuss the reality of a needed new paradigm and new world economic order. Whether that new system will be driven by Pharmaceutical cartels, and sociopathic bankers running global health policy for a technocratic elite of social engineers or whether it will be driven by nation states shaping the terms of that new system around human needs, remains to be seen.

If nation states manage to stay in the driver’s seat of this new system, then it will have to be driven by certain fundamental principles of healthcare for all, science practice reform and broader political/economic reform whereby the sacredness of human life is placed above all considerations of monetary profit. In this light, such crash programs into long term projects in space science, asteroid defense, and Lunar/Mars development will be as necessary in the astrophysical domain as crash programs in fusion energy will be in the atomic domain. Uniting both worlds, is the domain of life sciences that intersects the electromagnetic properties of atoms, cells and DNA with the large scale electromagnetic properties of the Earth, Sun and galaxy as a whole.


The author gave a lecture on the future revolutions in optical biophysics which can be viewed here:


The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of this site. This site does not give financial, investment or medical advice.

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Craig Watson
May 1, 2020

Thanks for publishing such genius scientific research. This emerging field is also related to ongoing discussions as to the harmful effects of the 5G radiation. Once you study this 5G impact, you will understand why people are burning down 5G towers and why the USA released its covid-19 virus in Wuhan: The wave science discussed in this article relates to similar research going on with 5G impact on human health. Both positive and ground-breaking research fields should be given more press but instead, as indicated in this article, are demeaned instead due to the usual financial considerations, and… Read more »

Reply to  Craig Watson
May 2, 2020

Very well said.I don’t know much about the 5G that will be forced upon us ,but I will learn the implications of it as I have ordered a video series on same produced by people that are very knowledgeable on the matter .
I do have some knowledge on frequency therapies as I have researched the Royal Raymond Rife history ,his experiments and findings .Frequency does have an effect on matter ,living or not , as the shattered glass experiment proves.

Elephant In The Room
Elephant In The Room
May 1, 2020

Another jumbled and incoherent article….

What is it exactly that you are trying to say?

Reply to  Elephant In The Room
May 3, 2020

I believe the children are our are future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be Everybody searching for a hero People need someone to look up to I never found anyone who fulfill my needs A lonely place to be And so I learned to depend on me I decided long ago Never to walk in anyone’s shadows If I fail, if I succeed At least I’ll live as… Read more »

May 2, 2020

1920s into the 50s, Dr Royal Raymond Rife cured all disease with his Rife machine. He used specific frequencies to shatter viruses etc. A little research proves he did it, and world renowned physicians watched and participated in his cures. His optical microscope alone was beyond genius and brilliant, it was so advanced and so threatening in fact, it was destroyed by the deep state, AMA and Big Pharma. Cures have been available for a century, just not for you or I.

Reply to  Hawaiiguy
May 2, 2020

Thank you.I posted the info on Rife above ,prior to reading your comment .What you have posted is the truth but negated by the pharma mafia for monetary purposes , not health.

Lynda Brayer
Lynda Brayer
May 2, 2020

I have had treatment using kinesiology and the NAET system together with other methods. The healer is a qualified radiologist who started practising using this “voodoo” method after she healed herself of asthma. She identifies the presence of a fungi, or bacterium or a virus or a parasite using kinesiology as a diagnostic tool and having determined the “allergen” then has the patient hold a glass bottle with phials containing specimens of the “allergen” thus identifed. She hits the spine and the chakras for about 2 minutes and then sends the patient off to a hold the phials for about… Read more »

Reply to  Lynda Brayer
May 2, 2020

Yes,only somewhat though. Having researched Rife therapy and built a Bare Rife system I have come across kinesiology as a therapeutic tool though I have never researched it.
It could and probably is very much connected to what we should all know ,that all life is interconnected .We are just starting to really learn how to treat maladies .We just need to open our minds but always think critically .
Thank you for your comment.

May 2, 2020

There cannot be a “sequence of HIV virus” in the Covid19, as HIV virus just doesn’t exist.

May 2, 2020

The science community cannot do anything but shun the good doctor, because his work basically proves the mechanism behind homeopathy – in which a substance is diluted until the only thing that is left is its energy, its information. DNA is essentially a storage device for information, and with that RNA also. Scientists have been able to store a video on a strand of DNA and play it back to some extent. Still very early in that development but it has shown to be possible in principle and surely will be developed further. Will put the two videos on my… Read more »

Reply to  Clarity
May 2, 2020

Another very good comment as it relates to homeopathy .Bingo ! as the main stream medical science is busy demonizing it . Dr. Montagnier just blew them out of the water.LOL

Remi Lessore
Remi Lessore
May 2, 2020

Fascinating science. One niggle which may be more than that: “the “Wuhan Lab origin” hypothesis completely ignores the reality of the Pentagon’s globally extended 25 bioweapons laboratories which have openly created novel coronaviruses” It’s not necessarily either/or. There is some very dodgy stuff going on: France were highly implicated in the Wuhan labs: – which describes how they were set up as a collaboration with France, but that never worked, but they have kept ties…. (?) This is being completely ignored by the media and even by the all-too-ready to bash the French American press, though there may be… Read more »

May 2, 2020

Just for the record: French Nobel Price Montagnier accusations against China refuted Paris, April 18, 2020 (Nouvelle Solidarité) – Giving credit to the international war party’s insane drive for a confrontation with China, French Professor Luc Montagnier, the joint recipient of the 2008 Nobel Price for co-discovering of the HIV virus, put forward his controversial hypothesis on the origin of SARS-CoV-2. In an audio interview by a french medical website on April 16, and then during a TV interview the next day April 17 on CNEWS, Montagnier said that after having “delved into every detail of the sequence” of Covid-19,… Read more »

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  Karel VEREYCKEN
May 3, 2020

Just for the record; how does Professor Leiber fit in? And how do Fauci, Redfield, and Birx fit in given that Fauci personally ok’d at least $3.7 million in grant funds to the Wuhan level 4 bioweapons lab for “gain of function” work? And if we are to believe Yuan Zhiming, “an expert from WIV” that it is “absolutely impossible for the virus to have been leaked from the Wuhan institute”; then we can safely presume that the virus originated from another bioweapons lab, OR, it’s possible the virus was purposefully released from the Wuhan lab. Just for… Read more »

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  Karel VEREYCKEN
May 4, 2020

Just for the record; how does Professor Leiber fit in? Go to the U.S. Dept of Justice website and read: “Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases” issued January 28, 2020. And how do Fauci, Redfield, and Birx fit in given that Fauci personally ok’d at least $3.7 million in grant funds to the Wuhan level 4 bioweapons lab for “gain of function” work? Newsweek reported on this a few days ago. And if we are to believe Yuan Zhiming, “an expert from WIV” that it is “absolutely impossible for the virus to… Read more »

May 3, 2020

Really interesting research and article. It would seem that the memory of water will one day show how life arrived on this planet by means of water containing the memory of life and recreating it by means of electromagnetic waves. Hence the importance of the earths magnetic pole and electromagnetic field. That the order of the universe is replicated in every action by humans is easy to observe in the order of everyday life and nature: it always replicates the forms of the universe in the detail. There is no such thing as random order, but what we call random… Read more »

St. Longinus
St. Longinus
Reply to  Regula
May 4, 2020

If you’re not a reader of Miles Mathis, his work may interest you.

May 6, 2020

more of material science advancing to the point of proving traditional medicine. thanks for the contextual rundown on Montagnier

but please skip the conspiracy theory mumbo jumbo. China did it. don’t confuse disinformation for misinformation.

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